

company_name = TenneT BV
company_type = Government-owned limited liability company| foundation = 1998
location = Arnhem, Netherlands
key_people =
num_employees = 490 (2006)
revenue = 417.2 million euro (2006)
industry = utility
products = electricity, gas
homepage = [http://www.tennet.org/english/index.aspx www.tennet.org]

TenneT B.V. is the national Transmission System Operator of the Netherlands, headquartered in Arnhem. Controlled and owned by the Dutch government, it is responsible for overseeing the operation of the 380 and 220 kV high-voltage grid throughout the Netherlands and its interconnections with neighbouring countries. It is additionally responsible for the 150 kV grid in South Holland following a €249-million acquisition of the regional system operator Transportnet Zuid-Holland in 2003.citation
first = M. | last = Cohen
title = International Directory of Company Histories
volume = Volume 78
year = 2006
publisher = St. James Press
isbn = 978-1558625822

As of 2006, it operates 3,286 km of lines and cables at 150 kV and above, connecting at 51 high-voltage substations.citation
publisher = TenneT
title = Key figures
url = http://www.tennet.org/english/tennet/organisation/key_data.aspx
accessdate = 2008-02-08
] Peak demand for 2006 was 14,846 MW. TenneT declared a turnover of €417.2 million in 2006 with a workforce of 490 employees. The sole shareholder is the Dutch Ministry of Finance.


TenneT was formed in 1998 when the Dutch electricity industry was liberalised, and was incorporated as a business in 2001 with the passing of the Electricity Production Sector Transition Act. Its statutory tasks included management of the national transmission grid and maintaining the balance between electrical supply and demand.

TenneT moved beyond these regulated businesses in 2004 when it entered the gas market by acquiring EnergieKreuze, an online gas and power contract exchange market. In 2005 TenneT further expanded its operations, when together with the Belgian and French TSOs Elia and RTE and the APX and Powernext power exchanges, it formed the Belgian Power Exchange Belpex. This granted it a right to participate in the Belgian electricity market.

DC links

In 2006, TenneT entered into construction of the 700 MW NorNed undersea HVDC submarine power cable with the Norwegian transmission operator Statnett. Commercial operations of the link have been delayed by poor weather and a break in the cable, but eventually entered operation on the night of 6 May 2008. [citation
publisher = TenneT
title = NorNed: Progress
url = http://www.tennet.org/english/projects/norned_/voortgang.aspx
accessdate = 2008-02-12
] Connecting the Norwegian and Dutch grids at Feda and Eemshaven, the ±450 kV bipolar cable is, at 580 km, the longest undersea power line in the world. [citation
title = Closing the Baltic ring
journal = Modern Power Systems
date = 28 July 2006
url = http://www.modernpowersystems.com/story.asp?storyCode=2037834
] During the first two months of test operations, it generated approximately €50 million in revenue, greatly exceeding estimates, and recovering 12% of its cost of construction. [citation
title=World’s longest subsea high-voltage link opened
newspaper=The Norway Post
date=12 September 2008
accessdate=2 October 2008

TenneT has formed a joint venture with the British transmission operator National Grid for a 260-km 1000 MW DC link named BritNed between the Isle of Grain, Kent and Maasvlakte, near Rotterdam.citation
newspaper= Power Online
title = BritNed Submarine HVDC Cable To Connect UK And The Netherlands
url = http://www.poweronline.com/article.mvc/BritNed-Submarine-HVDC-Cable-To-Connect-UK-0001?VNETCOOKIE=NO
accessdate = 2 October 2008
] Operation is projected to begin in late 2010.


External links

* [http://www.tennet.org/english/index.aspx Official website] en icon

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