Puerto Rico Democratic primary, 2008

Puerto Rico Democratic primary, 2008

The 2008 Puerto Rico Democratic primary took place on June 1,2008. It was an open primary. [cite web |url=http://s3.amazonaws.com/apache.3cdn.net/b530e5620707656454_ivm6bnzcw.pdf |title=Puerto Rico Amended Delegate Selection Plan |publisher= The Democratic Primary of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico |date=2008-03-06 |accessdate=2008-05-08|format=PDF] Puerto Rico initially planned to hold caucuses, as was done in 2000 and 2004, on June 7, 2008. In December 2007, a typo in the plan was discovered; the caucus date should have read June 1, 2008. Puerto Rico also decided to conduct a primary, rather than caucuses. [cite web |url=http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5j7ZnrN6l4FlR0ioIgtKAdBSCSokAD8VK1U980 |title=Puerto Rico Moves Up Primary |publisher=Associated Press |date=2008-03-24 |accessdate=2008-03-24] Puerto Rico has 55 pledged delegates which will be alloted on a proportional basis and 8 unpledged "superdelegates". Puerto Rico will select 1 Unpledged add-on delegate. Selection of the unpledged add-on delegate will occur at the Assembly of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico on June 21, 2008 in San Juan. As of April 30, 2008, 4 superdelegates had announced support for Sen. Hillary Clinton and 2 had announced support for Sen. Barack Obama. Polls were open from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, prevailing local time, Atlantic Standard Time (AST) (UTC-4, same as Eastern Daylight Time). [ [http://www.thegreenpapers.com/P08/PR-D.phtml Puerto Rico Democratic Delegation 2008 ] ] [ [http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Puerto_Rico_2008_presidential_primary_and_superdelegates Puerto Rico 2008 presidential primary and superdelegates - Congresspedia ] ] The voter output in this event marked the lowest in Puerto Rico's recent history with a total of 387,299. This surpased the previous low of 553,955.cite book| title=A evaluar la poca participación primarista| publisher=El Nuevo Día| chapter=Política| location=Puerto Rico| language=Spanish| date=2008-06-02]


In a poll conducted from March 31–April 5, 2008, Clinton led Obama by 13%, holding 50% to his 37%, with 13% undecided and a margin of error of ± 4.4%. [ [http://www.pollster.com/blogs/poll_puerto_rico_dems.php Pollster.com: POLL: Puerto Rico Dems ] ]

In a poll conducted from May 8–May 20, 2008, Clinton led Obama by 13%, holding 51% to his 38%, with 11% undecided and a margin of error of ± 3.4%. [ [http://www.slate.com/id/2175496/ Clinton holds the lead in a new Puerto Rico poll. - By Tony Romm - Slate Magazine ] ]

Campaigning on the Island

Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama visited the island, campaigning to get as many votes as possible. [ [http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/24/campaign.wrap/index.html Clinton, Obama court Puerto Rican voters - CNN.com ] ]


ee also

* Democratic Party (United States) presidential primaries, 2008
* Puerto Rico Republican caucuses, 2008


External links

* [http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Puerto_Rico_2008_presidential_primary_and_superdelegates Puerto Rico 2008 presidential primary and superdelegates]
* [http://www.statehoodpr.org/primaries.puertorico.democrat.html Puerto Rico 2008 presidential primary results]

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