Rough and Ready

Rough and Ready

Rough and Ready may refer to:

* "Old Rough and Ready", a nickname for U.S. President Zachary Taylor

In places in the United States:
* Rough and Ready, California, an unincorporated town in California, U.S.
* Rough and Ready, Georgia, now Mountain View, Georgia
* Rough and Ready, New York, a hamlet in the town of Greenwood, New York
* Rough and Ready, Pennsylvania

In music:
* "Rough and Ready" (album), an album by Jeff Beck
* "Rough and Ready Volume 1", an album by Shabba Ranks
** "Rough and Ready Volume 2"
* "Rough & Ready", a song by Trace Adkins from "Comin' on Strong"

ee also

* "", a DVD by Sonic Boom Six
* "The Ruff & Reddy Show", an American animated television series

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  • rough-and-ready — {adj.} 1. Not finished in detail; not perfected; rough but ready for use now. * /We asked Mr. Brown how long it would take to drive to Chicago and his rough and ready answer was two days./ 2. Not having nice manners but full of energy and ability …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rough-and-ready — {adj.} 1. Not finished in detail; not perfected; rough but ready for use now. * /We asked Mr. Brown how long it would take to drive to Chicago and his rough and ready answer was two days./ 2. Not having nice manners but full of energy and ability …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Rough and ready — Rough Rough, a. [Compar. {Rougher}; superl. {Roughest}.] [OE. rou?, rou, row, rugh, ruh, AS. r?h; akin to LG. rug, D. rug, D. ruig, ruw, OHG. r?h, G. rauh, rauch; cf. Lith. raukas wrinkle, rukti to wrinkle. [root] 18. Cf. {Rug}, n.] 1. Having… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rough-and-ready — [ruf′ən red′ē] adj. 1. rough, or crude, rude, unpolished, etc., but effective enough [rough and ready methods] 2. characterized by rough vigor and prompt action rather than refinement, formality, or nicety [a rough and ready fellow] …   English World dictionary

  • rough-and-ready — rough and readiness, n. /ruf euhn red ee/, adj. 1. rough, rude, or crude, but good enough for the purpose: a rough and ready estimate of future expenses. 2. exhibiting or showing rough vigor rather than refinement or delicacy: a cowboy the rough… …   Universalium

  • rough and ready — If something is rough and ready, it has not been carefully prepared, but is fit for its purpose. If a person is rough and ready, they are not very refined or mannered …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • rough-and-ready — adjective 1. ) simple and prepared quickly, but effective: a rough and ready method/technique/approach 2. ) not polite or well educated …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rough and ready — rough or crude but effective The boat is rough and ready so let s take it for a ride …   Idioms and examples

  • rough and ready — ► rough and ready 1) crude but effective. 2) unsophisticated or unrefined. Main Entry: ↑rough …   English terms dictionary

  • rough and ready — also rough and ready 1) ADJ GRADED A rough and ready solution or method is one that is rather simple and not very exact because it has been thought of or done in a hurry. Here is a rough and ready measurement. 2) ADJ GRADED A rough and ready… …   English dictionary

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