Maligno Art

Maligno Art


"Maligno Art" is a genre of graphic arts created by "BlackNova" and "Nemesis" in the decade of the 1990s.The name of the art movement comes from the word "maligno", the spanish word for evil (as an adjective).

The main pillar of this genre is the resurrection of Humanity's deepest intrinsic evil and the expression of its cruel and occult thoughts that one never shares with others, fearing to be rejected by civilization.The evil expressed in this form of art is not only the natural evil of Mankind, but also a constructed, rational and artificial one. Therefore, a new form of cruelty is discovered in our minds. All of the pressure cumulated in the unconscious part of the mind rises to make our most wicked and sadistic desires be reborn through graphic arts. [citeweb|url=|title=Maligno Art Blog|accessdate=2008-02-23|language=Spanish]


Maligno Art is mostly drawn in pencil, pen and ink. Most of the first pieces of art were made on white paper with black ink-pen ("gellypen") and red marker. Only black, white, red and their combinations are used in most of the cases.The exception is yellow, which is used in rare cases for the fire lighting effect.The reason for using red as the only non-monochromatic color(in most of the cases), is that red is the color of the blood and fire, two things that have fascinated and sometimes obsessed Mankind.

Inspiration for Maligno Art

All this mysticism around blood can be seen for example in religions, for which blood is a holy substance, like for most Christian churches in world and some other Abrahamic religions. We can see this in history and in the religious texts, as they tell us about sacrifice to the Gods and/or other kinds of supreme beings. For Judaism, for example, there is a rather large tradition of sacrifice to their God, Yahweh. The animal of preference is the lamb, for it is a very quiet animal, symbol for peace.


Maligno Art can be considered graphic violence. Although it has mostly the theme of slaughter, it also has satanic contents sometimes. As the blood and fire are the main pillars of this art movement, the brutal death of human beings is the pivot of the artwork. Decapitations, mutilations and savage shootups are common "leitmotivs". But the satanic theme is also well developed, as it also depicts hatred and fear without the need of deaths. As the largest part of the world's population is follower of Abrahamic religions, they fear the Devil, with the concept of Satan as God's antagonist and Mankind's biggest enemy being the main prejudice. Therefore satanic art frightens, but also mysteriously attracts men and women.Demonic themes are also present in Maligno Art, depicting big, horned Demons killing, torturing, slaughtering, etc. defenseless human beings. The usage of satanic themes is part of the latest period of Maligno Art. It is a newer theme and started to be used in the second part of this decade. Some other themes is the "Tödliche Übungs-Circus" (German for the "Circus of the Deathly Exercises"), urban war scenes or strange accident scenes. The oldest theme of the whole Maligno Art movement is doubtless the "evil fetes" or "death camps", including the "Tödliche Übungs-Circus", where the teachers and some other tyranic figures killed, mutilated, burned, stabbed and tortured their students.

ee also

* Aestheticization of violence

* Satanism


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