EDLUT (Event-Driven LookUp Table) is a computer application for simulating networks of spiking neurons.It was developed in the University of Granada.

EDLUT uses event-driven simulation scheme and lookup tables to efficiently simulate medium or large spiking neural networksRos, E. Carrillo, R, Ortigosa, E. M., Barbour, B, Agís, R. [http://neco.mitpress.org/cgi/content/abstract/18/12/2959 "Event-Driven Simulation Scheme for Spiking Neural Networks Using Lookup Tables to Characterize Neuronal Dynamics"] "Neural Computation" "18": 2959-2993 (2006)] .This allows this application to simulate detailed biological neuron modelsRos, E., Carrillo, R. R., Barbour, B., Boucheny, C., Coenen., O. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystems.2006.09.023 "Event-driven simulation of neural population synchronization facilitated by electrical coupling"] "IPCAT'2005: Sixth International Workshop on Information Processing in Cell and Tissues": 290-303, York, UK. August 30-September 1, 2005] Carrillo, R.R., Ros, E., Tolu, S., Nieus, T., D'Angelo, E. "Event-driven simulation of cerebellar granule cells" "7th International workshop on information processing in cell and tissues (IPCAT'2007)" 29th-31st August 2007, Oxford, UK] and to interface with experimental setups (such as a robotic arm Boucheny, C. Carrillo, R., Ros, E., Coenen, O. J.-M. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11494669_18 "Real-Time Spiking Neural Network: An Adaptive Cerebellar Model"] "8th International Work Conference on Artificial Neural Networks" (IWANN 2005) 136-144. Vilanova I la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain, June 8-10, 2005. (ISBN-13: 978-3-540-26208-4).] )in real time.


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