Trans-oriental Rally

Trans-oriental Rally

The Trans-oriental Rally was a motor rally which started in St. Petersburg on June 12, 2008 and ends next to the Great Wall of China near Beijing on June 28, 2008.


It was an alternative to the Lisboa 2008 Dakar Rally Raid which was cancelled due to fears of terrorism. Among the drivers on the race is Francois Delecour, two-time winner of the Monte Carlo Rally. There were 16 legs planned:
* Leg 1 - St. Peters - Rogatchevo (157 km)
* Leg 2 - Rogatchevo - Petrovsky
* Leg 3 - Petrovsky - Yelabuga
* Leg 4 - Yelabuga - Mrakovo
* Leg 5 - Mrakovo - Bogotse
* Leg 6 - Bogotse - Arkalik
* Leg 6 - Arkalik - Botakara (via Astana)
* Leg 8 - Botakara - Ayaguz
* Leg 9 - Ayaguz - Karamay, China
* Leg 10 - KaramayTurfan (rest day after this leg)
* Leg 11 - Turfan - Hami
* Leg 12 - Hami - Quinguan
* Leg 13 - Quinguan - Alxa Youqi
* Leg 14 - Alxa Youqi - Bayanhot
* Leg 15 - Bayanhot - Hohhot
* Leg 16 - Hohhot - Beijing


To date there have been two fataties on the race:
* Chinese driver Xu Lang, June 17 (from injuries sustained a day earlier) [ [ Official site] ]
* French motorcyclist Philippe Tonin, June 17

The latter fatality led the Russian Kamaz team to withdraw. [ [ Kamaz pulls out of the Transorientale | Motors TV ] ]


* [ article]

External links

* []
* [ Weblog focusing on the performance of motorcycle participant Patricia Watson-Miller]

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