- Eligedu
Eligedu is a village and a
mandal inKarimnagar district ofAndhra Pradesh state. Eligedu is located 35 km away from the district center. Popular places near Eligedu are Sultanabad and Peddapalli. Eligedu is the latest addition to the list of mandals in theKarimnagar district. Eligedu has the population of around 5000. Most of the population depends on the agriculture for their life. Since Eligedu became mandal very recently it lacks some basic amenities such as a police station which are essential for a mandal.The following villages are in Eligedu Mandal.
6.Bhoorihamiya Pet
7.Muppiri Thota
8. Narsapoor9. B.C Colony10.LALAPALLI11.Raikaladevpalli12. Ravulapalli
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