Messiah complex (self-concept)

Messiah complex (self-concept)

Messiah complex is a state in which the individual believes themselves to be, or destined to become, the saviour of the particular field, a group, an event, a time period, or in an extreme scenario, the world. This could also be the state in which a group views an individual as a messiah, such as followers of a cult leader. The cult leader doesn't have to claim to be a messiah, but if he is treated as such by his followers, it can also be classified as such.

People with a messiah complex tend to see themselves as saviors to a specific group of people or a specific field, making claims of their own glory, or claiming a self-awareness of their own gift and how that gift can effect a group of people or a field of life.

Messiah Complex may also refer to a person who has formed a habit of "creating" crisis in a given culture, only to later "rescue" or "save" the poor helpless soul upon whom the crisis has been perpetrated.

In the most extreme cases, people with a messiah complex may see themselves as spiritual/religious messiahs with transcendent powers who are destined to save the world.

ee also

*List of messiah claimants
*List of people who have claimed to be Jesus
*List of Buddha claimants
*People claiming to be the Mahdi
*List of people who have been considered avatars
*List of people considered to be deities
*God complex
*Chosen people
*Moral superiority
*Jerusalem syndrome

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