Luis Antonio Escobar

Luis Antonio Escobar

Luis Antonio Escobar (born July 14, 1925 in Villapinzón, Cundinamarca; died September 11, 1993 in Miami, Florida) was a Colombian composer and musicologist. He studied at the Bogota Conservatory and then at the Peabody Institute in Maryland. Afterward he studied in Europe with Boris Blacher. [ [ Five Centuries of Keyboard Music by John Gillespie] ] Escobar was the Colombian consul in Bonn, West Germany, from 1967 to 1970 and was cultural attache to the consulate in Miami in 1993.Stevenson/Duque. "Luis Antonio Escobar". "The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians" online.]

In 1973 he co-founded "El Muro Blanco", a cultural learning center in Bogota, with Andres Holguín. He won the national music prize awarded by Banco de Colombia in 1974. He has been recorded by Colombian ensembles. His work at times incorporated folk and traditional music of Colombia. [ [ Review by Tim Page of the New York Times] ]

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