Winter X Games IX

Winter X Games IX

Winter X Games IX were held from January 29, 2005 to February 1, 2005 in Aspen, Colorado. They were the 4th consecutive Winter X Games to be held in Aspen. Television coverage of Winter X Games XI was broadcast on ESPN and ABC, primarily hosted by Sal Masekela and Todd Harris.


Disciplines at the 9th Winter X Games were:

*Moto X


Moto X

Men's Best Trick ["Moto X Best Trick Results.", May 14, 2007.]

Men's Ski Slopestyle ["Men's Ski Slopestyle Results.", May 14, 2007.]


Men's Snowboard Cross ["Men's Snowboarder X Results.", May 14, 2007.]

Women's Snowboard Slopestyle ["Women's Snowboard Slopestyle Results.", May 14, 2007.]


Snocross ["Snocross: Results.", May 14, 2007.]


Men's Combined Ultracross ["Results: Ultracross.", May 14, 2007.]


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