- CDPulse
CDPulse.com is an e-commerce site that created to sell independent music
CD s andmp3 downloads world-wide. CDPulse was created in 2004 by founder and CEO David Gans in Clearwater Beach,Florida , where to this day it is still maintained and operated. While a relative newcomer to the digital music download arena, CDPulse.com is becoming increasingly popular with about 550 currently registered artists.One of the features that separates CDPulse from its competition is an artists ability to sign up for a CDPulse.com account where they can set their own price for their album, while also allowing individual tracks to be downloaded for 99 cents. Artists earn all but $4 of each album purchase and 60 cents from each individual download. Artists are given an "artists page" with a music player and space to put upcoming events, information about themselves, news, and contact information.
Listeners can browse music and listen to full songs and full albums before purchasing. They can also post comments on each artist page that artists can review in real time.
CDPulse.com and
Black Mountain Productions Inc .., both announced their partnership to benefit theGRAMMY Foundation. Both CDPulse.com and Black Mountain Productions Inc. are becoming ambassadors for the mission of the GRAMMY Foundation. "This year for the first time CD Pulse.Com and Black Mountain Productions Inc., are going to be part of the alchemy that takes donations through their own programs and transforms them into music education, music preservation, music appreciation and everything the GRAMMY Foundation promotes, that celebrates the impact of independent artists in our culture, our history and our identity!" [-Bryan Ostaszewski, CEO Of Black Mountain Productions Inc.]CDPulse.com and Black Mountain Productions Inc. call the initiative MUSIC MAKING MUSIC because, each time they donate funds to the GRAMMY Foundation from one of their numerous current programs, the GRAMMY Foundation can use the contributions to educate the next generation of musicians!
A percentage of these funds derived from various programs created and maintained by both CDPulse.com and Black Mountain Productions Inc., will be donated to the GRAMMY Foundation. Every artist who joins CDPulse.com and every artist that signs with Black Mountain Productions Inc., becomes a benefactor as well, including their fans.
Unsigned artists produce the majority of material that is heard in the digital world today. The GRAMMY Foundation is pleased to receive support of CDPulse.com, Black Mountain Productions Inc., and the independent music community.
External links
* [http://www.CDPulse.com/ CDPulse.com]
* [http://www.blackmountainproductions.net/ Black Mountain Productions]
* [http://www.grammy.com/grammy_foundation/ Grammy Foundation]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.