Malleable Technologies

Malleable Technologies

Malleable Technologies is a private company founded in 1998 by Curtis Abbott. Malleable created a specialized processor called "MECA" or "Malleable Embedded Communications Accelerator" that had a reconfigurable array connected to a microprocessor. Through this array, specialized DSP-like functions could be implemented in hardware to increase its compute performance. Malleable used this processor to implement a Voice over IP access multiplexer solution.

Key individuals at Malleable included Curtis Abbott, Syed Ali, and Dr. Telle Whitney.

Malleable was acquired on June 14, 2000 by PMC-Sierra for USD $229M in stock. PMC had an existing 15% equity stake in Malleable. PMC-Sierra stopped development of the MECA processor in January of 2003 as the telecom downturn continued.

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