Carl von Noorden

Carl von Noorden

Carl Friedrich Johannes von Noorden (September 11, 1833 - December 25, 1883) was a German historian who was a native of Bonn. He studied in Bonn, Marburg and Berlin, and in 1868 became a professor of history at the University of Greifswald. While in Bonn, he was a student of Heinrich von Sybel (1817-1895). After leaving Greifswald, he became a professor at Marburg (1870), Tübingen (1873), Bonn (1876) and Leipzig (1877). At the University of Leipzig, one of his students was Karl Lamprecht (1856-1915). Noorden was a grandson to psychiatrist Christian Friedrich Nasse (1778-1851) and the father of pathologist Carl von Noorden (1858-1944).

Carl von Noorden published works on medieval, Renaissance, as well as more recent European history. He is largely known for his writings involving history during the War of Spanish Succession, and the historical era surrounding Charles V. He also published several articles concerning the political history of England, France and the Netherlands. One of his better works was an unfinished book on the recent history of Spain.

Noorden was a catalyst in the founding of "Königlich-Sächsischen Historischen Seminars" (Royal Saxon Historical Seminars) at the University of Leipzig in 1877. After his death, his position at Leipzig was succeeded by his friend Wilhelm Maurenbrecher (1838-1892).

Selected writings

* "Hinkmar, Erzbischof von Reims" (Hincmar, Archbishop of Reims 806-882); Bonn 1863
* "Europäische Geschichte im 18. Jahrhundert, 1. Abteilg.: Der Spanische Erbfolgekrieg, Bd. 1-3" (European history in the 18th Century, Division: The Spanish War of Succession, Vol 1-3); Dusseldorf 1870 to 1882.
*"Historischen Vorträge, eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Wilhelm Maurenbrecher" (Historical lectures, initiated and edited by Wilhelm Maurenbrecher), Leipzig 1884.


* "This article is based on a translation of an article from the German Wikipedia."
* [ Karl Lamprecht: A German Academic Life (1856-1915)]

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