- Golfing Union of Ireland
Infobox Sport governing body
assocname= Golfing Union of Ireland
sport=Amateur Golf
abbrev = GUI
founded = 1891
aff =The R&A
affdate =
region =
regionyear =
location =Carton House ,Maynooth
president =Barry Doyle (Leinster )
chairman =
chiefexec =
secretary =
coach =
womenscoach =
replaced =
prevfounded =
url = www.gui.ie
The Golfing Union of Ireland (GUI) is thegoverning body for men's and boy's amateurgolf inIreland . It represents over 400 golf clubs with over 250,000 members and is affiliated toThe R&A , which is the global governing body of golf outside theUnited States andMexico .The GUI was established in 1891 and was the first national golfing union to be established anywhere in the world. [Menton, William A., (1991) "The Golfing Union of Ireland, 1891 - 1991", p.14]
The GUI consists of a Central Council and four provincial branches, namely the
Connacht ,Leinster ,Munster andUlster branches. Each provincial branch manages the golfing affairs of that province and all clubs in the province are affiliated to that branch. Branch delegates are elected by club members on an annual basis and each branch has delegates on Central Council. The head of the Central Council is known asPresident of the GUI and the four branch chairmen are vice-presidents. The presidency is for a one-year period and rotates between the four provinces.History
It is suggested that the origins of the Union lie in the desire by a number of golf clubs to create an Irish Championship. [Menton, p.12] There were 28 clubs already established in Ireland before the foundation of the Union, although they were known as 'greens' at that time. [Menton, p.6] The Union was established at a meeting in
Belfast on 13th November 1891, which was attended by representatives of nine clubs, all of which were located in the province ofUlster . Once a properly constituted organisation had been established to administer the game, golf in Ireland became more popular, evidenced by the fact the a further 97 clubs were formed between 1892 and 1900.External links
* [http://www.gui.ie GUI Official site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.