Internet in Chile

Internet in Chile

The technical regulator of the Internet in Chile is the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, through the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtel).

The Internet country code is .cl.

Internet access

There are 745,375 Internet hosts in Chile (2007)cite web
] and 4.156 million users (2006).


There are 1,323,446 broadband Internet connections in Chile as of December 2007.cite web
title=Barómetro Cisco de Banda Ancha Chile 2005-2010
work= Cisco/IDC
] This is a 28% increase from December 2006. The number of home broadband connections is 1,100,641 (83% of all broadband connections), which is equivalent to a 25% penetration of Chilean households. The nationwide broadband penetration rate is 8.8 per 100 inhabitants. The Chilean region with the largest broadband penetration rate is the Antofagasta Region with 14.2 per 100 inhabitants, surpassing the Santiago Metropolitan Region (11.9 per 100 inhabitants). In the study consulted, "broadband" is defined as a permanent (24-hour) connection with a minimum connection speed of 128 kbit/s, although slower speeds are considered in the study.

Download speeds

DIstribution of download speeds in the country (as of December 2007):

*≤160 kbit/s: 4.4% of total connections
*>160 kbit/s and ≤256 kbit/s: 7.2%
*>256 kbit/s and ≤512 kbit/s: 38.0%
*>512 kbit/s and ≤1 Mbit/s: 37.3%
*>1 Mbit/s: 13.1%

Broadband market

Companies offering home use broadband connections include:

Telefónica Chile [cite web
title=Telefónica Chile
work= TELCO
accessdate= 2008-09-19
] , Chile's biggest phone company, offers several ADSL plans:

* Flat-rate plans (using a Ethernet and USB modems):
**300/200 kbit/s, US$39.79
**1 Mbit/s/512 kbit/s, US$45.35
**2 Mbit/s/512 kbit/s, US$50.90
**4 Mbit/s/512 kbit/s, US$56,46
**6 Mbit/s/512 kbit/s, US$62,01

*A "nightly" (9 PM to 8 AM) "and weekends" plans:
**300/200 kbit/s, US$22.20

Note: Exchange rate used: 1 US dollar = 540.00 Chilean pesos (2008 average)

VTR [cite web
title= VTR Internet Productos y Servicios
work= VTR
accessdate= 2008-02-29
] , Chile's largest cable company, offers several "always on" plans through cable modem:

*Flat-rate plans:
**1 Mbit/s (downstream)/128 kbit/s (upstream), US$42.87/month
**2 Mbit/s/256 kbit/s, US$48.62/month
**4 Mbit/s/512 kbit/s, US$60.10/month

**10 Mbit/s/512 kbit/s (20 GB monthly download limit), US$71.58 (a 5 GB extension may be purchased once a month, usable for 90 days)

Note: Exchange rate used: 1 US dollar = 522.47 Chilean pesos (2007 average)

Entel, another major telecommunications company, offers several plans through ADSL:

* Flat-rate plans:
**200/64 kbit/s, US$37.30
**600/128 kbit/s, US$46.30
**1 Mbit/s/256 kbit/s, US$57
**2 Mbit/s/256 kbit/s, US$69.50

* Wireless radio-based connections:
**512/128 kbit/s, US$50.90

Note: Exchange rate used: 1 US dollar = 559.77 Chilean pesos (2005 average)

Gtd Manquehue offers (through ADSL):

* Flat-rate plans:
**128 kbit/s, US$27.50
**200 kbit/s, US$37.50
**400 kbit/s, US$42.80
**600 kbit/s, US$46.80
**1.3 Mbit/s, US$57.10
**2 Mbit/s, US$69.60
**4 Mbit/s, US$80.30

Note: Exchange rate used: 1 US dollar = 559.77 Chilean pesos (2005 average)

ee also

*Internet#Internet by region


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