Argo (ship)

Argo (ship)

The "Argo" was a ship that disappeared in 1814 off the coast of Tasmania.

The "Argo" was a ship of some 150 tons, armed with four guns and having a crew of thirty-two. Constructed at Chittagong India, the ship was registered in Calcutta to Payne & Tyrce. In 1814 the ship illegally departed Hobart with thirteen or fourteen convicts on board. It was postulated that this was done with the agreement of the master of the ship, John Poor Dixon. At a special commission held on 3 May 1820, the harbour master of Hobart, Captain James Kelly, testified that the "Argo" was never heard of again. It was presumed that it foundered at sea with the loss of all crew. [ "Australian Shipwrecks - vol 1 1622-1850", Charles Bateson, AH and AW Reed, Sydney, 1972, ISBN 0 589 07112 2 p49 ]


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  • Argo (disambiguation) — NOTOC The name Argo refers primarily to: * Argo, the ship of Jason and the Argonauts in Greek mythologybut has been used secondarily for:cience* Argo Navis, a constellation representing the mythological ship Argo * Argo (oceanography), a science… …   Wikipedia

  • Argo Navis — (or simply Argo) was a large southern constellation representing the Argo , the ship used by Jason and the Argonauts in Greek mythology. The abbreviation was Arg and the genitive was Argūs Navis .It is the only one of Ptolemy s list of 48… …   Wikipedia

  • Argo (oceanography) — Argo is an observation system for the Earth s oceans that provides real time data for use in climate, weather, oceanographic and fisheries research. [ [ 53/iss 7/p50.html Physics Today: Argo Begins Systematic Global… …   Wikipedia

  • Argo Navis (magazine) — Argo Navis is a chilean scientific journal of popular science, centred on astronomy, focused on amateur astronomers of Hispanic speech. Its first issue was published in April of 2005, and it continues being published of two monthly basis.… …   Wikipedia

  • Argo — [är′gō] n. [L < Gr Argō] 1. Gr. Myth. the ship on which Jason sails to find the Golden Fleece 2. former name for a large S constellation between Canis Major and Crux; the Ship: now subdivided into the constellations Carina, Puppis, Pyxis, and… …   English World dictionary

  • ship — [ship] n. [ME < OE scip, akin to Ger schiff, ON skip < IE * skeib < * skei , to cut, separate (> L scindere, to cut), extension of base * sek , to cut (> SAW1): basic sense “hollowed out tree trunk”] 1. any water vehicle of… …   English World dictionary

  • Argo — Ar go, n. [L. Argo, Gr. ?.] 1. (Myth.) The name of the ship which carried Jason and his fifty four companions to Colchis, in quest of the Golden Fleece. [1913 Webster] 2. (Astron.) A large constellation in the southern hemisphere, called also… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Argo Navis — Argo Ar go, n. [L. Argo, Gr. ?.] 1. (Myth.) The name of the ship which carried Jason and his fifty four companions to Colchis, in quest of the Golden Fleece. [1913 Webster] 2. (Astron.) A large constellation in the southern hemisphere, called… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Argo — name of the ship in which Jason and his companions sought the Fleece in Colchis, in Greek, lit. The Swift, from argos swift (adj.), an epithet, lit. shining, bright (see ARGENT (Cf. argent); Cf. also Skt. cognate rjrah shining, glowing, bright,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Argo — In Greek mythology, the Argo (Ἀργώ) was the ship on which Jason and the Argonauts sailed from Iolcus to retrieve the Golden Fleece. LegendryThe Argo was built by the shipwright Argus, and its crew were specially protected by the goddess Hera. The …   Wikipedia

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