

Morelly (1717 - ?) was the author of The Code of Nature, published in France in 1755. This book severely criticized the society of his day and proposed a constitution intended to lead to a good society. His writing clearly fits into the category of utopian literature (see Utopianism.)


According to The Code of Nature, "...where no property exists, none of its pernicious consequences could exist...." As he believed that almost all social and moral ills were a consequence of private property, it is not surprising that his proposed constitution eliminates most private property.

Because of this latter characteristic of his utopia, Morelly is often seen as a significant forerunner of later socialist and communist thinkers. Charles Fourier, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Louis Blanc, Friedrich Engels, and Karl Marx all discussed Morelly's ideas in their own writing.

Morelly's position

As did the later writer Proudhon, Morelly did not call for the elimination of all private property. Among the "sacred and fundamental laws" he proposed was "Nothing in society will belong to anyone, either as a personal possession or as capital goods, except the things for which the person has immediate use, for either his needs, his pleasures, or his daily work." He was opposed, however, to the ownership of property beyond what an individual needed and, especially, to private property used to employ others.

How, then, would workers gain access to tools and equipment beyond personal possession if their job required it? According to Morelly, "...all these durable products will be gathered together in public stores in order to be distributed to all the citizens, daily or at some other specified interval ..."

He also proposed banning of trade between individuals: "In accordance with the sacred laws, nothing will be sold or exchanged between citizens. Someone who needs, for example greens, vegetables or fruits, will go to the public square, which is where these items will have been brought by the man who cultivate them, and take want he needs for one day only."

Morelly is often identified as an obscure tutor about which almost nothing is known except that he lived in a small town in northwestern France, Vitry-le-Francois.

Recent research, however, points to the possibility that Morelly never actually existed but was, rather, a pseudonym. No records of his birth or death exist and no record exists of anyone mentioning that they had met such a man in the eighteenth century. Some have proposed that François-Vincent Toussaint was the true author of the works attributed to Morelly while others believe that Denis Diderot was the true author. .

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  • MORELLY — (1717 env. env. 1778) Bien qu’il fût l’un des principaux représentants du socialisme utopique et l’inspirateur de Babeuf (qui se réclama du Code de la nature au cours de son procès) ainsi que de la génération suivante, Morelly demeure mal connu.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Morelly — Morelly, N., franz. Publizist des 18. Jahrh., geb. in Vitry le François, wurde Abbé, ist im übrigen seinen Lebensverhältnissen nach ganz unbekannt. Er war der Verfasser mehrerer Schriften moralphilosophischen und sozialpolitischen Inhalts, die… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • Morelly — Etienne Gabriel Morelly (* 1717 in Vitry le François[1]; † 1778) war ein französischer Philosoph. Morelly ist der „vergessene Philosoph“ der Aufklärung. Nur wenige Schriften sind von ihm erhalten, darunter der Code de la Nature, erschienen 1755.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Morelly — Étienne Gabriel Morelly Étienne Gabriel Morelly (1717 ?) était un philosophe français. Morelly est le « philosophe oublié » des Lumières. Par le peu d’écrits qu’il a laissés (hormis le Code de la Nature, publié en 1755) et l’incertitude …   Wikipédia en Français

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