Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon AVA

Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon AVA

Infobox Wine Region
name = Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon AVA

caption =
official name =
other name =
type = American Viticultural Area
year = 2005 [;sid=bff700d0bbb2a632948b70fe7e91d7d4;rgn=div5;view=text;node=27%3A1.;idno=27;cc=ecfr#27: Code of Federal Regulations. "§ 9.190 Red Hills Douglas County, Oregon."] Title 27: Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; Part 9 — American Viticultural Areas; Subpart C — Approved American Viticultural Areas. Retrieved Jan. 29, 2008.]
wine years =
country = USA
part of = Oregon, Southern Oregon AVA, Umpqua Valley AVA
similar =
sub regions =
season =
climate region =
heat units =
precipitation =
soil =
total size = convert|5500|acre|ha|0Wine Institute, The (2008). [ " American Viticultural Areas by State"] . Retrieved Jen. 29, 2008.]
planted =
vineyards =
grapes =
varietals =
wineries =
wine produced =
designation =
comments =

The Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon AVA is an American Viticultural Area located in Douglas County, Oregon, near the town of Yoncalla. It is entirely contained within the Umpqua Valley AVA, which is itself included within the larger Southern Oregon AVA. Originally petitioned as the "Red Hill AVA", the proposed appellation name brought protest from Willamette Valley AVA vintners, where a region known as Red Hill is also located. Another AVA in California that gained official status in 2004, the Red Hills Lake County AVA also carries a similar name. As a result, the name "Red Hill Douglas County, Oregon" was instead chosen to avoid consumer confusion. [ "Establishment of the Red Hill Douglas County, OR Viticultural Area (2001R-88P)"] Federal Register. Vol 70, No. 198, Friday October 14, 2005.]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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