- Lou Anders
Lou Anders is an American editor, author and journalist, primarily of science fiction/fantasy novels, articles and short stories.
Biography and journalism
Lou Anders is originally from
Birmingham, Alabama , but has lived in multiple cities in several states. As of 2004, (having been away for 17 years) Anders resides again in Birmingham, having moved there fromLos Angeles viaSan Francisco a year previously. As of 2004, he was also married. [ [http://www.scifidimensions.com/May04/louanders.htm John Snider interviews Lou Anders about "Argosy" Magazine] . Accessed January 28, 2008]He describes his route through the science fiction and writings businesses as broadly beginning with "theatre in college lead [ing] to a partial scholarship to study acting in Oxford and London". [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008] This in turn got him into:"..directing plays in Chicago, which lead to working on sets in Los Angeles, which lead to journalism & screenwriting, the former being "scifi" based, which lead to internet publishing, which lead to publishing." [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008]
Anders' break came in 1994, when he become involved with the UK's Titan Publishing when they were about to launch the first
Star Trek magazine,Star Trek Monthly (launched in March 1995). Recommended to Titan byJean-Marc Lofficier , Anders became Titan Publishing Group's 'Los Angeles liaison', "churning out about 30 articles a month on average and living on the Star Trek and Babylon 5 sets". [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008] Anders was writing scripts and pitches on the side with a writing partner, and in 1996, was asked to wrote "The Making of " for Titan. [ [http://www.revolutionsf.com/article.html?id=1056 "New Directions: Mind the Gap" by Lou Anders at RevolutionSF] . Accessed January 27, 2008] [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008]Between 1994 and 1999, Anders wrote around 500 articles, which have appeared in multiple magazines on a variety of - primarily science fiction-related - subjects, and
Babylon 5 in particular. [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008] His articles have appeared in "Babylon 5 Magazine", "Doctor Who Magazine ", "Dreamwatch ", "Manga Max", "Sci Fi Universe", "Star Trek Monthly " and "Star Wars Monthly", and been translated into several languages. [ [http://www.louanders.com/Bio.htm Lou Anders' Bio on his webpage] . Accessed January 27, 2008] [ [http://www.revolutionsf.com/article.html?id=1056 "New Directions: Mind the Gap" by Lou Anders at RevolutionSF] . Accessed January 27, 2008] Much of his work has also appeared online at sites including Believermag.com, SFSite.com,RevolutionSF .com and InfinityPlus.co.uk [ [http://www.louanders.com/Bio.htm Lou Anders' Bio on his webpage] . Accessed January 27, 2008] , while many of his "Star Trek " and "Babylon 5 " articles and interviews "have been illegally transcribed and are scattered throughout [web] sites the world over". [ [http://www.louanders.com/Articles.htm Lou Anders' Articles] . Accessed January 27, 2008]Bookface
In late 1999/early 2000, and shortly after two of Anders' then-main journalistic subjects - "
In June 2000, "Bookface, Inc." launched the (now long-since defunct) website www.Bookface.com, a "Read on Demand" service precipitated both by the concurrent
Print on Demand boom, and launching during the hype surroundingStephen King 's online-only novella "The Plant", which had been launched in July, 1999. [ [http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/sking.htm Stephen King Bio at "Books & Writers"] . Accessed January 27, 2008] Bookface delivered "whole books and excerpts to readers directly," with publishers includingHarperCollins , Penguin Puttnam,Random House and Time Warner Trade Publishing lined up to provide Bookface with content. [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2000_June_2/ai_62434142 Bookface.com Opens Books Online; Innovative Website Gives Readers Direct Access to Books; www.bookface.com to Launch With Involvement of Major Publishers] , June 2, 2000. Accessed January 27, 2008] CEO and co-Founder Tammy Deuster described Bookface as::"..essentially providing an ever-present and convenient way to find a book without a special hardware device, without a download, and without even requiring a credit card. A user simply logs on to our website and starts to read." [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2000_June_2/ai_62434142 Bookface.com Opens Books Online; Innovative Website Gives Readers Direct Access to Books; www.bookface.com to Launch With Involvement of Major Publishers] , June 2, 2000. Accessed January 27, 2008]The idea behind Bookface.com was to provide books for free, "while paying authors and publishers for each page read," through revenue derived from advertising. [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2000_June_2/ai_62434142 Bookface.com Opens Books Online; Innovative Website Gives Readers Direct Access to Books; www.bookface.com to Launch With Involvement of Major Publishers] , June 2, 2000. Accessed January 27, 2008]
Unfortunately, Bookface's launch coincided with the bursting of the "
dot-com bubble ," while it's success was tied closely to interest in online "Read on Demand" content (not to be confused with the similar but separate electronic medium,eBook s) becoming widespread. Arguably the highest-profile online-published title of the time was Stephen King's "The Plant ", whose initial success was cited by Bookface's co-founder and CEO Tammy Deuster as "proof that readers want to explore exciting books, whether those books are delivered in printed or electronic mediums." [ [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2000_June_2/ai_62434142 Bookface.com Opens Books Online; Innovative Website Gives Readers Direct Access to Books; www.bookface.com to Launch With Involvement of Major Publishers] , June 2, 2000. Accessed January 28, 2008] Despite initial success, however, actual sales of King's novella fell once the media circus had died down, [ [http://slashdot.org/features/00/11/30/1238204.shtml Stephen King's Net Horror Story at Slashdot.org] , December 4, 2000. Accessed January 27, 2008] with the ratio of paying readers to total readers falling to less than half by the fourth part of the serial. [ [http://news.zdnet.co.uk/internet/0,1000000097,2082851,00.htm Mariano, Gwendolyn "Stephen King puts The Plant on ice", CNET New.com CNet] , 29 Nov 2000. Accessed January 28, 2008] "The Plant" serialization came to a halt in late 2000, and Bookface itself followed suit, ceasing trading in early 2001. [ [http://members.whattheythink.com/home/basicdotcomwatch.cfm WhatTheyThink - Printing Industry News, Commentary & Analysis' "DOT COM WATCH"] . Accessed January 27, 2008]In January 2001, Anders edited an anthology entitled "Outside the Box: The Best Short Fiction from Bookface.com" (right), which was published by
Wildside Press .Argosy, anthologies, Pyr, and awards
" (a title that dates back to the 1940s pulps), because (as Anders describes in an interview with John C. Snider)::::::::::"..we thought taking a name that harkened back to its spirit was a good launching point from which to found a new magazine, one that sought to set trends for the 21st century, the way Munsey’s magazines did for the 19th and 20th." [ [http://www.scifidimensions.com/May04/louanders.htm John Snider interviews Lou Anders about "Argosy" Magazine] . Accessed January 27, 2008] Despite this, "Argosy Magazine", however was stated to have:::::::::".."no" connection to the original Frank A. Munsey magazine, or any other incarnation of "Argosy"... [it] is a completely new magazine... a new entity." [ [http://www.scifidimensions.com/May04/louanders.htm John Snider interviews Lou Anders about "Argosy" Magazine] . Accessed January 27, 2008]
The new magazine, "devoted to publishing quality fiction in a wide range of genres and styles, from science fiction and fantasy to mystery to mainstream," and including a smattering of non-fiction essays and interviews, [ [http://www.louanders.com/argosypage.htm "Argosy" information on Anders' webpage] . Accessed January 27, 2008] launched in November, 2003, and featured in its first eclectic issue an interview by
Adam Roberts withSamuel R. Delaney . [ [http://www.scifidimensions.com/May04/louanders.htm John Snider interviews Lou Anders about "Argosy" Magazine] . Accessed January 27, 2008] "Argosy" format complimented it's eclectic nature, accompanying it's digest-sized magazine with a "separate trade-paperback novella... [both] presented in an attractive slipcase."(See left for "Argosy" #2's cover & slipcase. [http://www.sfsite.com/02b/ar194.htm Reviewed here] .) The uniqueness of its design proved confusing to retailers, however, leading to subsequent issues being published in two formats: "Connoisseur" (two-volume, available through "Argosy", to subscribers and via certain comic shops and independent bookshops) and "Proletarian" (single magazine, available at newsstands). [ [http://www.scifidimensions.com/May04/louanders.htm John Snider interviews Lou Anders about "Argosy" Magazine] . Accessed January 27, 2008]Having overseen the first two issues (and preparatory work on a third), mounting "creative differences" and concerns caused Anders to resign as editor in early July, 2004 to focus on his work with Pyr [ [http://www.sfsite.com/columns/news0407.htm The SFSite News, July 2004] . Accessed January 28, 2008] while "Argosy" istelf went on hiatus. [ [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortmystery/message/46393 'Sara' on "The Short Mystery Fiction Society" message board] , August 2, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008] [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008]
, who Anders had met through "Live Without a Net"). [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008]
Anders is seen as a particular mentor to Roberson, whom he met at the World Fantasy Convention in Montreal, where he invited Roberson to submit to "Live Without a Net". [ [http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/nonfiction/intcr.htm An Interview with Chris Roberson by Michael Colbert at Infinity Plus] . Accessed January 28, 2008] Roberson's work subsequently appeared in "Argosy" magazine, Anders' "FutureShocks" and his novels "Here, There & Everywhere" and "Paragaea: A Planetary Romance" have both been published by Pyr. Roberson will also feature in the forth-coming Anders-edited anthology " [http://www.solarisbooks.com/books/sideways-crime/sideways-crime.asp Sideways in Crime] " (2008). [ [http://www.chrisroberson.net/novels.html Novels by Chris Roberson] . Accessed January 28, 2008] [ [http://www.chrisroberson.net/stories.html Short Stories by Chris Roberson] . Accessed January 28, 2008]
Anders notes that his anthology "Live Without a Net" was a direct reaction against a certain type of science fiction. He says, in interview with Rick Kleffel::"I was reacting to what I felt was a preponderance of post-cyberpunk in American science fiction in the year 2000. The anthology was a deliberate attempt to counter that trend in some small and useful way." [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008]
Having been encouraged to apply to
Prometheus Books ' advert for "someone to help them launch a new SF line" [ [http://www.scifidimensions.com/May04/louanders.htm John Snider interviews Lou Anders about "Argosy" Magazine] . Accessed January 27, 2008] , Anders has been editorial director ofPrometheus Books ' science fiction imprint Pyr, since it's launch in March, 2005. Pyr is an imprint of Prometheus Books, and it's titles under Anders have been nominated for multiple awards. [ [http://louanders.blogspot.com/2005_03_01_archive.html "Award News" at Lou Anders' blog "Bowing to the Future"] . Accessed January 27, 2008] Anders hopes that the imprint will help regain science fiction's "grounding in science," while making sure to note that that is not the be-all and end-all. He is adamant that the imprint not be so :"..narrow as to confine our authors to one agenda, so that while I am selecting books that mesh broadly with their overall aesthetic, I'm not limiting us to just one mode or sub-genre or philosophical position... [however] I'm hoping Pyr will stay slanted towards science fiction over fantasy, while publishing engaging and intelligent offerings from both genres. I have a real need for hard science fiction." [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008] He states that it is the core concept that is important, that::"If a story can survive without the speculative element and is only using the science fiction as backdrop, then I'm not interested." [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008]Pyr's launch titles in its "first season" comprised eight titles - "four original novels, two North American debuts, one classic reprint, and one anthology". [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008] The authors (and anthologist
Gardner Dozois ) were all recipients of multiple industry awards and/or nomatinations, and were::"..weighted towards hard SF, but contain two fantasies (one secondary world, one historical), one sci-fantasy or soft SF, and an anthology of stories examining the very Promethean struggle of science vs. superstition." [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008] Those, Anders stated, were "highly reflective" of his subsequent intentions as editor, which he says are similar to those ofRobert Silverberg , effectively "pruning" science fiction to its relevant core. [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008]Anders is particularly proud to have brought
John Meaney to American attention [ [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interview with Lou Anders] , April 18, 2004. Accessed January 28, 2008] . Pyr's published authors also include (among others):Michael Moorcock ,Alan Dean Foster ,Adam Roberts ,Mike Resnick ,Justina Robson ,Joe Abercrombie , andIan McDonald .Awards & nominations
Anders was a World Fantasy Award nominee (for "Adventure"), and was also nominated for a Hugo Award and
Chesley Award in 2007. [ [http://louanders.blogspot.com/ Lou Anders' blog "Bowing to the Future"] . Accessed January 27, 2008]Other
Anders also features as a recurring fictional cartoon character in
Jim Woodward 's real-life comic book stories "These Things Happen". [ [http://www.louanders.com/Comics.htm "Comics" on Lou Anders' webpage] . Accessed January 27, 2008]Bibliography
*"Outside the Box: The Best Short Fiction from Bookface.com" (ed.) (
Wildside Press (2001)) Cover byJohn Picacio ISBN 1-58715-283-5
**Contributors include:Fiona Avery •Paul Cornell •John Grant •Graham Joyce •Paul Melko •Vera Nazarian •Kate Orman •J. Michael Straczynski
*"Live Without a Net" (ed.) (Roc Books (Jul, 2004)) Cover byJohn Picacio (US Trade) ISBN 0-451-45925-3 US MM Paperback ISBN 0-451-45945-8
**Contributors include:Stephen Baxter •David Brin •Paul Di Filippo •Pat Cadigan •John Grant •Alex Irvine •John Meaney •Paul Melko •Mike Resnick • Chris Roberson •Adam Roberts •Rudy Rucker •S.M. Stirling •Charles Stross •Matthew Sturges •Michael Swanwick
* "Projections: Science Fiction in Literature & Film" (ed.) (MonkeyBrain (Dec, 2004)) Cover byJohn Picacio ISBN 1-932265-12-0
**Contributors include:Catherine Asaro •David Brin •John Clute •Paul Cornell •Mark Finn •James Gunn •John Grant •Howard V. Hendrix •Jonathan Lethem •Robert A. Metzger •Sean McMullen •Michael Moorcock •Adam Roberts •Mike Resnick •Robert J. Sawyer •Lucius Shepard •Robert Silverberg •Michael Swanwick
* "FutureShocks" (ed.) (Roc Books (Jan, 2006)) Cover byJohn Picacio ISBN 0451460650
** Contributors include:Paul Di Filippo •Kevin J. Anderson •Robert Charles Wilson •John Meaney •Alan Dean Foster •Robert J. Sawyer •Louise Marley •Mike Resnick •Harry Turtledove •Alex Irvine •Caitlín R. Kiernan • Chris Roberson •Adam Roberts
* "Fast Forward 1" (ed.) (Pyr (Feb, 2007)) Cover byJohn Picacio ISBN 1591024862
** Contributors include:Robert Charles Wilson •Justina Robson •Robyn Hitchcock •Tony Ballantyne •Elizabeth Bear •Stephen Baxter •Larry Niven •Ken MacLeod •Mike Resnick •Nancy Kress •Ian McDonald •Gene Wolfe •John Meaney •Paul Di Filippo •Paolo Bacigalupi •Kage Baker •A.M. Dellamonica •Louise Marley •Pamela Sargent •Mary A. Turzillo •George Zebrowski
* "Sideways in Crime" (ed.) (Solaris (June 2008)) Cover byBob Eggleton ISBN 1844165663
** Contributors include:Kage Baker •John Meaney •Stephen Baxter •Paul Park •Jack McDevitt •Kristine Kathryn Rusch •Mary Rosenblum •Paul Di Filippo •Jon Courtenay Grimwood •Theodore Judson •Pat Cadigan •SM Stirling •Mike Resnick &Eric Flint •Tobias S. Buckell • Chris Roberson* "Fast Forward 2" (ed.) (Pyr, "forthcoming" - Fall 2008).
hort fiction
*"Crowd Control" in "Strange Pleasures 2" by
John Grant andDave Hutchinson (ed.s) (Prime Books (June 2003)) ISBN 1-894815-08-4
*"The Woman on the Cross" in "Strange Pleasures 3" byDave Hutchinson (ed.) (Prime Books (Oct, 2005)) ISBN 0809511606
*"The Mad Lands, Part 1: Death Wish" in "Adventure, Vol. I" by Chris Roberson (ed.) (MonkeyBrain (Nov, 2005)) ISBN 1-932265-13-9
*"Generation Gap" in the "Doctor Who " anthology "" (2008)elected non-fiction
*"The Making of Star Trek: First Contact" (
Titan Books , 1996) ISBN 1-85286-779-5* "The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy : Themes, Works, and Wonders" (3 vols.) by Gary Westfahl (ed.) (
Greenwood Press (Sep, 2005)) ISBN 0313329508
**Contributions include: "Babylon 5 " (1993-1998) and films", "Batman" (1989) &c.", "Doctor Who " (1963-1989) and films", "Drugs", "Individualism and Conformity" and "Religion"
* "A Tale of Two Orphans" in "The Man from Krypton: A Closer Look at Superman" by Glenn Yeffeth (ed.) (Benbella Books (May, 2006)) ISBN 1932100776
* "A Word Of Warning For Brandon Routh" in "The Man from Krypton: A Closer Look at Superman" by Glenn Yeffeth (ed.) (Benbella Books (May, 2006)) ISBN 1932100776
* Counsel for the Prosection: "Star Wars novels are poor substitutes for real science fiction and are driving real SF off the shelves" in "Star Wars on Trial" byDavid Brin &Matthew Woodring Stover (ed.s) (Benbella Books (June, 2006)) ISBN 193210089X
*""The Natural and the Unnatural: Verisimilitude in "Battlestar Galactica" in "So Say We All: Collected Thoughts and Opinions on Battlestar Galactica" by Richard Hatch (ed.) (Benbella Books (Oct, 2006)) ISBN 1932100946
*"The Tangled Web We Weave" in "Webslinger: SF and Comic Writers on Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" by Glenn Yeffeth (ed.) (Benbella Books (Mar, 2007)) ISBN 1933771062*"New Directions: Mind the Gap": an online essay on the different branches of Science fiction at [http://www.revolutionsf.com/article.html?id=1056 RevolutionSF]
External links
* [http://www.louanders.com/home.php Lou Anders' homepage]
* [http://louanders.blogspot.com/ Lou Anders' blog "Bowing to the Future"]
* [http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A14YHJ37UTVOVJ Lou Anders' Amazon blog]
* [http://www.pyrsf.com/ Prometheus Books' science fiction/fantasy imprint "Pyr Books"'s website]
* [http://trashotron.com/agony/columns/2005/04-18-05.htm Rick Kleffel interviews Lou Anders]
* [http://www.scifidimensions.com/May04/louanders.htm John Snider interviews Lou Anders about "Argosy" Magazine]
* [http://www.locusmag.com/2003/News/Markets.html Archived submission information for "Argosy" at "Locus"]
* [http://www.revolutionsf.com/article.html?id=1056 "New Directions: Mind the Gap" essay by Lou Anders at RevolutionSF]
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