Frederic M. Scherer

Frederic M. Scherer

Frederic Michael Scherer (b. 1932, Ottawa, IL, USA) is an American economist. Since 2006 he is Emeritus Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Management in the Aetna Chair, in the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. From 1974 to 1976, he was chief economist at the Federal Trade Commission. His research specialties are industrial economics and the economics of technological change.

He received his BA in 1954 from the University of Michigan, and an MBA (1958) and PhD (1963) in Harvard University. He has held academic posts in Harvard Business School (1958-1963), Princeton University ((1963-1966), the University of Michigan (1966-1972), the International Institute of Management (WZB) in Berlin (1972-1974), Northwestern University (1976-1982), Swarthmore College (1982-1989), the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (1989-2000) and the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University (2000-2005).

He has been President of the Industrial Organization Society and of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society, and Vice-President of the American Economic Association and the Southern Economic Association. He serves on the Board of Editors of several professional journals, including the "American Economic Review" and the "Journal of Industrial Economics".


* "The Weapons Acquisition Process: An Economic Analysis" (with M. J. Peck), 1962.
* "The Weapons Acquisition Process: Economic Incentives", 1964.
* "Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance", first ed. 1970; second ed. 1980; third ed. (with David Ross) 1990.
* "The Economics of Multi-Plant Operation: An International Comparisons Study"(with Alan Beckenstein, Erich Kaufer, and R. D. Murphy), 1975.
* "The Economic Effects of Compulsory Patent Licensing" , 1977.
* "Innovation and Growth: Schumpeterian Perspectives", 1984.
* "Mergers, Sell-offs, and Economic Efficiency" (with David J. Ravenscraft), 1987.
* "International High-Technology Competition", 1992.
* "Competition Policies for an Integrated World Economy", 1994.
* "Industry Structure, Strategy, and Public Policy", 1996.
* "New Perspectives on Economic Growth and Technological Innovation", 1999.
* "Competition Policy, Domestic and International", 2001.
* "Quarter Notes and Bank Notes: The Economics of Music Composition in the 18th and 19th Centuries", 2004.


* "The Theory of Contractual Incentives for Cost Reduction," "QJE", 1964.
* "Invention and Innovation in the Watt-Boulton Steam Engine Venture," "Technology and Culture", 1965.
* "Corporate Inventive Output, Profits, and Growth," "JPE", 1965.
* "Firm Size, Market Structure, Opportunity, and the Output of Patented Inventions," "AER", 1965.
* "Time-Cost Tradeoffs in Uncertain Empirical Research Projects", "Naval Research Logistics Quarterly", 1966.
* "Market Structure and the Employment of Scientists and Engineers," "AER", 1967.
* "Research and Development Resource Allocation under Rivalry", "QJE", 1967.
* "The Determinants of Industrial Plant Sizes in Six Nations", "Review of Economics and Statistics", 1973.
* "Investment Variability, Seller Concentration, and Plant Scale Economies", "Journal of Industrial Economics", 1973.
* "The Determinants of Multi-Plant Operation in Six Nations and Twelve Industries", "Kyklos", 1974.
* "Economies of Scale and Industrial Concentration", in Harvey J. Goldschmid et al. (eds.), "Industrial Concentration: The New Learning", 1974.
* "Industrial Structure, Scale Economies, and Worker Alienation", in R. T. Masson and P. D. Qualls (eds.), "Essays on Industrial Organization in Honor of Joe S. Bain", 1976.
* "Segmental Financial Reporting: Needs and Tradeoffs", in Harvey J. Goldschmid (ed.), "Business Disclosure: Government's Need To Know", 1979.
* "The Welfare Economics of Product Variety: An Application to the Ready-to-Eat Cereals Industry", "Journal of Industrial Economics", 1979.
* "Demand-Pull and Technological Innovation: Schmookler Revisited," "Journal of Industrial Economics", 1982.
* "Industrial Technology Flows in the United States", "Research Policy", 1982.
* "The Lag Structure of Returns to R&D" (with D. Ravenscraft), "Applied Economics", 1982.
* "Inter-Industry Technology Flows and Productivity Growth", "Review of Economics and Statistics", 1982.
* "The Propensity To Patent", "International Journal of Industrial Organization", 1983.
* "R&D and Declining Productivity Growth", "AER", 1983.
* "The Economics of Vertical Restraints", "Antitrust Law Journal", 1983.
* "Antitrust, Efficiency, and Progress", "New York University Law Review", 1987.
* "Life After Takeover" (with D. Ravenscraft), "Journal of Industrial Economics", 1987.
* "The Profitability of Mergers" (with D. Ravenscraft), "International Journal of Industrial Organization", 1988.
* "Divisional Sell-off: A Hazard Function Analysis" (with D. Ravenscraft), "Managerial and Decision Economics", 1991.
* "Corporate Takeovers: The Efficiency Arguments", "Journal of Economic Perspectives", 1988.
* "Efficiency, Fairness, and the Early Contributions of Economists to the Antitrust Debate", "Washburn Law Journal", 1990.
* "Sunlight and Sunset at the Federal Trade Commission", "Administrative Law Review", 1990.
* "Top Managers' Education and R&D Investment" (with Keun Huh), "Research Policy", 1992.
* "R&D Reactions to High-Technology Import Competition" (with Keun Huh), "Review of Economics and Statistics", 1992.
* "Schumpeter and Plausible Capitalism", "Journal of Economic Literature", 1992.
* "Lagging Productivity Growth: Measurement, Technology, and Shock Effects" "Empirica", 1993.
* "Pricing, Profits, and Technological Progress in the Pharmaceutical Industry", "Journal of Economic Perspectives", 1993.
* "Rewriting History: The Early Sherman Act Monopolization Cases" (with W. S. Comanor), "International Journal of the Economics of Business", 1995.
* "An Accidental Schumpeterian", "The American Economist", 1996.
* "How U.S. Antitrust Can Go Astray: The Brand Name Prescription Drug Litigation", "International Journal of the Economics of Business', 1997.
* "Retail Distribution Channel Barriers to International Trade", "Antitrust Law Journal", 1999.
* "The Size Distribution of Profits from Innovation", "Annales d'Economie et de Statistique", 1998.
* "Citation Frequency and the Value of Patented Inventions" (with D. Harhoff, F. Narin, and K. Vopel), "Review of Economics and Statistics", 1999.
* "Uncertainty and the Size Distribution of Rewards from Technological Innovation", (with D. Harhoff and J. Kukies), "Journal of Evolutionary Economics", 2000.
* "Technology Policy for a World of Skew-Distributed Outcomes" (with D. Harhoff), "Research Policy", 2000.
* "The Emigration of German-Speaking Economists after 1933", "Journal of Economic Literature", 2000.
* "The Pharmaceutical Industry", in A. J. Culyer and J. P. Newhouse (eds.), "Handbook of Health Economics", 2000.
* "The Innovation Lottery", in Rochelle Dreyfuss et al. (eds.) "Expanding the Boundaries of Intellectual Property", 2001.
* "An Early Application of the Average Total Cost Concept," "Journal of Economic Literature", 2001.
* "The Link from Gross Profitability to Pharmaceutical R&D Spending", "Health Affairs", 2001.
* "The Evolution of Free-Lance Music Composition, 1650-1900", "Journal of Cultural Economics", 2001.
* "Servility, Opportunity, and Freedom in the Choice of Music Composition as a Profession", "The Musical Quarterly", 2001.
* "The Merger Puzzle" in Wolfgang Franz et al.(eds.), "Fusionen", 2002.
* "Post-TRIPS Options for Access to Patented Medicines in Developing Nations"(with Jayashree Watal), "Journal of International Economic Law", 2002.
* "The Economics of Human Gene Patents", "Academic Medicine", 2002.
* "The Economics of Innovation and Technological Change," "International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences", 2003.
* "Exploring the Tail of Patent Value Distributions", (with D. Harhoff and K. Vopel) in Ove Granstrand (ed.), "Economics, Law and Intellectual Property", 2003.
* "Citations, Family Size, Opposition and the Value of Patent Rights", (with D. Harhoff and K. Vopel), "Research Policy", 2003.
* "Technology Flows Matrix Estimation Revisited", "Economic Systems Research, 2003.
* "A Note on Global Welfare in Pharmaceutical Patent Policy", "The World Economy", 2004.
* "The Pharmaceutical Industry: Prices and Progress," "New England Journal of Medicine", 2004.
* "Schumpeter and the Micro-Foundations of Economic Growth," in Albert N. Link and F. M. Scherer (eds.), "Essays in Honor of Edwin Mansfield", 2005.
* "Horst Hesse: A Cold War Military Intelligence Mole", "Intelligence and National Security", 2006.

econdary source

* M. Blaug (ed.) - "Who's who in economics" (3d edition), 1999.

External references

* [ Homepage of Frederic M. Scherer at John F. Kennedy School of Government] .
* [ Frederic M. Scherer page at Grandes Economistas at]

ee also

Industrial organization

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