- Frederic M. Scherer
Frederic Michael Scherer (b. 1932,
Ottawa, IL , USA) is an American economist. Since 2006 he is Emeritus Professor of Public Policy and Corporate Management in the Aetna Chair, in theJohn F. Kennedy School of Government ,Harvard University . From 1974 to 1976, he was chief economist at theFederal Trade Commission . His research specialties areindustrial economics and the economics of technological change.He received his BA in 1954 from the
University of Michigan , and an MBA (1958) and PhD (1963) in Harvard University. He has held academic posts in Harvard Business School (1958-1963),Princeton University ((1963-1966), the University of Michigan (1966-1972), the International Institute of Management (WZB) in Berlin (1972-1974),Northwestern University (1976-1982),Swarthmore College (1982-1989), the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (1989-2000) and theWoodrow Wilson School , Princeton University (2000-2005).He has been President of the Industrial Organization Society and of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society, and Vice-President of the
American Economic Association and theSouthern Economic Association . He serves on the Board of Editors of several professional journals, including the "American Economic Review " and the "Journal of Industrial Economics".Publications
* "The Weapons Acquisition Process: An Economic Analysis" (with M. J. Peck), 1962.
* "The Weapons Acquisition Process: Economic Incentives", 1964.
* "Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance", first ed. 1970; second ed. 1980; third ed. (with David Ross) 1990.
* "The Economics of Multi-Plant Operation: An International Comparisons Study"(with Alan Beckenstein, Erich Kaufer, and R. D. Murphy), 1975.
* "The Economic Effects of Compulsory Patent Licensing" , 1977.
* "Innovation and Growth: Schumpeterian Perspectives", 1984.
* "Mergers, Sell-offs, and Economic Efficiency" (with David J. Ravenscraft), 1987.
* "International High-Technology Competition", 1992.
* "Competition Policies for an Integrated World Economy", 1994.
* "Industry Structure, Strategy, and Public Policy", 1996.
* "New Perspectives on Economic Growth and Technological Innovation", 1999.
* "Competition Policy, Domestic and International", 2001.
* "Quarter Notes and Bank Notes: The Economics of Music Composition in the 18th and 19th Centuries", 2004.Articles:
* "The Theory of Contractual Incentives for Cost Reduction," "QJE", 1964.
* "Invention and Innovation in the Watt-Boulton Steam Engine Venture," "Technology and Culture", 1965.
* "Corporate Inventive Output, Profits, and Growth," "JPE", 1965.
* "Firm Size, Market Structure, Opportunity, and the Output of Patented Inventions," "AER", 1965.
* "Time-Cost Tradeoffs in Uncertain Empirical Research Projects", "Naval Research Logistics Quarterly", 1966.
* "Market Structure and the Employment of Scientists and Engineers," "AER", 1967.
* "Research and Development Resource Allocation under Rivalry", "QJE", 1967.
* "The Determinants of Industrial Plant Sizes in Six Nations", "Review of Economics and Statistics", 1973.
* "Investment Variability, Seller Concentration, and Plant Scale Economies", "Journal of Industrial Economics", 1973.
* "The Determinants of Multi-Plant Operation in Six Nations and Twelve Industries", "Kyklos", 1974.
* "Economies of Scale and Industrial Concentration", in Harvey J. Goldschmid et al. (eds.), "Industrial Concentration: The New Learning", 1974.
* "Industrial Structure, Scale Economies, and Worker Alienation", in R. T. Masson and P. D. Qualls (eds.), "Essays on Industrial Organization in Honor of Joe S. Bain", 1976.
* "Segmental Financial Reporting: Needs and Tradeoffs", in Harvey J. Goldschmid (ed.), "Business Disclosure: Government's Need To Know", 1979.
* "The Welfare Economics of Product Variety: An Application to the Ready-to-Eat Cereals Industry", "Journal of Industrial Economics", 1979.
* "Demand-Pull and Technological Innovation: Schmookler Revisited," "Journal of Industrial Economics", 1982.
* "Industrial Technology Flows in the United States", "Research Policy", 1982.
* "The Lag Structure of Returns to R&D" (with D. Ravenscraft), "Applied Economics", 1982.
* "Inter-Industry Technology Flows and Productivity Growth", "Review of Economics and Statistics", 1982.
* "The Propensity To Patent", "International Journal of Industrial Organization", 1983.
* "R&D and Declining Productivity Growth", "AER", 1983.
* "The Economics of Vertical Restraints", "Antitrust Law Journal", 1983.
* "Antitrust, Efficiency, and Progress", "New York University Law Review", 1987.
* "Life After Takeover" (with D. Ravenscraft), "Journal of Industrial Economics", 1987.
* "The Profitability of Mergers" (with D. Ravenscraft), "International Journal of Industrial Organization", 1988.
* "Divisional Sell-off: A Hazard Function Analysis" (with D. Ravenscraft), "Managerial and Decision Economics", 1991.
* "Corporate Takeovers: The Efficiency Arguments", "Journal of Economic Perspectives", 1988.
* "Efficiency, Fairness, and the Early Contributions of Economists to the Antitrust Debate", "Washburn Law Journal", 1990.
* "Sunlight and Sunset at the Federal Trade Commission", "Administrative Law Review", 1990.
* "Top Managers' Education and R&D Investment" (with Keun Huh), "Research Policy", 1992.
* "R&D Reactions to High-Technology Import Competition" (with Keun Huh), "Review of Economics and Statistics", 1992.
* "Schumpeter and Plausible Capitalism", "Journal of Economic Literature", 1992.
* "Lagging Productivity Growth: Measurement, Technology, and Shock Effects" "Empirica", 1993.
* "Pricing, Profits, and Technological Progress in the Pharmaceutical Industry", "Journal of Economic Perspectives", 1993.
* "Rewriting History: The Early Sherman Act Monopolization Cases" (with W. S. Comanor), "International Journal of the Economics of Business", 1995.
* "An Accidental Schumpeterian", "The American Economist", 1996.
* "How U.S. Antitrust Can Go Astray: The Brand Name Prescription Drug Litigation", "International Journal of the Economics of Business', 1997.
* "Retail Distribution Channel Barriers to International Trade", "Antitrust Law Journal", 1999.
* "The Size Distribution of Profits from Innovation", "Annales d'Economie et de Statistique", 1998.
* "Citation Frequency and the Value of Patented Inventions" (with D. Harhoff, F. Narin, and K. Vopel), "Review of Economics and Statistics", 1999.
* "Uncertainty and the Size Distribution of Rewards from Technological Innovation", (with D. Harhoff and J. Kukies), "Journal of Evolutionary Economics", 2000.
* "Technology Policy for a World of Skew-Distributed Outcomes" (with D. Harhoff), "Research Policy", 2000.
* "The Emigration of German-Speaking Economists after 1933", "Journal of Economic Literature", 2000.
* "The Pharmaceutical Industry", in A. J. Culyer and J. P. Newhouse (eds.), "Handbook of Health Economics", 2000.
* "The Innovation Lottery", in Rochelle Dreyfuss et al. (eds.) "Expanding the Boundaries of Intellectual Property", 2001.
* "An Early Application of the Average Total Cost Concept," "Journal of Economic Literature", 2001.
* "The Link from Gross Profitability to Pharmaceutical R&D Spending", "Health Affairs", 2001.
* "The Evolution of Free-Lance Music Composition, 1650-1900", "Journal of Cultural Economics", 2001.
* "Servility, Opportunity, and Freedom in the Choice of Music Composition as a Profession", "The Musical Quarterly", 2001.
* "The Merger Puzzle" in Wolfgang Franz et al.(eds.), "Fusionen", 2002.
* "Post-TRIPS Options for Access to Patented Medicines in Developing Nations"(with Jayashree Watal), "Journal of International Economic Law", 2002.
* "The Economics of Human Gene Patents", "Academic Medicine", 2002.
* "The Economics of Innovation and Technological Change," "International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences", 2003.
* "Exploring the Tail of Patent Value Distributions", (with D. Harhoff and K. Vopel) in Ove Granstrand (ed.), "Economics, Law and Intellectual Property", 2003.
* "Citations, Family Size, Opposition and the Value of Patent Rights", (with D. Harhoff and K. Vopel), "Research Policy", 2003.
* "Technology Flows Matrix Estimation Revisited", "Economic Systems Research, 2003.
* "A Note on Global Welfare in Pharmaceutical Patent Policy", "The World Economy", 2004.
* "The Pharmaceutical Industry: Prices and Progress," "New England Journal of Medicine", 2004.
* "Schumpeter and the Micro-Foundations of Economic Growth," in Albert N. Link and F. M. Scherer (eds.), "Essays in Honor of Edwin Mansfield", 2005.
* "Horst Hesse: A Cold War Military Intelligence Mole", "Intelligence and National Security", 2006.econdary source
* M. Blaug (ed.) - "Who's who in economics" (3d edition), 1999.
External references
* [http://ksgfaculty.harvard.edu/F._M._Scherer Homepage of Frederic M. Scherer at John F. Kennedy School of Government] .
* [http://www.eumed.net/economistas/06/Scherer.htm Frederic M. Scherer page at Grandes Economistas at eumed.net(Spanish)]ee also
Industrial organization
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