- Help for Heroes
Help for Heroes is a charity launched in September 2007 to provide better facilities for wounded British
servicemen . It was founded by Bryn Parry, a cartoonist and former member of The Royal Green Jackets. [http://www.brynparrystudios.com/help_for_heroes.html Help for Heroes ] ] It has attracted a number of high profiletrustee s and patrons (see below) and has the support of theArmy Benevolent Fund and the Ministry of Defence. [http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/DefenceNews/DefencePolicyAndBusiness/ModWelcomesHelpForHeroesCharity.htm Ministry of Defence | Defence News | Defence Policy and Business | MOD welcomes Help for Heroes charity ] ] It has also attracted support from major British national newspapers, such asThe Sun [http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/article388570.ece | The Sun |HomePage ] ] and The Sunday Times who made it a beneficiary of their Christmas 2007 appeal. [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article3217869.ece Christmas appeal raises £1.2m -Times Online ] ] So far it has raised over £10m through contributions and fundraising events such as sponsored bike rides. [http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/runningtotals.html Help for Heroes ] ] In September 2008 Help for Heroes benefitted from an extremely generous individual donation of £1.5m, which was bid by Julie Heselden in a charity auction for a flight with the Red Arrows. [http://uk.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUKL868216320080908?feedType=nl&feedName=ukoddlyenough Briton pays 1.5 million pounds to fly with Red Arrows] ]Objectives
A main priority of Help for Heroes is to raise £5 million for a new gym and swimming pool for the rehabilitation centre for wounded soldiers at
RAF Headley Court . [http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/launchspeech.html Help for Heroes ] ] The need for this was highlighted by an incident in November 2007 when wounded service personnel, some amputees, were made very unwelcome at the public swimming pool they are forced to use because they lack facilities of their own. [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/11/22/narmy322.xml Disabled veterans jeered at swimming pool - Telegraph ] ]Activities
City Salute
The charity was a joint beneficiary of the "City Salute" [http://www.citysalute.org/home/ City Salute] ] held on 8th May 2008 in London, hosted by patron of the charity
Jeremy Clarkson and attended by Princes William and Harry who are both members of the armed services. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7387025.stm BBC NEWS | UK | Princes attend forces spectacle] ]Help for Heroes Challenge Match
On the 20th September 2008,
Twickenham Stadium hosted a challengerugby union match featuring rugby stars from around the world aimed at raising over £1m, which succeeded. The match will featured two teams, a Help for Heroes XV and an International Select XV who will play a challenge match at the home of English rugby.Former England Captains,
Phil de Glanville (ex-Bath Rugby) andLawrence Dallaglio (ex-London Wasps) acted as Team Manager and Captain respectively for the Help 4 Heroes XV with Welsh Rugby legends,Ieuan Evans andScott Gibbs filling the same roles for the International Select XV. The teams, included a composite of players from theGuinness Premiership , National Division One, the Magners League, overseas stars and the Armed Forces.Some of the stars that confirmed to play at the match were
Martin Johnson ,Jonah Lomu ,Mark Regan ,Will Greenwood ,Dan Luger ,Martin Offiah , Richard Hill,Jason Robinson ,Paul Volley ,Kenny Logan ,Colin Charvis ,Zak Feaunati ,Dave Hilton andGordon Bulloch the teams
Help For Heroes XV
Replacements [http://www.walesonline.co.uk/rugbynation/rugby-news/2008/07/16/lomu-signs-up-to-help-heroes-91466-21348151/] ]
New You Boot Camp "Race for Heroes"
On Saturday 25th October the New You Boot Camp are holding a Help for Heroes 5km "Race for Heroes". This event is open to all members of the public. The day will begin with a warm up from one of the world-class military fitness instructors to music. Prior to the race we there will be a mass "Sky of Heroes" balloon release in honour of our heroes. New You Boot Camp military trainers will be participating, in addition to other Services such as the Police Force and Fire Service who will all be running the race in their full uniforms.
New You Boot Camp Charity Ball
After the run in the evening there will be a 'black tie and diamond' themed Ball at the Hilton Hotel, Paddington. The evemt will include a champagne reception, gala dinner, special celebrity guests, a charity auction, live bands and disco. [http://www.newyoubootcamp.com/charityball/index.html] ] The combined event has a fundraising target of £100,000.
Richard Benyon MP [http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/trustees.html Help for Heroes ] ]
General Sir Richard Dannatt KCB CBE MC ADC
Air Vice-Marshal John Ponsonby OBE FRAeS
Richard Constant MBE
Surgeon Rear Admiral Mike Farquharson-Roberts CBE MA MB FRCS
Hadyn Parry
Alex Scott-Barret
Sarah-Jane ShirreffPatrons
[ [http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/patrons.html Help for Heroes ] ]
Hero Patrons
Johnson Beharry VC Patrons
James Blunt
Viscount BrookeboroughJeremy Clarkson Andy McNab Anneka Rice Monty Halls
Chris Holmes MBE MA
David McDonough OBE
WO2 Andy Newell PARA
Andy Stockton
Corporal Mark SutcliffeReferences
External links
* http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk
* http://www.icuk.eu
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