List of works by Hans Christian Andersen

List of works by Hans Christian Andersen

Published works by Hans Christian Andersen, (the list has been supplemented with a few important posthumous editions of his works; the year given in each entry refers to the first Danish edition):

*Ungdoms-Forsøg (First attempts) by Villiam Christian Walter (pen name), published at the author's expense 1822.
*Fodreise fra Holmens Canal til Østpynten af Amager i Aarene 1828 og 1829 (A journey on foot from Holmens Canal to the east point of Amager in the years 1828 and 1829), published at the author's expense, 1829.
*Kjærlighed paa Nicolai Taarn eller Hvad siger Parterret (Love in Nicolai Tower or What says the pit). Heroic vaudeville in one act. C.A. Reitzel Publishers, Copenhagen, 1829.
*Digte (Poems), published at the author's expense, 1830.
*Phantasier og Skizzer (Phantasies and sketches [poems] ), published at the author's expense, 1831.
*Skyggebilleder af en Reise til Harzen, det sachsiske Schweiz etc. etc., i Sommeren 1831 (Rambles in the Romantic Regions of the Hartz Mountains, Saxon Switzerland, &c.), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1831.
*Skibet (The ship), a vaudeville in one act - after Scribe's and Mazere's "La Quarantaine"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1831.
*Vignetter til danske Digtere (Vignettes for Danish poets [poems] ), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1832 (appeared 24.12.1831).
*Bruden fra Lammermoor (The bride of Lammermoor). Original romantic ballad opera in four acts, F. Prinzlau Publishers, Copenhagen, 1832.
*Ravnen eller Broderprøven (The raven or the fraternal test). Magic opera in three acts, (after Gozzi's tragicomic fairy-tale),Schubothske Boghandel, Copenhagen 1832.
*Aarets tolv Maaneder, Tegnede med Blæk og Pen (The twelwe months of the year drawn in ink [poems and lyrical dialogues] ), C.A. Reitzel Publishers 1832.
*Dronningen paa 16 Aar (The queen of 16). Drama in two acts, a free translation of Bayard's "La reine de seize ans", Schubothske Boghandel, appeared as no. 47 of Det Kongelige Theaters Repertoire (The Royal Theatre repertoire), 2nd part, 1833.
*Samlede Digte (Collected poems), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1833.
*Agnete og Havmanden (Agnete and the Merman). Dramatic poem. Published at the author's expense, 1834 (appeared 23.12.1833).
*The Improvisatore, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1835.
*Eventyr, fortalte for Børn. - Første Hefte (Fairy-tales told to the children. - First booklet)("The Tinder Box", "Little Claus and Big Claus", "The Princess on the Pea", "Little Ida's Flowers"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1835.
*Eventyr, fortalte for Børn. - Andet Hefte (Fairy-tales told to the children. - Second booklet) ("Thumbelina", "The Naughty Boy", "The Travelling Companion"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1835.
*Sangene i Festen paa Kenilworth (Songs from the party at Kenilworth), a romantic opera in three acts, C.A. Reitzel Publishers 1836.
*Skilles og mødes. Original dramatisk Digtning i to Afdelinger. - Første Afdeling: Spanierne i Odense. Vaudeville i een Act. Anden Afdeling: Fem og tyve Aar derefter. Vaudeville i een Act (Parting and meeting. Original drama in two parts. - First part: The Spaniards in Odense. Vaudeville in one act. Second part: Twenty-five years later. Vaudeville in one act).Schubothe Publishers, appeared as no. 76 of Det Kongelige Theaters Repertoire, 4th part, 1836.
*O.T. Original novel in two parts, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1836.
*Eventyr, fortalte for Børn. - Tredie Hefte (Fairy-tales told to the children. - Third booklet) ("The Little Mermaid", "The Emperor's New Clothes"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1837.
*Only a Fiddler. Original novel in three parts, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1837.
*Tre Digtninger. - Lykkens Kalosker. En rigtig Soldat. Det har Zombien gjort. (Three poetical works. The Galoshes of Fortune [tale] . A true soldier [short one act verse play] . That was done by the Zombie [poem] ). C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1838.
*Eventyr, fortalte for Børn. - Ny Samling. Første Hefte (Fairy-tales told to the children. - New collection. First booklet) ("The Daisy", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Wild Swans"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1838.
*Eventyr, fortalte for Børn. - Ny Samling. Andet Hefte (Fairy-tales told to the children. - New collection. Second booklet) ("The Garden of Paradise", "The Flying Trunk", "The Storks"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers 1839.
*Den Usynlige paa Sprogø (The invisible person on Sprogø). Dramatic joke, in one act, with choruses and songs), Schubothes Boghandling, appeared as no. 113 of Det Kongelige Theaters Repertoire, 5th part, 1839.
*A Picture Book without Pictures [little lyrical prose sketches, in this edition the first 20 "evenings"; later editions supplemented to 33 "evenings" in all] , C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1839.
*Mulatten (The mulatto). Original romantic drama, published at the author's expense, 1840. (2nd imprint one month later, also 1840, C.A. Reitzel Publishers).
*En Comedie i det Grønne, Vaudeville i een Akt efter det gamle Lystspil: "Skuespilleren imod sin Villie" (An open-air comedy; vaudeville in one act after the old ballad opera: "Actor against his Will", appeared as no. 124 of Det Kongelige Theaters Repertoire, 6th part, 1840.
*Maurerpigen (The Moorish Girl). Original tragedy in five acts, published at the author's expense, 1840.
*Eventyr, fortalte for Børn. - Ny Samling. Tredie Hefte (Fairy-tales told to the children. - New collection. Third booklet) ("Ole Lukoie", "The Rose Elf", "The Swineherd", "The Buckwheat"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1842 (appeared 20.12.1841).
*A Poet's Bazaar [travel book] ), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1842.
*Nye Eventyr (New fairy-tales) ("The Angel", "The Nightingale", "The Sweethearts", "The Ugly Duckling"). C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1843.
*Kongen drømmer (The king dreams). Original romantic drama in one act (anon.). C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1844.
*Nye Eventyr. - Anden Samling: Grantræet - Sneedronningen, (New fairy-tales. - Second collection: The Fir Tree - The Snow Queen) C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1845 (appeared 21.12.1844).
*Lykkens Blomst (The flower of happiness). Magic comedy in two acts,C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1845.
*Nye Eventyr. - Tredie Samling (New fairy-tales. - Third collection) ("The Elf Mound", "The Red Shoes", "The Jumpers", "The Shepherdess and the Chimneysweep", "Holger Danske"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1845.
*Liden Kirsten (Little Kirsten), original romantic ballad opera in one act, published at the author's expense, 1846.
*Digte, gamle og nye (Poems old and new), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1847 (appeared 26.12.1846).
*Das Märchen meines Lebens ohne Dichtung (The Fairy Tale of My Life) [autobiography, printed as vols. I and II of Andersen's Gesammelte Werke - according to the contract planned to comprise 30 volumes, but with later supplements the work grew to a total of 50 volumes - which began to appear in 1847; Carl B. Lorck Publishers, Leipzig. The Danish original manuscript was first published by Helge Topsøe-Jensen: Mit eget Eventyr uden Digtning), Nyt Nordisk Forlag/Arnold Busck Publishers, Copenhagen 1942.
*Nye Eventyr. - Andet Bind. Første Samling (New fairy-tales. - Second volume. First collection) ("The Old Street Lamp", "The Neighbouring Families", "The Darning Needle", "Little Tuk", "The Shadow"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1847.
*Ahasverus [philosophical-historical work in the form of a lyrical dialogue] , C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1848 (appeared 16.12.1847).
*A Christmas Greeting to My English Friends (five new stories published for the first time. See below: Nye Eventyr (New fairy-tales). Also contains "The Old Street Lamp" and "The Shadow", which had already been published in Danish), translated by Charles Beckwith Lohmeyer. Richard Bentley, London, 1847.
*Nye Eventyr. - Andet Bind. Anden Samling (New fairy-tales. - Second volume. Second collection) ("The Old House", "The Drop of Water", "The Little Match Girl", "The Happy Family", "The Story of a Mother", "The Shirt Collar"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1848.
*The Two Baronesses (novel; first published in England), translated by Charles Beckwith Lohmeyer. Richard Bentley, London, 1848.
*De to Baronesser (Danish ed. of The Two Baronesses). Novel in three parts,C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1848.
*Kunstens Dannevirke (The Dannevirke of art). Prelude at the centenary celebrations of the Royal Danish Theatre in 1848,C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1848. [NB! Dannevirke: historical fortifications south of Denmark]
*Brylluppet ved Como-Søen (The wedding at Lake Como). Opera in three acts. The material taken from some chapters in Manzoni's novel "I promessi sposi". C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1849.
*6 Characteerstykker componerede som Studier for Pianoforte (6 character studies composed for pianoforte), by J.P.E. Hartmann, booklets 1-2, opus 50 (with introductory verses by Hans Christian Andersen for each piano composition). C.C. Lose & Delbanco, Copenhagen, 1849.
*H.C. Andersen's Eventyr (Hans Christian Andersen's fairy-tales). With 125 illustrations after the original drawings by V. Pedersen, woodcuts by Ed. Kretzschmar [in Leipzig] , C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1850 (appeared in five booklets from August to December 1849. First illustrated book edition in Denmark. The illustrations by Vilhelm Pedersen were originally made for an edition from Carl B. Lorck's publishing house in Leipzig: Gesammelte Märchen. Mit 112 Illustrationen nach Originalzeichnungen von V. Pedersen. Im Holz geschnitten von Ed. Kretzschmar. Leipzig 1849 (appeared December 1848)).
*Meer end Perler og Guld (More than pearls and gold), a fairy-tale comedy in four acts. A free adaptation from F. Raimund and the "Arabian Nights", C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1849.
*En Nat i Roeskilde (A night in Roskilde). A vaudeville in one act. Based on Warin [Charles Varin] and Lefèvre's "Une chambre à deux lits", C.A. Reitzel Publishers 1850.
*Ole Lukøie (Ole Lukoie). Fairy-tale comedy in three acts, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1850.
*Den nye Barselstue (literally: the new lying-in room). Original comedy in one act,C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1850. [NB. This defies translation. The title alludes to a comedy by Holberg ridiculing the Danish practice of paying visits to a new mother shortly after the birth of her child] .
*Julehilsen til Store og Smaae fra danske Componister (A Christmas greeting for adults and children from Danish composers). Third volume, 1851. Contains 6 little verses by Hans Christian Andersen as introductions to each of the 6 piano compositions (by the composers Niels W. Gade, J.P.E. Hartmann, Eduard Helsted, Emil Hornemann the Elder, H.S. Paulli and Anton Rée), published by C.C. Lose & Delbanco, Copenhagen (appeared December 1850).
*Fædrelandske Vers og Sange under Krigen (Patriotic verses and songs from the War [The Three Years' War 1848-50 about the attachment to Denmark of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein] ). Published together at the author's expense for the benefit of the wounded and bereaved, 1851.
*I Sverrig, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1851. Pictures of Sweden [travel book] , translated by Charles Beckwith Lohmeyer. Richard Bentley, London, 1851.
*Hyldemoer (The Elder Tree Mother). Phantasy in one act, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1851.
*Historier (Stories) ("The Story of the Year", "The World's Fairest Rose", "A Picture from the Ramparts", "On Judgement Day", "It's Quite True", "The Swan's Nest", "A Good Humour"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1852.
*Historier. - Anden Samling (Stories. - Second collection) ("Heartache", "Everything in its Proper Place", "The Goblin and the Grocer", "Thousands of Years from Now", "Under The Willow Tree"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1853 (appeared 30.11.1852).
*Nøkken (The Nix), opera in one act, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1853.
*En Landsbyhistorie (A village story). Popular play in five acts after S.H. Mosenthal's "Der Sonnenwendhof" with additional choruses and songs, the estate and heirs of C.A. Reitzel, 1855.
*H.C. Andersen's Historier (Hans Christian Andersen's stories). With 55 illustrations after the original drawings by V. Pedersen, woodcuts by Ed. Kretzschmar [a reprint of the stories printed till then, but the first edition of the stories with V.P.'s illustrations] , the estate and heirs of C.A. Reitzel, 1855.
*Mit Livs Eventyr [autobiography] , published as vols. 21 and 22 in the Danish edition of Andersen's Samlede Skrifter (Collected writings), however, also as a separate book edition. The estate and heirs of C.A. Reitzel, 1855. The Fairy Tale of My Life. Translated by R.P. Keigwin. With Illustrations in Colour by Niels Larsen Stevns. British Book Centre, New York/ Maxsons & Co., London/ Nyt Nordisk Forlag. Arnold Busck Publishers, Copenhagen, 1954.
*Novellette i sex Smaastykker for Pianoforte (Six short pieces for pianoforte) by J.P.E. Hartmann with introductory verses by Hans Christian Andersen for each of the 6 piano compositions. C.C. Lose & Delbanco, 1855.
*"At være eller ikke være". Novel in three parts. "To be, or not to be: that is the question". Shakspeare [!] , issued as vol. 23 of Samlede Skrifter (Collected works), the estate and heirs of C.A. Reitzel, 1857. To be or not to be? Translated by Anne Bushby. Richard Bentley, London 1857.
*Nye Eventyr og Historier (New fairy-tales and stories) ("Soup on a Sausage Stick", "The Bottle Neck", "The Nightcap of the Peversvend", "Something", "The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream", "The A-B-C Book"), the estate and heirs of C.A. Reitzel, 1858.
*Nye Eventyr og Historier. - Anden Samling (New fairy-tales and stories. - Second collection) ("The Marsh King's Daughter", "The Racers", "The Bell Deep"), the estate and heirs of C.A. Reitzel, 1858.
*Nye Eventyr og Historier. - Tredie Samling (New fairy-tales and stories. - Third collection) ("The Wind Tells about Valdemar Daae and His Daughters", "The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf", "Ole, the Tower Keeper", "Anne Lisbeth", "Children's Prattle", "A String of Pearls"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1859.
*Nye Eventyr og Historier. - Fjerde Samling (New fairy-tales and stories. - Fourth collection) ("Pen and Inkstand", "The Child in the Grave", "The Farmyard Cock and the Weathercock", "Beautiful", "A Story from the Sand Dunes"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1860 (appeared 9.12.1859).
*Nye Eventyr og Historier. - Anden Række (New fairy-tales and stories. - Second series) ("Twelve by the Mail", "The Beetle", "What the Old Man Does is Always Right", "The Stone of the Wise Man", "The Snowman", "In the Duck Yard", "The New Century's Goddess"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1861.
*Nye Eventyr og Historier. - Anden Række. Anden Samling (New fairy-tales and stories. - Second series. Second collection) ("The Ice Maiden", "The Butterfly", "The Psyche", "The Snail and the Rosebush"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1862 (appeared 25.11.1861).
*In Spain [travel book, published as vol. 24 af Samlede Skrifter(Collected works)] , C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1863.
*Paa Langebro (On Langebro), popular comedy with choruses and songs in four acts [not identical with the students' farce Langebro, which Andersen wrote in 1837 for) the Students' Association, but did not have printed] . After Musæus [Musäus] and Kotzebue; (The fairy-tale "Den stumme Kjærlighed" (Mute love)), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1864.
*Han er ikke født (He is not [nobly] born), original comedy in two acts, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1864.
*Da Spanierne var her (When the Spaniards were here). Original romantic comedy in three acts, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1865.
*Ravnen (The Raven). Fairy-tale opera in four acts [new version of text and music from the eponymous ballad opera from 1832] , C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1865.
*Nye Eventyr og Historier. - Anden Række. Tredie Samling (New fairy-tales and stories. - Second series. Third collection) ("The Will-o'-the-Wisps are in Town", "The Windmill", "The Silver Shilling", "The Bishop of Börglum and his Men", "In the Children's Room", "Golden Treasure", "The Storm Shifts the Signboards"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1865.
*Nye Eventyr og Historier. - Anden Række. Fjerde Samling (New fairy-tales and stories. - Second series. Fourth collection) ("Kept Secret but not Forgotten", "The Porter's Son", "Moving Day", "The Snowdrop", "Aunty", "The Toad"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1866.
*Fotograferede Børnegrupper (Photographs of groups of children),6 photos by Harald Paetz, with rhymes added by Professor Hans Christian Andersen (published by the photographer), 1866.
*Femten Eventyr og Historier af H.C. Andersen. - Ny Udgave. (Fifteen fairy-tales and stories by Hans Christian Andersen. - New edition). With illustrations by Lorenz Frølich [first edition illustrated by Frølich, who took over from Vilhelm Pedersen] , C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1867.
*Kjendte og glemte Digte (1823-1867) (Well-known and forgotten poems (1823-1867)), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1867
*A Visit to Portugal [travel book] ), printed with several minor travel sketches and two biographical essays (on B.S. Ingemann and J.P.E. Hartmann) in vol. 28 af Samlede Skrifter (Collected works) under the common title: Reiseskizzer og Pennetegninger (Travel sketches and ink drawings), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1868.
*Dryaden (The Dryad). A fairy-tale from the Exhibition in Paris 1867, C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1868.
*Tre nye Eventyr og Historier (Three new fairy-tales and stories ) ("Chicken Grethe's Family", "What Happened to the Thistle", "What One Can Invent"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1870 (appeared 17.12.1869).
*Supplement to The Story of My Life, printed as an appendix to Horace Scudder's new edition of Andersen's memoirs, published as part of this edition, Hans Christian Andersen. Author's Edition, Hurd and Houghton, New York; this volume appeared 1870.
*Lucky Peer (novel), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1870.
*Eventyr og Historier. Ny Samling (Fairy-tales and stories. New collection) ("The Comet", "The Days of the Week", "Sunshine Stories", "Great-Grandfather", "Which Was the Happiest?", "The Candles", "The Most Incredible Thing", "What the Whole Family Said", "Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine", "The Carrot Wedding", "The Great Sea Serpent", "The Gardener and the Noble Family" [the last-mentioned is the only one of these texts, which had not previously been printed in a magazine] ), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1872.
*Nye Eventyr og Historier. - Tredie Række. Anden Samling (New fairy-tales and stories. - Third series. Second collection) ("What Old Johanne Told" [the last story Andersen wrote!] , "The Gate Key", "The Cripple", "Aunty Toothache"), C.A. Reitzel Publishers, 1872.


* [ Books by Hans Christian Andersen]

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