

Florentin ( _he. פלורנטין) is a neighborhood in southern Tel Aviv, named after David Florentin, a Greek Jew who purchased the land in the late 1920s. [ [http://www.arzaworld.com/news/archive/2006/04/the_florentin_q.html ARZA World News: The Florentin Quarter: A Tel Aviv Neighborhood not to be missed! ] ]


Florentin is on the border of south-central Tel Aviv, Neve Tzedek and Jaffa, located about 10 blocks on Herzl Street from Rothschild Boulevard.

Culture and atmosphere

Florentin has been termed the Lower East Side of Tel Aviv, as well as its "Soho",fact|date=September 2008 and has been the namesake of a popular TV series in the late nineties.


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