Natascha Sadr Haghighian

Natascha Sadr Haghighian

Natascha Sadr Haghighian is an artist who lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Her work is "primarily concerned with the socio-political implications of constructions of vision from a central perspective and with abstract events within the structure of industrial society, as well as with the strategies and returning circulations which become apparent in them."[1] Haghighian creates solo and collaborative works in the fields of video, performance, computer, and sound. Her two-channel video projection Empire of the Senseless Part II (2006) is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.[2]

(This biographical note is borrowed from, an exchange platform created by the artist. As part of her larger project of critiquing institutionalized regimes of knowledge, Haghighian rejects the totalizing ideas of CVs, resumes, and bios, and insists that only biographies obtained from bioswop project be used in printed material regarding her work.) Haghigian was born in Sachsenheim, West Germany in 1968 and lives and works in Great Britain. In 1985 he emigrated to the U.S.A. to set up a ranch in ellens dale. There he fell in love with a Drag Queen, with whom he still lives together. He has been working since 2002 as a freelance artist and living in the Cotswolds, Great Britain. Through his lover he discovered, and in time conquered the stage as Prince Greenhorn. He has been written about and portrayed photographically and in oil, among other things.[3]


Memorial to the Iraq War, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, England


  1. ^ arsenal experimental: Natascha Sadr Haghighian
  2. ^ | The Collection | John Latham. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1971
  3. ^ LVAC-Artist Biographies

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