- Bow High School
name = Bow High School
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established = 1997 [http://www.bow.k12.nh.us/bhs/history/default.htm The Story Of Bow High School] , Bow High School. AccessedFebruary 17 ,2008 .]
grades = 9 - 12
district =Bow School District
type =Public high school
principal = John House-Myers [http://www.bow.k12.nh.us/bhs/Welcome.htm Welcome to Bow High School] , Bow High School. AccessedFebruary 17 ,2008 .]
enrollment = 640 (as of 2005-06)
faculty = 53.0 (on FTE basis)
ratio = 12.1
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colors = Navy Blue, Gold and White [ [http://www.bow.k12.nh.us/bhsguidance/Profile0506.pdf Profile 2005-2006] , Bow High School. AccessedFebruary 17 ,2008 .]
publication =
location = 32 White Rock Hill Road
Bow, NH 03304
information = 603-228-2210
website = [http://www.bownet.org/bhs/ School website]Bow High School is a four-year
public high school located in Bow,New Hampshire , USA, as part of theBow School District . [ [http://www.concordnhchamber.com/relocation/bow_school.html Public Schools] , Concord Chamber of Commerce. AccessedFebruary 17 ,2008 .] The principal is John House-Myers who took over in June 2006 from George Edwards who had been principal since the school's establishment. [ [http://www.yourneighborhoodnews.com/bow-times/2006/06/news/22-george-edwards.html "Bow says goodbye to George Edwards"] , Ryan O'Connor, The Bow Times,22 June 2006 ]As of the 2005-06 school year, the school had an enrollment of 640 students and 53.0 classroom teachers (on an FTE basis), for a student-teacher ratio of 12.1. [http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/school_detail.asp?Search=1&DistrictID=3301950&ID=330195000563 Bow High School] ,
National Center for Education Statistics . AccessedJanuary 26 ,2008 .]History
Bow High School was established in 1997 with four classes.Sullivan, Margo. [http://www.eagletribune.com/punewsnh/local_story_036062156.html?keyword=secondarystory "Board to decide whether to open school with two or four grades Other schools say there are advantages, disadvantages to both approaches"] , "
The Eagle-Tribune ",February 5 ,2008 . AccessedFebruary 17 ,2008 .] Before this time high school students from Bow went to Concord. In 1993 the Concord School District told Bow they could no longer send Bow students to Concord High after the 1996-1997 school year. Immediately Bow started to make plans for a high school of their own. The school was built and now sits on the shores of Turee Pond. The school was originally designed to accommodate 600 students, and in 2005/2006 had a student population of 640. The school cost $16 million dollars. The school has a 600-seat auditorium, an 800 seat gym, a video production facility and state of the art technology.Academics
Classes at Bow High School are leveled in a heterogeneous manner. Each student at BHS is required to take two science classes, although the majority of students take more than that. Students are required to graduate with three Building Essential Skills for Tomorrow (B.E.S.T) classes (physical education). Students are also required to take a freshmen humanities class, a sophomore American studies class, a junior world studies class, and seniors are required to take senior seminar, a class that directs them through their senior project.
Graduation credit requirements
Graduation requirements for Classes 2007-2010: [http://www.bownet.org/bhsguidance/Profile2007_08.pdf Profile 2007-2008] , Bow High School. Accessed
February 17 ,2008 .]
*Humanities - 8 credits
*Math, Science, Technology, and Business - 8 credits
*B.E.S.T - 3 credits
*Electives - 5 creditsAthletics
Jim Kaufman is Bow School District's Athletic Administrator. [ [http://www.bow.k12.nh.us/jkaufman/ Bow High School Athletics] , Bow High School. Accessed
February 17 ,2008 .] Up to 2004, Bow had won 23 state championships (including a total of five state championships in spring 2003 alone [http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_product=CMOB&p_theme=cmob&p_action=search&p_maxdocs=200&p_topdoc=1&p_text_direct-0=0FF0DC1E8D337D9D&p_field_direct-0=document_id&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&s_trackval=GooglePM "School brings home 5 state championships"] , "Concord Monitor ",June 22 ,2003 .] ) [ [http://www.bownet.org/jkaufman/champions.htm "State Champions"] , Bow High School. AccessedFebruary 17 ,2008 .] . In 2006-07 two more state championships were won. [ [http://www.bownet.org/jkaufman/Athletic_Handbook.pdf "Athletic Handbook 2007-08"] , Bow High School. AccessedFebruary 17 ,2008 .]Extracurricular activities
Student Teal Van Dyck won second place in the national
Poetry Out Loud in 2006, earning a $10,000 scholarship. [ [http://www.nea.gov/about/NEARTS/12-2006vol3/12lit2.html "Making Poetry Come Alive: Poetry Out Loud 2006 National Finals"] , "NEA ARTS 2006", Volume 3,National Endowment for the Arts . AccessedJanuary 26 ,2008 . "Second place went to Teal Van Dyck, who received a $10,000 college scholarship, and Kellie Taulia Anae came in third, receiving a $5,000 scholarship."] Van Dyck was also selected to be one of Bow High School'sGranite State Challenge competitors on New Hampshire'sPBS station,NHPTV . [Wolfe, Jodi. [http://www.yourneighborhoodnews.com/bow-times/2004/10/news/28_bow-high-team-takes-on-granite-state-challenge.html "Bow High Team Takes On Granite State Challenge"] , "The Bow Times ", October, 2004]The school was the scene of a set piece speech by
Bill Clinton onJanuary 8 ,2008 in support of Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. [Reid, Tim. [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article3149715.ece "Frustrated Hillary Clinton gets up close and personal as crowds drift away"] , "The Times ",January 8 ,2008 . AccessedFebruary 17 ,2008 .]Controversies
In 2005 there was controversy when the Bow High School administration chose not to award a student, Isabel Gottlieb, her graduation diploma for not satisfying the school's physical education requirement despite waivers from her previous school and participation in varsity athletics. [cite web | url=http://www.yourneighborhoodnews.com/bow-times/2005/05/news/19-study-hall-or-best.html
title=Study hall or BEST? Gottlieb chose study, says Bow principal | publisher=The Bow Times | accessdate=2008-02-18 ] The situation was resolved when her old school issued her a new transcript giving credit for physical education courses. [cite web | url=http://www.yourneighborhoodnews.com/bow-times/2005/06/news/09-gottlieb-to-graduate.html | title=Gottlieb to graduate; old school gives credit | publisher=The Bow Times | accessdate=2008-02-18 | last=Edgerton | first=Joseph | date=2005-06-09 ]In June 2005 the student population, with the exception of the senior class, took place in a school mandated
DHHS survey. 17% of surveyed students reported smoking marijuana during a 30-day period and 31% reported consuming alcohol during the same period. The results were below the state average for student substance abuse and the school principal did not consider the results sufficient to necessitate drug testing of student athletes. [cite web | url=http://www.yourneighborhoodnews.com/bow-times/2006/03/sports/30-passing-the-drug-test.html | title=Passing the test? Schools, student-athletes and substance abuse | publisher=The Bow Times | accessdate=2008-02-20 | last=Pathak | first=Sapna | date=2006-03-30 ] Police officers have arrested students for drinking alcohol on campus and the Bow Alcohol and Drug Coalition (BADco) provides a counselor at school for students to deal with the student population's drug and alcohol abuse. [cite web | url=http://cs.newhampshire.com/blogs/bow_editor/archive/2007/08/22/Behaving-badly-_1320_-60-percent-of-arrests-in-Bow-are-teens_2C00_-young-adults.aspx | title=Behaving badly – 60 percent of arrests in Bow are teens, young adults | publisher=The Bow Times | accessdate=2008-02-22 | last=Schooley | first=Matt | date=2007-08-22 ]References
External links
* [http://www.bownet.org/bhs/ Official site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.