- Beaver Valley Nuclear Generating Station
Infobox NPP
Name=Beaver Valley
Location=Shippingport, Pennsylvania
Generators= 3
Capacity=Unit 1: 970 MW
Unit 2: 920
Architect=Stone & Webster
generation= Unit 1: 7,057 GWh
Unit 2: 7,473
av_annual_gen=Unit 1: 6,566 GWh
Unit 2: 6,882
Start=Unit 1:1976-07-02
Unit 2:1987-08-14
Expires=Unit 1:2016-01-29
Unit 2:2027-05-27
Region=1Beaver Valley Power Station is a
nuclear power plant covering 500 acres (2 km²) nearShippingport, Pennsylvania , 34 miles (54 km) west by north of Pittsburgh.The Beaver Valley plant is owned by First Energy Nuclear Operating Corporation. FirstEnergy is the holding company for Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Toledo Edison, Metropolitan Edison, Jersey Central Power and Light, and the Pennsylvania Power Company.
This plant has two Westinghouse
pressurized water reactor s.ee also
Shippingport Reactor While the Shippingport Reactor has been decommissioned, Beaver Valley Units 1 and 2 are still licensed and in operation.
External links
* [http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/nuclear/page/at_a_glance/reactors/beavervalley.html DoE page]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.