Ahu Vinapu

Ahu Vinapu

Ahu Vinapu is archaeological site on Rapa Nui in Chilean Polynesia.

The ceremonial center of Vinapu includes one of the larger "ahu" on Rapa Nui. The "ahu" exhibits extraordinary stonemasonry consisting of large, carefully fitted slabs of basalt. The American archaeologist, William Mulloy investigated the site in 1958.

Vinapu is part of the Rapa Nui National Park, which UNESCO has declared a World Heritage Site.


* Mulloy, W.T. 1959. The Ceremonial Center of Vinapu. "Actas del XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas". San José, Costa Rica.
* Norwegian Archaeological Expedition to Easter Island and the East Pacific, T. Heyerdahl, E.N. Ferdon, W.T. Mulloy, A. Skjølsvold, C.S. Smith. 1961. "Archaeology of Easter Island." Stockholm; Santa Fe, N.M.: Forum Pub. House; distributed by The School of American Research.

External links

* [http://www.museorapanui.cl/Biblioteca/index.php William Mulloy Library]
* [http://www.museorapanui.cl/Inicio Father Sebastian Englert Anthropology Museum]
* [http://www.islandheritage.org/ Easter Island Foundation]
* [http://www.mapsouthpacific.com/easter_island/index.html Map of Rapa Nui (Easter Island)]
* [http://www.apj.co.uk/rapanui/easter-island-fact-sheet.asp Rapa Nui Fact Sheet with Photographs]
* [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/easter/explore/ahuvinapu.html Nova: The Secrets of Easter Island]

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