WTN X Prize — The WTN X Prizes are a series of upcoming prizes inspired by the Ansari X Prize but will cover all areas of science and technology.It was first formally announced by Peter Diamandis of the X Prize Foundation and James P. Clark of the World… … Wikipedia
WTN — Workout & Training in Nottinghamshire (Business » Firms) * Workout & Training in Nottinghamshire (Community » Sports) * World Tibet Network (Community » Media) * World Technology Network (Business » Firms) * White Trash Networks (Business »… … Abbreviations dictionary
WTN — What/Who Then Now? … Abbreviations SMS and Internet
WTN — 1. What Then Now? 2. Who Then Now? … Glossary of chat acronyms & text shorthand
WTN — abbr. Women s Television Network … Dictionary of abbreviations
W Network — Infobox TV channel name = W Network logofile = W Network Logo.svg logoalt = logosize = 120px launch = January 1, 1995 closed date = picture format = share = share as of = share source = network = owner = Corus Entertainment slogan = country =… … Wikipedia
World Technology Network — The World Technology Network (WTN) is a global virtual think tank whose members are focused on the business or science of bringing important emerging technologies into reality. Membership is made up of over 700 scientists, entrepreneurs,… … Wikipedia
World Technology Award — The World Technology Award is an annual recognition award given by the World Technology Network (WTN) to individuals and corporations achieving significant progress in about 20 different categories that affect the modern world.2000, the first set … Wikipedia
AIRMET — Les AIRMET (de l anglais AIRman s METeorological Information) sont des bulletins météorologiques envoyés afin de modifier une prévision de zone pour l aviation. Ils sont émis, par le centre météorologique responsable du secteur touché, que s il y … Wikipédia en Français
Airmet — Les AIRMET (de l anglais AIRman s METeorological Information) sont des bulletins météorologiques envoyés afin de modifier une prévision de zone pour l aviation. Ils sont émis, par le centre météorologique responsable du secteur touché, que s il y … Wikipédia en Français