Haeun (Jeungsando)

Haeun (Jeungsando)

解怨(Resolution of Bitterness and Grief)

Haewun is one of the main techings of Jeung San Do. Hae(解) means "release" or "solve" and wun(怨) means "grudge" or "grief". Therefore, a literal meaning of haewun is resolution of bitterness and grief.

Teachings of Haewun

Throughout the ages, humans have suffered in the context of mutual conflict, and after death they have entered the spirit world, bearing bitterness and grief. Their bitterness and grief has accumulated over time and has turned into lethal energy.

Not all people truly satisfied with their lives and live without bitterness and grief. Because of this bitterness and grief, people suffer and eventually they have grudge feeling toward each other. Therefore, more conflict and more lethal energy generated.

This lethal energy is the destructive force behind misfortune and disaster. No one in the world ever tried to resolve the bitterness and grief, except Jeung San Sangjenim. Many sages, saints, and holymen attempted to resolve the bitterness and grief, but unable to accomplish this work.

Resolving the bitterness and grief of spirits was a central focus of the spiritual work of Jeung San Sangjenim. Those who practice Jeung San Do are encouraged to refrain from harboring grudges or feelings of enmity and to avoid causing bitterness within others.

Quote from Dojeon:The bitterness and grief of one person is enough to block the flow of qi in heaven and earth.:Dojeon 2:52:1

:Reflect on your own shortcomings first, and do not harbor feelings of enmity. Leave the rest to the spirits.:Dojeon 11:42:2

ee also

* Jeung San Do
* Sangjenim 上帝
* Taemonim 太母
* Gaebyeok (or Gae-byuk) 開闢
* Tae Eul Ju mantra 太乙呪
* Wunshibanbon (Returning to the Origin) 原始反本
* Haewun (Resolution of Bitterness and Grief) 解怨
* Sangsaeng (Mutual life-giving) 相生
* Boeun (Offering Gratitude and Repayment) 報恩
* Dojeon - Sacred text of Jeung San Do 道典
* Dojang - Dao center 道場
* Cosmic Year - Shao Yung (AD 1011-1077) 宇宙一年
* Euitong - To heal and to unite
* Cheonjigongsa - Renewal of Heaven and Earth 天地公事
* Nam Sa Go prophecy

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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