- Jos Devlies
Jos Devlies is a Belgian
Medical Doctor and an expert ineHealth at theEuropean Institute for Health Records (EuroRec).He graduated in Family Medicine at the
Catholic University of Leuven in 1969 and in Occupational Healthcare at theUniversity of Ghent in 1972. In addition he obtained a degree in the Management of Healthcare Data in 2003.Jos Devlies worked full time as a
General Practitioner , for over 30 years, and worked for several years part-time in Occupational Healthcare, especially in thepublic sector , he started to be an entrepreneur. He has founded and chaired several companies. He is co-author of the Belgiancertification criteria for GP EHR systems. Together withGeorges De Moor andGeert Thienpont , he is the author of the 2006 "eHealth strategy and implementation activities in Belgium" report. [ [http://www.ehealth-era.org/database/documents/ERA_Reports/Belgium_eHealth-ERA_country-report_final_30-06-2007.pdf eHealth strategy and implementation activities in Belgium] ]ee also
Belgian Medical Informatics Association References
* [http://mednet2007.com/whoiswho_mednet.pdf MedNet 2007]
* [http://www.eurorec.org/executive.cfm?actief=body EuroRec]
* [http://www.health.fgov.be/EMDMI/nl/Technische%20gevolgen/technisc.htm Technische gevolgen van de functies van het Electronisch Medisch Dossier] (Dutch)
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