Ahmad Ibn Imad ul-din

Ahmad Ibn Imad ul-din

Ahmad ibn Imad al-din, was a Persian physician and alchemist. It is not known when exactly he lived.

He was the author of an alchemical treatise titled "On the Art of the Elixir" (or "Fi sina‘at al-iksir") which is preserved in the National Library of Medicine. [cite web |url=http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/arabic/alchemy54.html |title=Islamic Medical Manuscripts, Alchemy 54 |accessdate=2007-07-18 |format= |work= ]

No other copy has been identified, and the author is not listed in the published bibliographies of Islamic writers on alchemy.

The manuscript copy is undated, but appears to be of the 17th or 18th century. In it, there is extensive marginalia giving citations from Jabir ibn Hayyan.

ee also

*List of Iranian scientists
*"Medical Encyclopedia of Islam and Iran"


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