- Freddy Homburger
Freddy Homburger (
February 8 ,1916 inSankt Gallen ,Switzerland -September 25 ,2001 inCambridge, Massachusetts ) was a Swiss-bornoncologist . In 1973, Homburger was studying the cause ofcancer and its relation withcigarette smoking . He succeeded in inducing laryngeal cancer inhamsters who smoked; however, theCouncil for Tobacco Research , which was underwriting his research, forbid him to publish his research results as long as he referred to the growths as "cancerous", and threatened to ruin him financially.Homburger, and his suppressed research, gained prominence in 1997 in tobacco-related lawsuits.
External links
* [http://tobaccodocuments.org/ctr/CTRMN041967-2114.html?zoom=750&ocr_position=above_foramatted&start_page=1&end_page=148 Transcript of 1997 deposition of Freddy Homburger at TobaccoDocuments.org]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.