- The Mighty Mutanimals
"The Mighty Mutanimals" were a
comic book spin-off from the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures " distributed byArchie Comics . The Mutanimals were an organization ofmutant animals who were friends of theTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .The "Mighty Mutanimals" were originally a
mini-series with three episodes, and later the "Mighty Mutanimals" totaled twelve issues and one collection, which had the mini-series' issues. The mini-series was released throughoutMay 1991 untilJuly 1991 , and the other nine issues were released fromApril 1992 untilJune 1993 . The mini-series collection was released inWinter 1991 .After cancellation, the Mutanimals received their own 7-part backup-series in the pages of
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures beginning in issue 48 and ending in issue 54. This series saw the assassination of the Mutanimals at the hands of the high-tech Gang of Four. Issues 55-57 continued the aftermath of their death and its effect on the Turtles' storyline.Dean Clarrain, Ken Mitchroney, Mike Kazaleh, and Garrett Ho all worked on the comic book mini-series.
Ray Fillet (Man Ray),Leatherhead,Mondo Gecko ,Wingnut and Screwloose ,Jagwar ,Dreadmon : a half-man, half-Tasmanian wolf withsuper speed .Allies
Slash ,Merdude ,Kid Terra,TMNT and theRaphael andDonatello of the future,Ninjara ,Candy Fine (Mondo Gecko's girlfriend)Enemies
Null,Maligna,Skul and Bean,
Krang ,Gang of Four,Armaggon References
* [http://www.ninjaturtles.com/comics/archie/mutanimals.htm The Mighty Mutanimals] at ninjaturles.com. Retrieved
2008 -1-22.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.