Pray Anything

Pray Anything

Infobox Simpsons episode
episode_name = Pray Anything
episode_no = 301
prod_code = EABF06
airdate = February 9, 2003
writer = Sam ONeal and Neal Boushell
director = Michael Polcino
blackboard = "SpongeBob is not a contraceptive."
couch_gag = The Simpsons sit down as normal. A giant baby picks them up and plays with them.
guest_star = Lisa Leslie

image_caption = Homer is struck by lightning.

season = 14
color = #EFEFEF

"Pray Anything" is the tenth episode of the fourteenth season of "The Simpsons". In production order, this is the 301st episode (with Strong Arms of the Ma as the 300th); in broadcast order, however, this episode is the 299th to air on TV (with Barting Over as the 300th broadcast episode). It aired on February 9, 2003.



The episode starts with The Simpsons visiting The Springfield Square Garden to watch a WNBA game. Homer has a dream about being married to a tall player, in which she lifts him to the moon. The mascot, Swish (Gill in a suit), enters whilst the announcers offers a $50,000 prize for shooting a basket. Homer presumes he is the winner, since he is sitting in Section A, Row 12, Seat 16. This ticket however, is for the following day's game and the real winner is Ned Flanders. He shoots the basket, scoring. Meanwhile, Moe proposes to the mascot, Swish. Flanders declares he will donate his money to Bibles for Belgians. The Rich Texan gives Ned an extra $100 000 for his generous attitude. Adding to Homer's fury, Ned drives home in a novelty car, including an onion Ring Steering Wheel.

The following day, Homer gets angry at Ned. He asks Ned what his secret is, and Flanders says is because he prays. Homer decides to start praying, to get his own way. Firstly, he prays to find the remote control to switch over a Ken Burns documentary. This is achieved and Homer changes the channel over to Monkey Olympics. Homer decides to start and pray. He also sets up a pray station in his Nuclear Station console.

For his next prayer, Homer asks God to come up with a new snack treat and once again, his prayer is granted with Bacon Fudge. Marge then tells Homer, God cannot do everything for him.

On Sunday, when going to church, he falls down a small ditch, reserved for the Nativity Scene. Luckily, a lawyer is walking by, and Homer decides to sue the Christian church. Homer goes through with this, even with pleads not to do this. Whilst in court, the blue-haired lawyer, shows a video of Homer's stupidity. Homer is granted $1,000,000, but since the church cannot pay this, Homer receives the deed to the church and transforms it into his home.

Homer decides, to repay people he has hurt, to hold a party in the church. Meanwhile, Rev. Lovejoy holds a temp church in Barney's Bowl-a-rama. Due to the problems, Rev. Lovejoy leaves town.

The new congregation starts disobeying the Ten Commandments and abusing the church (they start a fire, play poker etc.) God starts a flood and electrocutes Homer. At the same time, Ned starts an ark. Homer and the new congregation flee to the roof. However, Lovejoy returns in a helicopter and asks God to spare them. Everyone goes back to their normal way.

Cultural references

* The episode title is a play on the title of the 1989 romantic comedy movie "Say Anything".
* The mascot played by Gil, "Swish", consists of basketball over a pair of apparently female legs dressed in sexy-looking stockings and garter belt. The double meaning of the name Swish comes from the sound that a basketball makes when it falls through the basket after a successful shot, and a derogatory term for a man who is either homosexual, wears women's clothes, or acts effeminate. There's also a possible third meaning as it relates to Moe, who is attracted to Swish when he can't see Gil's head under the basketball part, but wants to be married to Swish anyway as long as Gil keeps his mask on.
* The documentary Homer watches for a while is by Ken Burns and about Ken Burns, featuring the Ken Burns Effect before Homer manages to switch the channel.
* The repairman refers to the blockbuster 1970s miniseries "Roots".
* The phrase "God: the original Tony Soprano" (written on the sign in front of the church) is a reference to the American TV series "The Sopranos".
* The song that Homer sings (and dances to) in church is "I Was Made for Lovin' You" by KISS.
* The lawyer Larry H. Lawyer Jr. is a take-off on the actual lawyer from Hawthorne, California, [ Larry H. Parker] , best known for his slogan on commercials, "Well fight for you!"
* When the plumber breaks off a piece of the drywall, the pattern of cracks on the wall briefly resembles Washington Crossing the Delaware. []
* The beer keg smashing through the window is a reference to "Animal House".
* In the final scene, God has Colonel Sanders toss him popcorn chicken pieces. He then says it's time for the Colonel to reveal the spices used in them, a reference to the "seven secret spices" that remain a mystery as part of making Kentucky Fried Chicken foods.
* When Homer kicks the Alcoholics Anonymous group out of the church's multi-purpose room (which Homer claims is the dog's room) Moe (in disguise) said they should come to his church St. Pauli Girl Cathedral, a reference to St. Pauli Girl beer.
* When Carl starts worshipping the deer head he starts chanting "On Dasher, On Dancer", a reference to the poem A Visit from St. Nicholas, before realizing he is really drunk.
* Portrait photographer Annie Leibovitz was credited for a file photo of Rev. Lovejoy.

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