

infobox catalan municipio

Cardona is a town ìn Catalonia, Spain, in the province of Barcelona; about 90 km northwest of the city of Barcelona, on a hill almost surrounded by the river Cardoner, a branch of the Llobregat.

Cardona is a picturesque town, with a citadel named the Castle of Cardona set high on a hill, and the 14th-century Romanesque Church of St. Vincenç. It is celebrated for the extensive deposit of rock salt in its vicinity. The salt forms a mountain mass (called "Muntanya de Sal") covered by a thick bed of a reddish-brown clay, and apparently resting on a yellowish-grey sandstone. It is generally more or less translucent, and large masses of it are quite transparent. The hill has been worked like a mine since Roman times; pieces cut from it have been carved by artists in Cardona into images, crucifixes and many articles of an ornamental kind.

Local festivals

*Caramelles: The Sunday of Passover
*Mercat de la ganga: The first Sunday of February
*Fira de Pentecostés: The first Sunday of June
*Fira de la Llenega: The last Sunday of October
*Festa Major: The second last weekend in September
* [ Aplec de Cardona] : 18th of September


infobox catalan municipio demography


The movie, "Chimes at Midnight", by Orson Welles was filmed at the castle in Cardona.

The portico of the Church of St. Vincenç in Cardona was once covered with murals. Fragments of these "painted vaults" were restored in 1960 and are now displayed at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya in Barcelona.


*Pedrosa, Andreu (2001). "The Castle of Cardona". Sant Vincenç de Castellet: Farell. ISBN 84-930418-8-2
* Panareda Clopés, Josep Maria; Rios Calvet, Jaume; Rabella Vives, Josep Maria (1989). "Guia de Catalunya", Barcelona:Caixa de Catalunya. ISBN 84-87135-01-3 (Spanish). ISBN 84-87135-02-1 (Catalan).

External links

* [ Official site] ("in Catalan")
* [ Parador at Cardona]
* [ Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya MNAC] (National Art Museum of Catalonia)
* [ Associació Cultural El Mercat del Blat] (Cultural Association of Cardona)
* [ Associació Cultural 18 de Setembre] (Cultural Association of Cardona)

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