- Plenitude principle
The plenitude principle or principle of plenitude asserts that everything that can happen will happen.
The historian of ideas Arthur Lovejoy was the first to discuss this philosophically important Principle explicitly, [http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/ot2www-dhi?specfile=/texts/english/dhi/dhi.o2w&act=text&offset=2479574&query=Principle+of+plenitude&tag=CHAIN+OF+BEING tracing] it back to
Aristotle , who said that no possibilities which remain eternally possible will go unrealized, then forward toKant , via the following sequence of adherents:
*Augustine of Hippo brought the Principle fromNeo-Platonic thought into early ChristianTheology .
*St Anselm 'sontological argument s for God's existence used the Principle's implication that nature will become as complete as it possibly can be, to argue that existence is a 'perfection' in the sense of a completeness or fullness.
*Thomas Aquinas 's belief in God's plenitude conflicted with his belief that God had the power not to create everything that could be created. He chose to [http://conservation.catholic.org/caldecott_2.htm constrain] and ultimately [http://www.geocities.com/bororissa/ext.html reject] the Principle.
*Giordano Bruno 's insistence on an infinity of worlds was not based on the theories ofCopernicus , or on observation, but on the Principle applied to God. His death may then be attributed to his conviction of its truth.
*Leibniz believed that thebest of all possible worlds would actualize every genuine possibility, and argued in "Théodicée " that this best of all possible worlds will contain all possibilities, with our finite experience of eternity giving no reason to dispute nature's perfection.
*Kant believed in the Principle but not in its empirical verification, even in principle.The
Infinite monkey theorem andKolmogorov's zero-one law of contemporary mathematics echo the Principle. It can also be seen as receiving belated support from certain radical directions in contemporaryphysics , specifically themany-worlds interpretation ofquantum mechanics and thecornucopian speculations ofFrank Tipler on the ultimate fate of theuniverse .ee also
Kolmogorov's zero-one law
*Infinite monkey theorem
*Many-worlds interpretation
*Murphy's law References
Arthur Lovejoy , "TheGreat Chain of Being ". Harvard University Press, 1936: ISBN 0-674-36153-9
**Chapter IV "The Principle of Plentitude and the New Cosmography", p. 99–143.
**Chapter V "Plenitude and Sufficient Reason in Leibniz and Spinoza" p. 144–182.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.