List of Italian American mobsters

List of Italian American mobsters

This is an alphabetical list of Italian-American mobsters in the United States, regardless of the Italian place of origin of them or their families.

Names without WP articles or references identifying the person as Italian American and as a mobster should not be placed in this list and will be removed. Such names should be listed in the talk page.


*Joseph Abate, "Joey"
*Frank Abbandando, "Dasher" (1910-1942)
*Frank Abbandando Jr. "Fingers"
*Frank Abbatemarco, "Frankie Shots" (1899-1959)
*Philip Abramo, "The King of Wall Street"
*Settimo Accardi, "Big Sam"
*Tony Accardo, [Antonino Leonardo Accardo] , "Joe Batters" "The Big Tuna"(1906-1992)
*Anthony Accetturo, "Tumac"
*Joe Adonis, [Giuseppe Antonio Doto] , (1902-1972)
*Carmine Agnello (1960-)
*Thomas Agro, "Tommy A", "TA"
*Anthony Aiello, "Ace"
*Joe Aiello, [Giuseppe Aiello]
*Joseph Aiuppa, "Ha Ha", "Joey Doves" (1907-1997)
*Felix Alderisio, "Milwaukee Phil"
*Harry Aleman, "The Hook"
*Joseph Allegro, "Joey"
*Antonio Anatuppi, "The Toothpick"
*Joseph Andriacchi, "Joe the Builder"
*Donald Angelini, "The Wizard of Odds"
*Albert Anselmi
*Ignacio Antinori
*Vito Arena
*John Ardito, "Buster"
*Joseph Armone, "Joe Piney"
*Stephen Armone
*Louis Attanasio, "Louie Ha Ha"
*Alphonse Attardi, "The Peacemaker" (1892-1970)
*Salvatore Avellino, "Sal"


*Frank Balistrieri "Frankie Bal," "Mr. Big" d. 1993
*Nicholas Bianco, "Nicky"
*Anthony J. Biase
*Lawrence Bilello, "Larry"
*Richard Bilello, "Richie"
*Thomas Bilotti (1940-1985)
*Charles Binaggio (1909-1950)
*Joseph Biondo, "Joe Bandy"
*Attilio Bitondo, "Tillio"
*Ferdinand Boccia, "The Shadow"
*Richard Boiardi, "Richie the Boot"
*Frank Bompensiero, "Frankie Bomp"
*Joseph Bonanno, "Joe Bananas" (1905-2002)
*Salvatore Bonanno, "Bill" (1932-)
*Cesare Bonventre, "The Tall Guy" (d. 1984)
*Giovanni Bonventre
*Vito Bonventre
*Henry Borelli
*Rosario Borgio
*Bartholomew Boriello, "Bobby" (d. 1991)
*Anthony Brancato
*Dominic Brooklier, [Domenico Brucceleri] , "Jimmy Regace"
*Angelo Bruno, "The Gentle Don" (1910-1980)
*Fiore Buccieri, "Fifi"
*Frank Buccieri, "The Horse", "Frank Russo", "Big Frank"
*Russell Bufalino, "McGee", "The Old Man"


*Joel Cacace, "Waverly"
*Marshall Joseph Caifano, [Marcello Giuseppe Caifano]
*Vincent Cafaro, "Fish"
*Richard Cain
*William Cammisano, "Willie the Rat"
*Louis Campagna, "Little New York"
*Paul Cantarella
*Richard Cantarella, "Shellackhead"
*John Capra, "Johnny Hooks"
*Al Capone, "Scarface" "Big Al"(1899-1947)
*Frank Capone, [Salvatore]
*Louis Capone (1896-1944)
*Ralph Capone, "Bottles"
*Frankie Carbo
*Anthony J. Cardarella, "Tiger"
*Sam Cardinelli, [Salvatore Cardinella]
*Anthony Carfano, "Little Augie Pisano" (d. 1959)
*Louis Cafora II, "Fat Louis", "The Whale",
*Joseph Caridi, "Joe C"
*Sam Carlisi, "Black Sam", "Wings" (d. 1997)
*John Carneglia, "Johnny Carnegs"
*Sylvestro Carolla, "Sam" (1896-1972)
*Charles Carrollo, "Charlie the Wop"
*Frank Carrone, "Buzz", "Buzzy"
*Robert Carozza, "Bobby Russo"
*Frank T. Caruso, "Skids"
*Primo Cassarino
*Anthony Casso, "Gaspipe"
*Paul Castellano, "PC" (1915-1985)
*Salvatore Catalanotte, "Sam Sings in the Night"
*Gerardo Catena, "Jerry"
*Domenico Cefalu, "Italian Dom" (b. 1947)
*Dino Cellini
*John Cerrella, "Johnny Sideburns"
*Jackie Cerone, "Jackie the Lackey" (1914-)
*Peter Chiodo, "Fat Pete"
*Anthony Ciccone, "Sonny"
*Dominick Cirillo, "The Quiet Dom"
*Anthony Civella,"Tony Ripe"
*Carl Civella, "Corky"
*Nicholas Civella, [Giuseppe Nicoli Civella]
*Michael Clemente
*Frank Colacurcio, Sr.
*Eco James Coli
*Joseph Colombo (1914-1978)
*James Colosimo, "Big Jim" (1877-1920)
*George Conte, "Georgie Goggles"
*Frank Coppa
*Michael Coppola, "Trigger Mike" (d. 1965)
*Anthony Corallo, "Tony Ducks"
*Joseph Corrao, "Joe Butch"
*Anthony Cornero, "Admiral"
*Joseph Corozzo, "JoJo"
*Nicholas Corozzo, "Little Nicky"
*Vincent Corrao, "Vinny Butch", "Vinny the Shrimp"
*Vincent Corrao, "Vinny the Blond"
*Samuel Corsaro, "Little Sammy"
*James Cosmano, "Sunny Jim"
*Frank Costello, "The Prime Minister" (1891-1973)
*Steven Crea, "Stevie Wonder", "Herbie"
*Perry Criscitelli
*Domenico Cutaia, "Danny"
*William Cutolo, "Billy Fingers", "Wild Bill" (d. 1999)


*William Daddano, Sr., "Willie Potatoes" (1912-1975)
*Louis Daidone, "Louie Bagels"
*Alphonse D'Ambrosio "Funzi"
*Salvatore D'Ambrosio "Sally"
*Joseph D'Amico, "Joe Mook"
*John D'Amico, "Jackie Nose"'
*Salvatore D'Aquila
*Alphonse D'Arco, "Little Al"
*Ralph Daniello, "The Barber"
*Angelo DeCarlo, "Gyp"
*Sam DeCavalcante, [Samuel Rizzo Decavalcante] "Sam the Plumber" (1913-1997)
*Frank DeCicco, (d. 1986)
*George DeCicco, "Butterass"
*Joseph Defede, "Little Joe", "Joe D"
*Peter DeFeo
*William D'Elia, "Big Billy" (1946-)
*Patrick DeFilippo, "Patty from the Bronx"
*Aniello Dellacroce, "Neil", "The Lamb" (1914-1985)
*Frank DeMayo, "Chee-Chee"
*Roy Demeo, [Roy Albert Demeo] (1940-1983)
*Lawrence Dentico, "Larry Fab", "Little Larry"
*John DeRoss, "Jackie", "Jackie Zambooka"
*Anthony DeSimone, "Tony D"
*Michael DiLeonardo, "Mickey Scars"
*Paul DiMarco
*Leonard DiMaria, "Lenny"
*Joseph DiNapoli, "Joey Dean"
*Louis DiNapoli
*Vincent DiNapoli
*John Dioguardi, "Johnny Dio"
*Joseph DiStefano, "Joe Shakes"
*Joseph DiVarco, "Little Caesar"
*Jack Dragna [Antonio Rizzoti]
*Vincent Drucci, [Vittorio D'Ambrosio] , "The Schemer" (1898-1927)


*Thomas Eboli, "Tommy Ryan" (d. 1972)
*Albert Embarrato, "Al Walker" (d. 2001)
*Joseph Esposito, "Diamond Joe"
*Natale Evola, "Joe Diamond"


*Albert Facchiano, "Chink", "The Old Man"
*James Failla, "Jimmy Brown"
*Rocco Fischetti, "Ralph Fisher", Rocky
*Christopher Furnari, "Christy Tick"


*Anthony Gaggi, "Nino"
*Tommy Gagliano, [Gaetano Gagliano]
*Carmine Galante, "Cigar", "Lilo" (1910-1979)
*James Galante
*Joseph Galizia, "Joe Glitz"
*Albert Gallo, "Kid Blast", "Al Blast"
*Joe Gallo, "Crazy Joe", "Joey the Blond" (1929-1972)
*Joseph N. Gallo (1912-1995)
*Kenny Gallo, "Kenji"
*Carlo Gambino (1902-1976)
*Emanuel Gambino, "Manny"
*Eddie Garafola, "Eddie the Chink"
*Michael James Genovese
*Vito Genovese, "Don Vitone" (1897-1969)
*Sam Giancana, "Momo", "Mo", "Mooney", "Sam the Cigar", "Sam Flood" (1908-1975)
*Michael Gianco, [Gianfranco] "Spider"
*Gaetano Gianolla
*Mario Gigante
*Vincent Gigante, "Chin" (1928-2006)
*Charles Gioe, "Cherry Nose" (d. 1954)
*Frank Gioia, Jr., "Spaghetti Man"
*Frank Gioia, Sr.
*Gene Gotti (1946-)
*John Gotti, "Dapper Don", "The Teflon Don" (1940-2002)
*John A. Gotti, "Junior Gotti" (1960-)
*Peter Gotti (1939-)
*Richard G. Gotti (1968-)
*Richard V. Gotti (1942-)
*Steven Grammauta, "Stevie Coogan"
*Sammy Gravano, [Salvatore Gravano] , "Sammy the Bull" (1945-)
*Matthew Guglielmetti


*Henry Hill (1943-)


*Matthew Ianniello, "Matty the Horse"
*Joseph Iannuzzi, "Joe Dogs"
*James Ida
*Frank Illiano, "Punchy"
*Nicola Impastato
*Alphonse Indelicato, "Sonny Red"
*Anthony Indelicato, "Bruno", "Whack-Whack"
*Pietro Inzarillo, [Inzerillo]


*Ronald Jerothe, "John", "Foxy
*Wilfred Johnson, "Willie Boy"


*Paul Kelly, [Paolo Antonio Vaccarelli] (1871/1876-1927/1936)


*Gennaro Langella, "Jerry Lang"
*Joseph Lanza, "Socks"
*Angelo J. LaPietra, "The Hook"

*John Sebastian LaRocca
*James V. LaSala

*Peter LaTempa
*John Lazia
*Joseph "Uncle Joe" Ligambi
*Gaetano Lococo, "Thomas", "Tano"
*Dominick LoFaro, "Big Dom"

*Pasqualino Lolordo, "Patsy"
*Antonio Lombardo, "The Scourge" (1892-1928)
*Joseph Lombardo, "Joey the Clown" (1929-)
*Philip Lombardo, "Benny Squint", "Cockeyed Ben"
*Ralph Lombardo
*Carmine Lombardozzi, "The Doctor"

*Alan Longo, "Baldie"
*Joseph LoPiccolo, "Baldie"
*Anthony Loria Sr., ""Tony Aboudamita"" (1921-1989)
*Tommy Lucchese, [Gaetano Lucchese] , "Three Finger Brown", "Tommy Brown" (1899-1967)
*Charles Luciano, [Salvatore Lucania] , "Lucky" (1896-1962)
*Joseph Luparelli, "Joe Pesh"


*Joseph "Skinny Joey" Merlino
*Peter Milano, "Shakes"
*Alfred Mineo
*Luigi Manocchio, "Baby Shanks"
*Willie Moretti


*James Napoli, "Jimmy Nap"
*Dominick Napolitano, "Sonny Black" (1936-1981)
*Charles Nicoletti, "Chuckie" (1916-1977)
*Frank Nitti, "The Enforcer" (1883-1943)


*Victor Orena, "Little Vic"


*Joseph Luco Pagano
*Vincent Palermo, "Vinny Ocean"
*Charles Panarella, "Charlie Moose"
*Raymond L.S. Patriarca
*Raymond Patriarca, Jr.
*Alphonse Persico, "Allie Boy"
*Carmine Persico, "The Snake", "Junior" (1933-)
*Theodore Persico, "Teddy"
*Dominick Petrilli, "The Gap"
*Tommaso Petto, "The Ox"
*Anthony Pezzullo, "Razor"
*Frank Piccolo
*Nicholas Piccolo, "Nicky Buck"
*Joseph Pinzolo, [Bonaventura Pinzolo] , "Fat Joe"
*Louis Pioggi, [Poggi] , "Louie the Lump"
*Thomas Pitera, "Tommy Karate"
*Dominick Pizzonia, "Skinny Dom"
*Alfred Polizzi, "The Owl"
*Angelo Ponte
*Rocco Pranno
*Ross Prio
*Joe Profaci (1897-1962)
*Anthony Provenzano, "Tony Pro"
*Giuseppe Provenzano, "The Sock-Puppet"
*Nunzio Provenzano, "Nunzi Pro"
*Joseph Puma, "Joey"


*Charles Quintana, "Cueball"


*Anthony Rabito, "Mr. Fish", "Fat Anthony"
*Rocco Racco
*Joseph Rao, "Joseph Cangro", "Tough Joey"
*Phillip Rastelli, "Rusty" (1918-1991)
*Marco Reginelli, "Small Man"
*Tom Reina, [Gaetano Reina] (1889-1930)
*George Remini, "Fat Georgie", "Big George"
*Paul Ricca, "The Waiter" (1897-1972)
*Lawrence Ricci
*Louis Ricco, "Louie Bracciole"
*Harry Riccobene
*Salvatore Ricchiettore, "Vinny Greaser, Vinny Papa (1935-)
*Santo Ricchiettore, "Sonny boy" (1905-1976)
*Giovanni Riggi, "John the Eagle"
*Anthony Rotondo
*Benjamin Ruggiero, "Lefty" (1923-1995)
*Angelo Ruggiero, "Quack Quack"
*Ernest Rupolo, "The Hawk"
*Andrew Russo, "Andy", "Mushy"
*Anthony Russo, "Chucky"

*Salvatore Sabella
*Nicholas Santora, "Nicky Mouth"
*Saverio Santora, "Sammy"
*James Santos, "Jimmy"
*Salvatore Scala, "Fat Sally"
*Frank Scalice, [Francesco Scalice] , "Don Cheech" (1893-1957)
*John Scalise
*John T. Scalish
*Nicodemo Scarfo, "Little Nicky" (1929-)
*Nicodemo Scarfo, Jr., "Nicky"
*Gregory Scarpa Sr., "The Grim Reaper"
*Gerald Scarpelli, [Gerald Hector Scarpelli] (1938-1989)
*Giuseppe Schifilliti, "Pino"
*John Sciandra
*Joseph Sclafani, "Tin Ear"
*Ralph Scopo, "Little Ralphie"
*Anthony Scotto
*Anthony Senter
*Angelo Sepe, "John", "Angie"
*Carmine Sessa
*Alphonso Sgroia, "The Butcher"
*Fiore Siano
*Joseph Sica, "JS"
*Peter Simone, "Las Vegas Pete"
*Michele Sindona, "The Shark"
*Frank Sindone
*Jack Sirocco
*Vincent Solano
*Frank Sorace
*Anthony Spilotro, [Anthony John Spilotro] , "Tony the Ant" (1938-1986)
*Michael Spilotro, "Micky" (1944-1986)
*Victor Spilotro (1935-1997)
*Arnold Squitieri, "Zeke"


*Silva Tagliagamba
*Enrico Tameleo, "Henry", "The Referee"
*Joseph Tangorra, "Joey Flowers"
*Vincent Teresa, "Fat Vinny"
*Ciro Terranova "The Artichoke King"
*Vincenzo Terranova
*Philip "Chicken Man" Testa
*Santo Trafficante, Sr. (1886-1954)
*Carmine Tramunti, "Mr. Gribbs"
*Dominick Trinchera, "Big Trin"
*John Tronolone, "Peanuts"
*Ronald Trucchio, "One Armed Ronnie"
*Matthew Trupiano
*Tony Tursi (d. 1989)


*Joseph Ullo
*Charles Umbriaco [Camillo Ubriaco]


*Joe Valachi, "Joe Cargo" (1903-1971)
*Rocco Valenti, [Umberto] (d. 1922)
*Louis Vallario, "Big Lou"
*Ernest Varacalli, "Junior"
*Paul Vario (1914-1988)
*Stefano Vitabile, "Steve the Truck Driver"
*Anthony Vitale
*Salvatore Vitale, "Good Looking Sal", "The Chief"
*Alessandro Vollero
*Joseph Vollero


*Frankie Yale, [Francesco Ioele] , "Uale" (1885/1893-1928)


*Michael Zaffarano, "Mickey
*Ilario Zannino, "Larry Biona"
*Anthony Joseph Zerilli
*Joseph Zerilli
*Frank Zito

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