DJ Skinhead

DJ Skinhead

DJ Skinhead (born Oliver Chesler, better known as The Horrorist) is a Hardcore Techno DJ

DJ Skinhead may be believed to be a sole person clarifyme responsible for producing tracks like "Extreme Terror" and "Take it Outside", but is the group name of Oliver Chesler and Sal Mineo of the Industrial Strength Records stable and some other contributing artists. DJ Skinhead has also collaborated with Melburnian DJ Bradley 'Hardcore' Davies, regarded as a pioneer in Melbourne's hardcore techno scene.

The name was thought up due to a Barbie doll found in the studio with no hair, which was nicknamed DJ Skinhead. A Ken doll that is also found with no hair was in the studio but was not nicknamed because it would have been seen as actual racism.

:Some DJ Skinhead tracks:
*Extreme Terror (and remixes)
*Extreme Terror III
*Take it Outside
*DJ Skinhead (Strychnine Mix)
*Fuckin' Hostile '96
*Remix of Omar Santana : 'Kick This Shit'

"The Ultimate Cumshot" is the new release from Skinhead.

External links

* [ Industrial Strength Records]

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