- Le Livre de poche
Le Livre de Poche (literally "The Paperback") is the name of a collection of literature which appeared
9 February 1953 under the leadership ofHenri Filipacchi and published by theLibrairie générale française , a subsidiary of Hachette.History
Admittedly, books of a similar format, fitting in a pocket, already existed. Since 1905, Editions
Jules Tallandier marketed themselves under the name "Livre de poche", popular novels at low cost . But the successful reception of "Le Livre de Poche" was due to the combination of the new idea of "consumerism" with the era and the popular demand and study of a cheap and desacralized book, presented in covers recalling cinema posters, but the vehicle of a quality literature.Henri Filipacchi succeeded in convincing his editor friends Albin Michel,
Calmann-Lévy , Grasset etGallimard to join his project and become the "founding fathers" of Le Livre de Poche.Thus "
Kœnigsmark ", byPierre Benoit , was the first title released, in 1953. Every fortnight a new title is released. It soon became a "fait de société". From 8 million copies in 1957-1958, sales climbed to 28 million in 1969. This success inspired competitors:J'ai lu created byFlammarion in 1958,Presses Pocket created by thePresses de la Cité andFolio created byGallimard in 1972 after its withdrawal from the Librairie Générale Française. But, with nearly a billion volumes distributed since its creation and more than 18 million specimens soldin 2002 , it remains the premier widely distributed French paperback collection.ome facts
The capital of La Librairie générale française, a limited company, is owned 80% by Hachette-Livre and, up to 20%, by les éditions Albin Michel.
* 3,500 titles in its catalogue as of 31.12.2002
* 14,000 titles published since 1953
* 1 billion volumes distributed since its inception
* 360 new titles a year
* 1,000 reprinted titles a year
* more than 18 million specimens sold in 2002
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.