Conjunto Chappottin

Conjunto Chappottin

'Conjunto Chappottin is a Cuban Son band from Havana under the direction of the trumpet player, arranger und musical director Jesus Angel Chappotin Coto and the percussionis und singer Miguel Cuni jr.. The group is one of the traditional Son bands in Cuba with more than 50 years of experience.



The founding of the band dates back to the 1940s. Its founder Arsenio Rodríguez was one the country's most renowned band leader with major influences on the Latin jazz and Salsa music of the next decades. With his Conjunto he was the first to add reed and brass instruments to a Latin band at that time. When Arsenio Rodríguez left Cuba in 1950 to undergo an ophthalmological intervention in New York to treat his eye disease, he handed the musical direction over to his first trumpet player, Felix Chappottin. The band was renamed "Felix Chappottin y su Conjunto todos estrellas". Felix Chappottin directed the band successfully until the year of his death in 1983. From 1983 until the 1990s his son Angel Chappottin Valdes was musical director. Since then the grandson of Felix Chappottin Jesus Angel Chappottin Coto has directed the "Conjunto Chappottin" together Miguelito Cuni jr., singer, percussionist. Miguelito Cuni is the son of the former lead singer Miguel Cuni.


In 1950, when Arsenio Rodríguez left Havana for New York, the band was renamed " Felix Chappottin y su Conjunto todos estrellas". Since 1983 the band has been called "Conjunto Chappottin y sus estrellas".


Conjunto Chappottin y sus estrellas is one of the most renowned Son bands in Cuba and has performed in the major Cuban music halls and in many American, European and African countries. The band dedicates to the traditional son with a variety of different stylistic elements such as son-montuno, guajira, guaracha, mambo, danzon, danzonette, charanga, afro-son, bembe, rumba (made up of yambu, Columbia & guaguanco), and cha cha cha. With the additional horn group Arsenio Rodríguez changed the traditional setting of a son band. Arsenio Rodríguez was one of the most influential Cuban musicians of the last century and had major influences of the development of Salsa and Latin jazz. Under the direction of Felix Chappottin, the successor of Arsenio Rodríguez and musical director of the band for more than 3 decades, who was often compared with Louis Armstrong, the band gained international reputation.

Recent successes - new generation

  • Chappottineando
  • Wachimango
  • Dos Reyes

Format of Conjunto Chappottín and his stars

  • Tres-guitar
  • Bass
  • Piano
  • Bongos
  • Conga
  • 4 trumpets
  • 4 singers


Famous founding members

  • Arsenio Rodríguez: singer, percussion
  • Felix Chappottin : trumpet
  • Miguel Cuni : singer

Current members

  • Jesús Angel Chappottín Coto : trumpet, musical director
  • Miguel Arcángel Conill Hernández (Miguelito Cuní JR: singer and percussion
  • Angel Remigio Laborí Hernández : piano
  • Francisco Vasallo Labrada : tumba
  • Eduardo Antonio Canas Oliva : percussion
  • Manuel Guará Colás : trumpet
  • Gregorio Martínez Pedroso : trumpet
  • Roberto Ortega Oviedo: trumpet
  • José Lussón Bueno : singer
  • Eduardo Font Paniagua : singer
  • Eduardo Sandoval Nobregas : singer

Tours and concerts

Since the 1950s the band has performed numerous concerts in the major concert halls in Cuba and abroad (the Americas, Europa and Africa)

Discography (selection from the past 15 years)

  • 1992: Estrellas de Cuba
  • 1993: Cappottin y su Conjunto
  • 1993: Sabor Tropical
  • 1995: Canta Miguelito Cuni
  • 1995: Chappotin y sus Estrellas
  • 1995: Serie de Oro
  • 1997: Que Se Funan
  • 1999: Senores del Son
  • 1999: Mi son mi son mi son
  • 2000: Seguimos Aqui Chappottineando
  • 2001: Mariquitas y Chicharrones
  • 2001: Havana Social Club
  • 2002: La Guarapachanga
  • 2003: Son, Boleros y Montuno Con Sabor a Quimbombo
  • 2003: Una Nueva Generacion
  • 2006: Conjunto Chappottín y Sus Estrellas.
  • 2007: Vuelven Los Senores Del Son


  • Orovio, Helio (1992). "Diccionario de la Música Cubana". 2da. Edición. La Habana, Editorial Letras Cubanas.
  • Orovio, Helio (2004). "Cuban Music from A to Z" Edition B&T, ISBN 0822332124
  • García, David (2006). "Arsenio Rodríguez and the Transnational Flows of Latin Popular Music", Temple University Press

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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