

Satter is the surname of:

* David Satter1947), American journalist
* Gustave Satter (18321879), composer

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  • Gustave Satter — ( February 12, 1832 1879 ) was a composer and pianist. Biography Gustave Satter was born on February 12, 1832 at Rann. Rejecting the desire of his father that he take up medicine, he early turned to music, and was largely self taught. At the age… …   Wikipedia

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  • ЗАТТЕР — (Satter), Густав, пианист и композитор, род. 12 февр. 1832 в Вене, с ранних лет стал выступать в качестве виртуоза и композитора, но впоследствии игнорировал сочинения, написанные им в детстве и начал счет своих opus ов снова с первого. Музык.… …   Музыкальный словарь Римана

  • Explanation attempts for the Russian apartment bombings — Many different explanations have been given for the Russian apartment bombings. The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999,… …   Wikipedia

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