- The Flower Festival in Genzano
"The Flower Festival in Genzano" ( _da. Blomsterfesten i Genzano) is a one-act
ballet by Danishchoreographer andballetmaster August Bournonville (1805 -1879 ). Bournonville created the work for Denmark's Royal Ballet in1858 on the basis of the general enthusiasm among Danes forItaly . Thelibretto is taken from atale found in "Impressions de Voyage " byAlexandre Dumas and tells the story of two real-life lovers, Rosa and Paolo. Themusic is byEdvard Helsted andHolger Simon Paulli .History
The ballet premiered
19 December 1858 in Copenhagen and was danced in its entirety by Denmarks' Royal Ballet until1929 when it was dropped from the repertoire. The "pas de deux " was extracted from one of the ensemble dances, however, and lived on in Denmark's Royal Ballet School untilHarald Lander , director of the Royal Ballet, once again brought it to the stage in1949 . It is considered one of Bournonville's most perfect compositions, a charming love duet between two young people where the steps express both their joy and their teasing playfulness. It is often performed at balletgala s to showcase the Bournonville style.Music
The so-called "Flower Festival in Genzano pas de deux" has become an extremely popular repertory piece with ballet companies, and is often utilized in whole or in part by dancers on the ballet competition circuit.
The music of the "Flower Festival in Genzano pas de deux" is often erroneously credited to
Holger Simon Pauli and/orEduard Helsted in modern theatre programs, films, etc.The true orgins of this famous "pas de deux" stem from an 1842 staging of Bournonville's "Napoli" for the ballet of the
Karnthnerthor Theatre in Vienna. For this production, the danseurLorenzo Vienna —who performed the principal role of Gennaro in "Napoli"—created a "pas de deux" for the third act to new music by the austrian composerMatthias Strebinger (1807-1874).Bournonville then added the "pas de deux" to the full-length "The Flower Festival in Genzano" and the composer of that work, Holger Simon Pauli, adapted Strebinger's music accordingly.
The entrée of the "pas de deux" opens with an episode for solo
violin , followed by apolka -like section. After the adage follows the male variation—this is set to awaltz taken fromAdolphe Adam 's score forJoseph Mazilier 's 1845 ballet "Le Diable à Quatre". The series of relatively short, tuneful passages continues and the "pas de deux" concludes with a characteristic coda. The music is completely representative of ballet music from the period.ee also
List of ballets by August Bournonville References
* [http://www.bournonville.com/bournonville33.html Bournonville:"The Flower Festival in Genzano"]
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