Omar Osama bin Laden

Omar Osama bin Laden

Omar bin Osama bin Muhammad bin 'Awad bin Laden ( _ar. عمر بن أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن; born 1981) better known as Omar Osama bin Laden (also Omar Ossama bin Laden, Omar bin Laden, and Omar Awad bin Laden; rarely "Omar Usama bin Laden", "Omar Ossama ben Laden" or "Omar Ossama bin Ladin") is one of the sons of Osama bin Laden and his first wife and first cousin Najwa Ghanem, [cite web|url=|title=Bin Laden Son Plays Key Role in Al Qaeda " [title refers to Saad bin Laden ] "] "(see Bin Laden family)". He is the fourth eldest soncite web|url=|title=Briton marries bin Ladens son|date=2007-07-11|author=David Brown] among nineteen children of Osama bin Laden. [cite web|url=|title= Bin Laden's braided peacenik son on a mission|date=2008-01-18] Older reports have described him and his brother Abdallah Osama bin Laden as nephews or cousins of Osama bin Laden. [cite web|url=|title=Profile:Omar bin Laden]


Omar was born the grandson of Muhammed bin Awad bin Laden, the founder of what has been said to be the wealthiest non-royal family in Saudi Arabia, [cite web|url=|title=Happy 50th, Osama: More than five years since 9/11, bin Laden, at mid-life, terrorizes us still|author=Michael Petrou|date=2007-03-19] and the son of Osama bin Laden, whose partisan activities shaped his childhood. Omar accompanied Osama on his exile to Sudan from 1991-1996, and then to Afghanistan after that.cite web|url=|title=Bin Laden Son Wants to Be Peace Activist|publication=Bismarck Tribune|author=Paul Schemm|date=2008-01-17] He has said that he trained in al-Qaeda camps beginning at the age of 14, but after training with al-Qaeda for six years and sharing a house with Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second-in-command, he left al-Qaeda in 2000 because he did not want to be associated with killing civilians and his father did not object.cite web|url=|title=Bin Laden's son to father: Change your ways|author=Aneesh Raman|date=2008-01-21|publisher=CNN] cite web|url=|title=Osama bin Laden's son asks 'find another way'|author=Tom Leonard||date=2008-01-23] cite web|url=|title=Bin Laden's Son Wants to Make Up for Father's 'Mistake':Omar bin Laden Left Afghanistan After Six Years' Training as al Qaeda Fighter|author=Nick Watt|date=2008-01-21|publisher=ABC News] Reportedly he helped to organize the U.S. branch of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY, occasionally reported as the World Congress of Muslim Youth, formerly at 5134 Leesburg Pike, Alexandria VA) in Falls Church, Virginia during the 1990s with his brother Abdallah and Kamal Helwabi or Kamal Helbawy, a member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood who now characterizes himself as a moderate. [cite web|url=|title=Denied Entry (Kamal Helbawy, Tariq Ramadan)|author=Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball|publication=Newsweek|date=2006-10-08] WAMY was criticized for disseminating "hate speech", employing persons calling for violence against Jews, and sued for damages by survivors of the September 11th attacks before being shut down in May 2004 in a federal raid in which all files and computer hard drives were seized. Anonymous sources have said that the Bush administration told FBI investigators to "'back off' when it came to investigating bin Laden's family", forcing an end to the investigation of WAMY, Abdallah, and Omar in 1996. [cite web|url=,4273,4293682,00.html|title=FBI claims Bin Laden inquiry was frustrated] [cite web|url=|title=Saudis spread hate speech in U.S.|author=Ali Al-Ahmed and Stephen Schwartz|publisher=Foundation for Defense of Democracies|date=2002-09-16] [cite web|url=|title=Islamic terrorism timeline] Other national WAMY affiliates have been accused of acting as a Hamas front or have hosted Hamas speakers, [cite web|url=|title=Saudi Strategies (Senate testimony)|author=Simon Henderson|date=2003-09-10] and the 2004 raid was based in part on an affidavit citing ties with Hamas. [cite web|url=|title=U.S. Raids N.Va. Office Of Saudi-Based Charity]

Omar's association with WAMY exposed him to FBI investigation beginning on September 19, 2001. [cite web|url=|title=Saudi Arabia and the fight against terrorism financing|publisher=US House of Representatives] Omar bin Laden and WAMY are named as represented by defense counsel Jones Day in a lawsuit filed by the family of John Patrick O'Neill, Sr., a victim of the September 11th attacks. Jones Day was one of 43 firms including the United States Attorney's Office and the Civil Division of the United States Department of Justice acting as defendant's counsel. [ ['Neill_Iraq_Second_Amended_Complaint.pdf 03 MDL 1570] , a filing applying to the Estate of John P. ONeill, Sr., et al. v. The Republic of Iraq et al., 04 CV 1076 (RCC)]

Adult life

Omar was in Saudi Arabia when the September 11 attacks occurred. A special chartered flight to Saudi Arabia, embarking eight days after the September 11th attacks, carried 13 bin Laden relatives including Omar Awad bin Laden, described as a nephew of Osama bin Laden living with Abdullah bin Laden, founder of WAMY. [cite web|url=|title=Plane carried 13 bin Ladens|publication=Washington Post|date=2004-07-22] [cite web|url=|title=Senator Lautenberg Releases Passenger Manifest of ' Bin Laden Family Airlift' Out of U.S. One Week After 9/11 Attack] Omar runs his own company in Jeddah as a contractor and scrap metal dealer. Jeddah, a major city and important transit port for Saudi Arabia, is the site of the headquarters of the Saudi Binladen Group and has been reported to be "truly" ruled by Bakr bin Laden. [cite web|author = Georg Mascolo and Erich Follath|title = Osama's Road to Riches and Terror|date=2005-06-06|url=,1518,359690,00.html]

He married Zaina Mohamed Al-Sabah aka Jane Felix-Browne, a parish councillor from Moulton, near Northwich in Cheshire UK in July 2007.cite news|url=|title=Councillor weds Bin Laden's son|work=BBC News Online|date=2007-07-11|accessdate=2007-07-11] The marriage was conducted in April 2007 in Islamic ceremonies in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia, after which the couple spent three weeks together in Jeddah before Zaina returned to Britain for several months. [cite web|url=|title=U.K. divorcee reportedly marries bin Laden son|2007-07-11] Zaina had been married five times previously, beginning with a Saudi man at the age of 16, who introduced her to several members of the bin Laden family. She believes she met Osama bin Laden at a party in London in the 1970s.

She met Omar bin Laden while she was undergoing treatment for multiple sclerosis. [cite web|url=|title=Brit bin Laden "Bahu" Raises Eyebrows] Their mutual love of horses brought them together when they met on a ride at the Giza pyramids in Egypt. She has declined to take her new husband's surname. She is his second wife and 24 years older than him, with five grandchildren. She was aware when she married Omar that he had another wife and a two year old son. In August it was reported that Omar's first wife, Rasha Bin Laden, a Saudi woman in her 20's, was angered by publicity surrounding the second marriage and vowed never to return to Omar until he ended the marriage with Zaina. [cite web|url=|title=Osama bin Laden's son dumped by first wife|date=2007-08-04] [cite web|url=|title=Saudi wife dumps Osama bin Laden's son|date=2007-08-04]

After their wedding, Zaina described the stress of Omar's family background: "Omar is wary of everyone. He is constantly watching people who he feels might be following him. Not without reason he is fearful of cameras. He is the son of Osama. But when we are together he forgets his life." The couple announced their divorce in September 2007, which was said to be in response to threats to their "lives and liberty" from two unspecified sources known to them in Saudi Arabia. At the time Zaina said she did not regard herself as divorced and that the divorce under duress did not have legal standing under Sharia law. [cite news|title= Briton to divorce bin Laden's son|url=|work=BBC News Online|date=2007-09-18|accessdate=2007-09-18] After 2 weeks Zaina and Omar decided not to part and would not let threats destroy their marriage. They are now together, have just finished filming for a BBC documentary, and plan to live in Europe.

Omar has applied for a British spousal immigration visa which would permit him to reside indefinitely at his wife's AU$1.5 million home in Moulton, Cheshire, a process which required him to provide original documentation of his divorce from his first wife. The couple stated their desire to have a child using a surrogate mother. [cite web|url=,23599,23046270-401,00.html|title=Bin Laden's son applies for British visa|date=2008-01-14] One report stated the visa application was denied because Omar failed to provide his father's permanent address. [cite web|url=|title=British Divorcee Marries Son Of Osama Bin Laden|publisher=CBS|date=2007-07-11] However, a later report by The Times of Omar's appeal stated that the visa had been denied by an entry clearance officer at the British embassy in Cairo because Omar's entry would cause "considerable public concern". The officer was quoted, "I note that statements made during recent media interviews indicate evidence of continuing loyalty to your father, and your presence in the UK could, therefore, cause considerable public concern." This written statement was shown to The Associated Press by the couple's legal firm, but Britain's Home Office declined to comment to the press on an individual case. Omar and his wife have appealed the ruling, calling it "unjust and arbitrary", stating that Zaina requires medical attention in Britain and that her appeal to live with him in Saudi Arabia could take years to process. They have a house in Cairo, and in April 2008 Omar was issued a Schengen visa allowing him to freely travel in most of Europe, but the couple have "no place truly to call a home". [cite web|url=|title=Osama Bin Ladens son Omar Ossama is banned from Britain|publisher=The Times|author=David Brown|date=2008-04-30] [cite web|url=|title= UK rejects residency for bin Laden's son|publisher=CNN/Associated Press|date=2008-05-01|author=] When it became apparent in mid-April that the visa application had likely been denied, Ms. Felix-Browne promised to take the case all the way to the European Court of Human Rights, saying they already had a Member of European Parliament and an immigration lawyer working with them. [cite web|url=|title=Osama son to move court over UK visa|date=2008-04-15]

Public life

North African horse race

Widespread news coverage beginning with an Associated Press interview in Cairo, Egypt on January 11, 2008 has featured Omar with dreadlocks and a black leather biker jacket promoting a convert|3000|mi|km|sing=on horse race for peace across North Africa. [cite web|url=|title=Bin Laden Son Wants to Be Peace Activist ] The race is in the planning stages, awaiting approval from governments along the route and sponsors to provide money to benefit child victims of war. The plan calls for the race to proceed convert|30|mi|km|sing=on each day, with weeklong rests in each country. [cite web|url=|title=Bin Laden Jr.: "Ambassador For Peace" ] It is scheduled to begin in March. PETA president Ingrid E. Newkirk has called for the cancellation of the race in an "urgent letter" from the organization, predicting that the gruelling race would lead to fatalities among the horses. [cite web|url=|title=PETA urges Ladens son to cancel horse race|date=2008-02-04] [cite web|url=|title=People: Kylie Minogue, James Blunt, Emma Thompson ("Collection of news shorts")] PETA has reported that the bin Ladens have emailed correspondence stating that the horse race will not be conducted in summer or in the midday sun and that veterinary care will be provided. [cite web|url=|title=PETA Media Center:Group Wants Horses Out, but Son of America's Most Sought-After Foe Will Provide Horse Ambulances and More ]

Omar describes the race as an equine counterpart to the cancelled 2008 Paris-Dakar car rally, saying "I heard the rally was stopped because of al-Qaida. I don't think they are going to stop me." [cite web|url=,21985,23073535-663,00.html|title=Omar Osama bin Laden organising horse race for peace] The race was cancelled after the killings of four French tourists near Aleg, Mauritania on Christmas Eve 2007. [cite web|url=|title=Tourists shot dead in Mauritania|publisher=BBC|date=2007-12-24] Following the murders race organizers received threats directly from heavily armed and organized groups linked to al-Qaeda, which led them to cancel the race on January 4, 2008 and soon after to plan the 2009 event for South America. [cite web|url=|title=Terror threat leads to cancellation of Dakar Rally] [cite web|url=|title=Dakar Rally to Relocate to South America?] Police in Guinea-Bissau said that two of five men arrested for the crime on January 11 2008 admitted al-Qaeda involvement. [cite web|url=|title=Bissau extradites al Qaeda suspects to Mauritania]

Relationship to father and al-Qaeda

Omar has said he doesn't criticize his father and has said that Osama bin Laden is just trying to defend the Islamic world, and that his father is not a terrorist "because history tells you he's not". In an interview with ABC News he said, "My father is very kind man. And he very sorry when he do something like 11th September." Osama ordered the attacks "Because he believe if he put two buildings down, maybe some people, little will die, but millions other will (be) save(d). He believe that. ... I believe he did it the wrong," In a January 21, 2008 CNN interview, he said "I try and say to my father: 'Try to find another way to help or find your goal. This bomb, this weapons, it's not good to use it for anybody,' " Regarding the September 11 attacks he said, "I don't think 9/11 was right personally, but it happened. I don't think ... [the war] in Vietnam was right. I don't think what's going on in Palestine is right. I don't think what's going on in Iraq is right. If we make what is right and not right, we will make a very big list."

Omar stated that he had not been in contact with his father since leaving Afghanistan in 2000. [cite web|url=|title=Bin Laden son: I am for peace|publication=New York Post|date=2008-01-18] He has said "The last time I saw my father was in 2000, 2001. I was in Saudi Arabia and felt a terrible sorrow for all the victims" (of the September 11 attacks)", "My father has a kind heart", and "I do not believe my father is dead, otherwise I would have known it; the world would have known it."cite web|url=,,2-10-1462_2264941,00.html|title=Bin Laden wants to meet pope|date=2008-02-05] When asked whether he would tell the Americans if he found out where his father was living, he said with a smile "Actually, I would hide him. Because he is my father."

According to Time Magazine's website, Omar has stated a desire to become an "ambassador of peace" between Muslims and the West. [cite web|url=,26174,1704818,00.html|title=Friday, Jan. 18, 2008 - Quotes of the Day] Omar has said that Osama bin Laden offered a truce to Europe in a 2004 videotape and a conditional truce with the United States in a 2006 videotape, and believes a truce is possible. "My father is asking for a truce but I don't think there is any government (that) respects him. At the same time they do not respect him, why everywhere in the world, they want to fight him? There is a contradiction." [cite web|url='s+son+wants+to+be+a+'peace+ambassador'|title=Osama's son wants to be peace ambassador between West and Muslims] The truces offered in these videos of Osama bin Laden were rapidly rejected at the time. [cite web|url=|date=2004-04-15|title=UK 'Bin Laden' offers Europe truce|publisher=BBC] [cite web|url=|title=Europe: No deal with bin Laden|publisher=CNN|date=2004-04-15] [cite web|url=|title=U.S. rejects bin Laden tape's 'truce' offer|publisher=CNN|date=2006-01-20] .

After arriving in Rome from Switzerland amid heavy security on February 2, Omar said in a television interview that night "I would very much like to meet the Pope in St Peter's, but I have been told that it is not easy."


"A search on [ Yahoo News] references 244 articles mentioning Omar Osama bin Laden as of 2008-01-18."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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