Anaretic degree

Anaretic degree

In astrology, the anaretic degree is the final degree of any sign, which is 29 degrees 0 minutes to 29 degrees 59 minutes. This degree is considered to be a critical degree, so any planets or celestial bodies placed within that range are likely to display the most extreme attributes of the sign or planet. Generally, when a planet is posited an anaretic degree, it the means that one cannot get enough of whatever it is they want.

An example of how the anaretic degree can pose problems is in horary astrology. When one casts a chart based upon a question, if any planet or celestial body is placed in the last dwad of the sign then it is said that the outcome of the question has already been assured, and there is nothing the querent can do to alter the outcome.

Another area where the anaretic degree plays an important role is that in wedding charts. In Helen Adams Garrett's book on the anaretic degree, she stated that the anaretic degree is usually found somewhere in the charts of couples who later divorce.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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