Nabiki Tendo

Nabiki Tendo

Infobox animanga character
color = lightgreen
name = Nabiki Tendo
series = Ranma ½

caption = Nabiki in the Anime
first = Volume 1
last =
creator = Rumiko Takahashi
voiced by = Minami Takayama (Japanese)
Angela Costain (English)
Elaina Wotten-Costain (Season 6)
alias = Sis, by Akane
Mercenary Girl, by Shampoo
The Queen of Debt, in chapter title
The Wicked Queen, by Principal Kuno
Heartless Bitch, by Ranma
Totally Shameless, by Ukyo
age = 17
born =
occupation = Student
Swindler, Extortionist & Embezzler
User & Manipulator
(Anime) Bookie
relatives = Soun Tendo, father
Unnamed mother, deceased
Kasumi Tendo, sister
Akane Tendo, sister
divider = yes
aux1 name = Curse
aux1 =
aux2 name = Skills
aux2 = Manipulation
Strategic Thinking
Conflict Generation
Iron Nerves
Battle Aura Intimidation

nihongo|Nabiki Tendo|天道 なびき|Tendō Nabiki is a fictional character in Rumiko Takahashi's anime and manga series "Ranma ½". Her first name comes from the Japanese word "nabiku" which means "to bend, yield, or sway to." Tendo means "the laws of heaven and nature."


Nabiki is presented as the middle of the three Tendo sisters, and a second year student at Furinkan High School. Even at her young age, she is gifted at methodically serving her own interests at the expense of anyone else, including her family,Back-stabber: Volume 29: Chapter 9-10; Volume 38: Chapter 9; Volume 19: Chapter 7; Volume 27: Chapter 3] and has no compunctions against emotionally wrecking,Heartbreaker: Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 17: Chapter 7] manipulating,Manipulator: Volume 17: Chapter 7] tormenting,Tormentor: Volume 17: Chapter 6-9] impoverishingImpoverishment: Volume 29: Chapter 10] or setting up others in life-threatening situationsConflict generation: Volume 17: Chapter 6; Volume 36: Chapter 10] for either money, amusement or petty pride, even if she owes them her life several times over.Ingrate: Volume 17: Chapter 6-9] She encouraged Kuno to keep his infatuation with female Ranma and AkaneKuno encouragement: Volume 1: Chapter 6] to further her regular sales of clandestinely-taken photos,Continuously selling photographs to schoolmates: Volume 1: Chapter 6; Volume 17: Chapter 7; Volume 20: Chapter 10; Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 34: Chapter 4; Volume 35: Chapter 5] which he keeps in a large album.Kuno's album: Volume 20: Chapter 10] She also regularly uses incrimination or blackmail to get what she wants.Incrimination or blackmail: Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 20: Chapter 11; Volume 35: Chapter 5] In the anime she has also taken bets on Ranma's fights.

Not much is known about her background, beyond that her mother died when Nabiki was quite young, leaving a very infrequent, but deep longing for a chance to see and speak to her again,Misses her mother: Volume 22: Chapter 4] but she usually embraces an upbeat, life-embracing, devil-may-care attitude. It is also known that she used to fight a lot with her 1-year younger sister Akane while growing up,Nabiki & Akane have apparently fought a lot: Volume 17: Chapter 6] and occasionally uses Kasumi as a personal confidante.Kasumi and Nabiki as confidantes: Volume 17: Chapter 9] She doesn't appear to have much respect for her father,Annoyed by her father making a spectacle of himself: Volume 7: Chapter 11; Volume 8: Chapter 8; Volume 11: Chapter 4] and has apparently known Tatewaki Kuno long enough for both to be sufficiently well-acquainted to detest each other, even right at the start of the series.Apparently well-acquainted with Kuno from the onset of the manga: Volume 1: Chapter 4]

While she comes from a martial arts school, Nabiki is also not a combatant. Although she always keeps her wits about her, she has herself stated that she's a completely untalented fighter.Untalented fighter: Volume 29: Chapter 9] The only fighting skill she has shown is clobbering Kuno unconscious with a small mallet from behind, while the latter was completely distracted, although Akane also performed the same feat just previously.Knock-out mallet: Volume 29: Chapter 1] She has also occasionally manifested a variant of the standardised intimidating battle aura that is recurrently used by various characters for comedic effect, but like Kasumi, and unlike her father, it hasn't been shown as useful for anything else, and is only workable when she's thoroughly mad/furious.Intimidating aura: Volume 16: Chapter 8; Volume 15: Chapter 6; Volume 27: Chapter 3] She generally ensures that the violence around her finds other targets to occupy its attention, although she miscalculated in tranferring Ranma's engagement to herself, briefly finding herself defenseless when Shampoo and Kodachi decided to simply kill her.Violence diversion: Volume 7: Chapter 7; Volume 17: Chapter 6; Volume 36: Chapter 10; Volume 19: Chapter 1]

Though she is usually shown as unconcerned about other people, and has been outright stated to have 'no maidenly feelings', be 'completely heartless', 'have no maidenly heart', or simply 'not naive', depending on the translation,Stated to 'be completely heartless' (Egmont's translation)/'have no maidenly feelings' (Online fan-edition)/'have no maidenly heart' (Independent Japanese publication verification)/'not be naive' (Viz version) in the author notes: Volume 29: Chapter 9] Nabiki was the one who displayed the most initial interest in Ranma when her father announced the pending arrival of a well-travelled guy. She hoped he was cute and was initially pleased with what she saw.Different initial portrayal: Volume 1: Chapter 1] It was not until she learned the pigtailed martial artist was a girl that she changed her mind.Dumping the gender-bender on Akane: Volume 1: Chapter 2] She's been portrayed in her general character since her interactions with Kuno a few chapters later.Regular portrayal start: Volume 1: Chapter 4]


Nabiki has been shown to be observant,Observant: Volume 5: Chapter 11; Volume 4: Chapter 6; Volume 8: Chapter 1; Volume 10: Chapter 7; Volume 13: Chapter 4; Volume 15: Chapter 2; Volume 15: Chapter 6; Volume 20: Chapter 6; Volume 22: Chapter 9; Volume 19: Chapter 2; Volume 25: Chapter 2; Volume 29: Chapter 1] curious,Curious: Volume 15: Chapter 8; Volume 21: Chapter 11; Volume 22: Chapter 7; Volume 28: Chapter 11; Volume 27: Chapter 7] resourceful and cool under pressure.Resourceful and cool under pressure: Volume 15: Chapter 5; Volume 17: Chapter 6; Volume 17: Chapter 10; Volume 29: Chapter 11] But also as sadistic,Sadistic: Volume 17: Chapter 5-9; Volume 29: Chapter 9-11; Volume 35: Chapter 5; Volume 27: Chapter 2] petty,Petty: Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 35: Chapter 5; Volume 22: Chapter 4] sarcastic,Sarcastic: Volume 1: Chapter 4; Volume 5: Chapter 6; Volume 6: Chapter 3; Volume 7: Chapter 7; Volume 16: Chapter 8; Volume 19: Chapter 6; Volume 19: Chapter 2; Volume 21: Chapter 9; Volume 23: Chapter 7; Volume 27: Chapter 1; Volume 32: Chapter 4; Volume 32: Chapter 10] manipulative,Manipulative: Volume 17: Chapter 5-10; Volume 19: Chapter 7; Volume 29: Chapter 9-11; Volume 35: Chapter 5] contemptuous,Contemptuous: Volume 1: Chapter 4; Volume 4: Chapter 6; Volume 7: Chapter 9; Volume 7: Chapter 11; Volume 8: Chapter 8; Volume 19: Chapter 8; Volume 20: Chapter 4; Volume 27: Chapter 2] impatient,Impatient: Volume 31: Chapter 9; Volume 36: Chapter 2; Volume 27: Chapter 2; Volume 28: Chapter 4; Volume 31: Chapter 3; Volume 32: Chapter 1] extremely greedy,Extremely greedy: Volume 29: Chapter 11; Volume 19: Chapter 1; Volume 34: Chapter 1; Volume 19: Chapter 7; Volume 17: Chapter 6] irresponsible/wont to foist her blame onto others,Blame-foister: Volume 17: Chapter 5; Volume 25: Chapter 10; Volume 33: Chapter 2] nearly barren of conscience or compassion and completely amoral,Almost barren of conscience, compassion or ethics: Volume 29: Chapter 9-11; Volume 17: Chapter 6-9; Volume 19: Chapter 1; Volume 35: Chapter 5; Volume 5: Chapter 2; Volume 33: Chapter 2] but seems to be childish at times,Occasionally childish: Volume 6: Chapter 1; Volume 4: Chapter 8] and is very fond of all types of tasty treats, including junk food.Food lover: Volume 5: Chapter 6; Volume 7: Chapter 1; Volume 10: Chapter 1; Volume 16: Chapter 8; Volume 25: Chapter 10; Volume 36: Chapter 2; Volume 27: Chapter 4; Volume 31: Chapter 9; Volume 33: Chapter 2] She has shown no compunctions about severely betraying her family,Back-stabber: Volume 29: Chapter 9-10; Volume 38: Chapter 9; Volume 19: Chapter 7; Volume 27: Chapter 3] or cheerfully and extensively tormenting someone who's just saved her own life twice over.Ingrate: Volume 17: Chapter 6-9] She has also taken advantage of the situation her family finds themselves in with the embattled engagement between Ranma Saotome and her sister Akane.Ranma & Akane's engagement: Volume 1: Chapter 6; Volume 17: Chapter 5-9; Volume 19: Chapter 7]

Nabiki is eminently fond of money. She's extremely miserly,Extremely miserly: Volume 35: Chapter 5] is proud to never bring a wallet to a date,No wallet on dates: Volume 29: Chapter 9] and even keeps a large jar of 1-Yen coins.1-Yen coin collection: Volume 34: Chapter 1] She has been shown to get her belongings either through stealing them from Akane (being wholly unconcerned about getting them destroyed or thrown away),She has been shown to steal her belongings from Akane and is wholly unconcerned about destroying them: Volume 17: Chapter 5; Volume 34: Chapter 1] as gifts from infatuated victims,Gifts from prospective suitors/victims: Volume 29: Chapter 9] for providing unreliable information,Offering to reveal Ranma's weakness for a CD-player: Volume 5: Chapter 1] or through emptying her father's meagre savings to have a good time.Empties her father's savings without the latter's approval: Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 34: Chapter 1] But she has turned extremely vengeful if forced to waste her own money,Extremely vengeful when forced to waste her own money: Volume 35: Chapter 5] and has also been mentioned to invest her earnings in personal stocks.Personal stocks: Volume 34: Chapter 1] She has taken advantage of Ranma's comparatively honest, straightforward nature and his moral 'inhibitions' for an effortless income source, such as regularly selling revealing or semi-revealing photographs of Ranma-chan (Set of five for 3000/5000 yen!) to many of her schoolmates,Continuously selling photographs to schoolmates: Volume 1: Chapter 6; Volume 17: Chapter 7; Volume 20: Chapter 10; Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 34: Chapter 4; Volume 35: Chapter 5] taking world-wide orders for above-themed handkerchief prints,Handkerchief prints: Volume 35: Chapter 5] attempting to use him as a slave,Attempting to use Ranma as a slave: Volume 17: Chapter 6; Volume 20: Chapter 3] or generally swindling him.Swindling Ranma: Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 20: Chapter 11; Volume 34: Chapter 10] Her love of money frequently leads her to betray her family to gain more of it,Back-stabber: Volume 29: Chapter 9-10; Volume 38: Chapter 9; Volume 19: Chapter 7; Volume 27: Chapter 3] and she's been more than willing to ruin them to win a bet,Willing to ruin her family: Volume 29: Chapter 10] or destroy her sister's wedding to get presents.Destroying Akane's wedding: Volume 38: Chapter 9] She's been shown as completely indifferent to the plights she puts them through.Indifferent to being a severe drain on her family: Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 34: Chapter 4] However, she will occasionally work together with her family, such as revealing the Gambling King's bad habits in order to win back their shared living space, i.e: the house,Collaborating against the Gambling King: Volume 15: Chapter 6] though she initially helped the latter in his endeavours to swindle kindergarten children of their money.Helping the Gambling King to swindle children: Volume 15: Chapter 5]

She has been shown as entertained by the insanity and supernatural chaos surrounding Ranma,Entertained by the chaos: Volume 1: Chapter 7; Volume 5: Chapter 2; Volume 5: Chapter 11; Volume 7: Chapter 7; Volume 17: Chapter 11; Volume 20: Chapter 4; Volume 31: Chapter 6] and interested in the romantic (or otherwise) entanglements he and Akane get involved in,Interested in Ranma & Akane's entanglements: Volume 11: Chapter 7; Volume 3: Chapter 8; Volume 10: Chapter 7; Volume 19: Chapter 6; Volume 22: Chapter 2; Volume 22: Chapter 7; Volume 23: Chapter 8; Volume 31: Chapter 10; Volume 32: Chapter 10] despite repeatedly expressing an extremely low esteem of his character.Extremely low esteem of Ranma's character: Volume 4: Chapter 6; Volume 11: Chapter 9-10; Volume 14: Chapter 1; Volume 14: Chapter 3; Volume 15: Chapter 8; Volume 17: Chapter 11; Volume 19: Chapter 8; Volume 20: Chapter 4; Volume 20: Chapter 7; Volume 22: Chapter 3; Volume 22: Chapter 8; Volume 23: Chapter 7; Volume 31: Chapter 3]

She will occasionally set up dangerous, or potentially life-threatening situations for simple amusement, like informing all his paramours that he was going to give Akane an engagement ring, even without profit involved, just to watch the spectacle when he's beaten up, and destroying Nodoka's/the Saotome family's house in the process,Setting up attack for amusement & getting Nodoka's house destroyed: Volume 36: Chapter 10] using him as a human shield against an attack from his paramours and initially planning to continue doing so in the long run,Remorselessly using Ranma as a human shield: Volume 17: Chapter 6] or lying to her father that he's fallen in love with Kuno to provoke an attack.Lying to her father to make him attack Ranma: Volume 21: Chapter 8] However, she's been contemptuous and annoyed when this has involved her father making a public spectacle of himself, pretending not to know him.Annoyed by her father making a spectacle of himself: Volume 7: Chapter 11; Volume 8: Chapter 8; Volume 11: Chapter 4]

Her intelligence and talent for manipulation has helped her to mostly use less refined characters to personal advantage without any negative accountability. Whenever she deals with Ranma, for example, she's bluffedNabiki bluffs Ranma when she's angered him: Volume 17: Chapter 10; Volume 29: Chapter 10] or threatened to blackmail him, if her frauds, manipulations or other schemes have angered him ('Hurt me and everyone will get the photograph').Nabiki threatens to blackmail Ranma after she's angered him: Volume 20: Chapter 11; Volume 35: Chapter 5]

She once feigned love for him, since she found it entertaining to play with his and Akane's emotions, and cheerfully tormented them with extended hardships, including re-establishing the morning attacks on her sister by spreading newsletters, auctioning Ranma's services, letting him take damage in defence of her, using their compassion against them by feigning heartbreak, and having fun with the tension from Akane's paranoia and the couple's flustered insecurities about their relationship.Extensively tormenting Ranma & her sister for amusement: Volume 17: Chapter 6-9] She initially planned to use the engagement to inherit and sell the dojo/destroy her father's legacy, to play for the rest of her life,She initially planned to use the engagement to inherit and sell the dojo/destroy her father's legacy, and use it to play for the rest of her life: Volume 17: Chapter 6] but when Ranma pretended to get genuinely attached and asked her for a date, she considered him more work than her profits warranted, and informed Akane,Genuine affection would cause more work than warranted: Volume 17: Chapter 9] resulting in the couple making up.Ranma & Akane making up: Volume 17: Chapter 10]

Nabiki has shown expert acting skills, being able to easily fake tears or make utterly convincing expressions,Expert actress: Volume 17: Chapter 6-10; Volume 29: Chapter 9-11; Volume 35: Chapter 5; Volume 36: Chapter 8] and even use ventriloquism to imitate another voice.Ventriloquism: Volume 29: Chapter 11] She's effortlessly kept up a straight-faced over-dramatic play-act about feigned love even while in free-fall from a helicopter, simultaneously allowing a rival swindler to fall towards his death after refusing to pay her in exchange for a working parachute (she sabotaged the one he was wearing). She kept up the act even as he lay dying in a crater on the ground, and only briefly let up a bloodthirsty triumphant grin while using his money to call an ambulance to win the competition, to instantly effortlessly switch back to the unflinching theatrics. Afterwards, she was depressed and genuinely weeping, but the stated reason was not lost love, but rather regret for not making their bet concern 10,000 Yen instead of 10 Yen.Cold-blooded, unflinching theatrics, and crying when not making enough money: Volume 29: Chapter 11]

Although Nabiki has been shown with a personal social circle,Social circle: Volume 7: Chapter 11; Volume 8: Chapter 8] certain other regular cast members have stated a dislike due to her conscience-free and duplicitous nature.Beyond Kuno, her thoroughly conscience-free nature makes her disliked by Ranma & Ukyo: Volume 17: Chapter 6; Volume 29: Chapter 10] Ukyo has attacked her together with Shampoo and Kodachi, and the latter two intended to kill her.Attack by Ranma's paramours: Volume 17: Chapter 6]

She's deliberately appealed to or created a demand in potential customers, such as encouraging Tatewaki Kuno to keep his infatuation for Akane and the "pigtailed girl" in the first manga chapters (She instantly had pre-prepared pictures of both ready for sale, implying that she thrived from encouraging the attacks on her sister just previously),She had photographs of Ranma & Akane prepared during his 3'rd day in school: Volume 1: Chapter 6] to consistently sell him semi-revealing photographs, though she's sold collections of Ranma-chan to a queue of other schoolmates as well.Continuously selling photographs to schoolmates: Volume 1: Chapter 6; Volume 17: Chapter 7; Volume 20: Chapter 10; Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 34: Chapter 4; Volume 35: Chapter 5] Among other things, she has auctioned Ranma to the school's many sports clubs as slave labour, and been willing to transfer her engagement to Ukyo and the psychotic Kodachi for 6350 Yen.Willing to sell Ranma's engagement to Kodachi: Volume 17: Chapter 6] Nabiki also indifferently framed him for assault and rape as an eternal blackmail source, until he destroyed the 'evidence'.Indifferently frames Ranma for assault and attempted rape: Volume 35: Chapter 5] When she cheerfully ran up a huge gambling debt during her battle with Kinnosuke Kasha-Oh, she also casually sold Ranma-chan as a prostitute to help pay it off and was somewhat curious after the latter managed to escape from his captors.Casually sells Ranma as a slave prostitue to pay off some of her gambling debts: Volume 29: Chapter 10]

She's shown no business ethics whatsoever. She has taken the principal's money and ran from the taken assignment,No business ethics: Runs from a paid assignment: Volume 34: Chapter 4] repeatedly lied about non-working solutions ('Money first!'),No business ethics: Lying about, and taking payment for, solutions she doesn't believe/intend to work: Volume 19: Chapter 7; Volume 20: Chapter 11; Volume 34: Chapter 10] and left Ranma pay her food tab despite just promising that she'd treat him.No business ethics: Running away from and leaving Ranma to pay her food tab, despite just promising to treat him: Volume 29: Chapter 9] Another notable incident showed her taking advantage of an amnesiac Kuno by convincing him that he owed her 5,000 yen, which she instantly regretted only for not making it 10,000.No business ethics: Swindles an amnesiac, and regretful that she didn't make it a larger sum: Volume 19: Chapter 1] She's also unashamedly told Ranma to catch and beat up a 'stalker' in exchange for one of her 5,000 Yen picture sets of his female form, which she's never been shown to let him/her get a quota from.No business ethics: Unashamedly offers Ranma pictures of his female form, in exchange for catching and beating up a 'stalker': Volume 29: Chapter 9] She's made a claim that, despite not having any talent in the martial arts, she has pride in her legacy and won't refuse a challenge, but instantly dumped the assignment on Ranma.Insincere claims of pride in her family legacy: Volume 29: Chapter 9] The only signs of 'honour'/petty pride she's displayed was a burning need for vengeance due to being outsmarted/"taken advantage of",Petty pride for being "taken advantage of"/outsmarted, despite that she collaborated with Kinnosuke in sticking her family with the bills: Volume 29: Chapter 9] and when accidentally forced to waste her own money,Extremely vengeful when forced to spend her own money: Volume 35: Chapter 5] but in both cases endeavoured to inflict vastly greater amounts of 'payback'.

While Nabiki has repeatedly stooped to at least as genuine and twisted lows as virtually any other character, save perhaps Kodachi and Saffron,Comparison: Kodachi has been inclined to casually feed paralysed family members to her pet alligator, assault innocent bystanders with poison gas for amusement and since she viewed them as 'bugs', or indifferently attempt to murder them on the off chance that they might be a rival's date, and has an idea of love built on paralysis and rape, but also seems quite insane, which would at least partially exonerate it. Ryu & Taro have been willing to save women from wild animals, although the former has shown no general qualms about using torture for information, while the latter has been willing to betray and murder someone who just saved his life. Happosai tauntingly attempted to cripple Ranma for life after being provoked, and extensively tormented his students for fun, but also likes children and has tried to be kind to them. Saffron & Herb will kill or torment someone in as slow and painful manner as possible just for standing up to them, but have shown a loyal, if abusive, inclination to their subjects. However, the former has also been implied to use 'Surikomi' eggs to enslave them. Shampoo has shown sadistic, murderously treacherous and relentlessly vengeful traits, but also loyalty to her family.] unlike the others, she has never been shown to pay for it. She's the only known character repeatedly portrayed in a demon suit by the author,Demon suit: Volume 17: Chapter 8; The Art of Ranma ½, page 45 - Here shown in contrast to Kasumi's angel] the latter case in opposition to her elder sister Kasumi's angel. Although when Ranma severely manipulated Akane's feelings to make her give up a "battle-dougi" (since it boosted her fighting skills beyond his own), and the latter responded with love and acceptance, he felt like scum, which was visibly shown in a similar symbolic manner.Ranma/Akane Demon/Angel contrast: Volume 32: Chapter 10] There is a marked contrast in character between the two sisters. They are frequently used as two diametrical 'cynical'/'considerate' perspectives on the antics surrounding them.Diametrical perspectives: Volume 5: Chapter 11; Volume 7: Chapter 11; Volume 17: Chapter 9; Volume 20: Chapter 6; Volume 32: Chapter 10; Volume 33: Chapter 3] Nabiki has been referred to as 'completely heartless'/'have no maidenly heart' in the initial author notes of the Kasha-Oh arc,Stated to 'be completely heartless' (Egmont's translation)/'have no maidenly feelings' (Online fan-edition)/'have no maidenly heart' (Independent Japanese publication verification)/'not be naive' (Viz version) in the author notes: Volume 29: Chapter 9] and two stories have been devoted to dealing with Kasumi's lack of 'negative' instincts,Kasumi's apparent complete lack of negative instincts: Volume 29: Chapter 8; Volume 33: Chapter 2] the former placed right before Nabiki's lengthy competition with Kinnosuke Kasha-Oh.Nabiki's competition with Kinnosuke Kasha-Oh: Volume 29: Chapter 9-11] Kasumi has been able to see through her schemes, but like her father has been extremely forgiving, and at most vainly tried to convince her otherwise.Kasumi seeing through Nabiki's schemes or being extremely forgiving: Volume 17: Chapter 9; Volume 29: Chapter 9] Although she made a careful balance-tipping choice comment to their father when the latter was about to accept Nabiki's and Ranma's engagement at the expense of the flustered Akane.Kasumi making a choice comment to ensure that Akane would not be left alone by Nabiki's scheme: Volume 17: Chapter 6]

Akane is the only character shown to generally wish to believe the best of Nabiki, despite all evidence to the contrary, and shows disappointment from her sister's betrayals.Akane's wish to believe the best of her sister leads to disappointment: Volume 17: Chapter 8; Volume 19: Chapter 7; Volume 34: Chapter 4] Nabiki has expressed at least a modicum of respect towards the latter, as she's stated that she considers Akane tougher than herself,Nabiki considers Akane tougher than herself: Volume 11: Chapter 7] but Kasumi has also mentioned that they've had a tendency to fight a lot.Nabiki & Akane have apparently fought a lot: Volume 17: Chapter 6]

In contrast to Akane, Ranma is more suspicious of her motives,Ranma is suspicious, unless manipulated by faked sentiment: Volume 17: Chapter 7; Volume 29: Chapter 11] frustrated with being repeatedly cheated and abused as one of her tools.Ranma is shown as frustrated from being cheated and abused as a tool: Volume 17: Chapter 6; Volume 20: Chapter 11; Volume 29: Chapter 9-10; Volume 35: Chapter 5] Although he's been bound not to retaliate, either by threat of blackmail,Nabiki threatens to blackmail Ranma when she's angered him: Volume 20: Chapter 11] or his own ethical restraints, which prevent him from attacking those who cannot fight back.Ranma's ethical restraints prevent him from attacking Nabiki: Volume 17: Chapter 10] He views her as chillingly monstrous for casually selling him/her as a prostitute,Ranma views Nabiki as shockingly monstrous, after the latter showed complete lack of concern about selling his female form as a prostitute: Volume 29: Chapter 10] and then allowing Kinnosuke to fall toward his death.Ranma views Nabiki as shockingly monstrous, for cold-bloodedly allowing Kinnosuke to fall towards his death, while effortlessly keeping up a feigned love-play: Volume 29: Chapter 11] Despite this, he remains willing to assist her even as she ruthlessly takes advantage of his compassion.Ranma remains willing to help Nabiki, and she can still ruthlessly take advantage of his compassion: Volume 31: Chapter 6; Volume 35: Chapter 5] Her father has been mortified or broken when taking the brunt of her schemes, and through these situations she's the only daughter he's ever been shown to be openly upset with. Yet, he's never been shown to hold a grudge afterwards.She's the only daughter her father has ever been shown to get upset with, when he's mortified about taking the brunt of her schemes, yet he's never been shown to hold a grudge: Volume 17: Chapter 6; Volume 29: Chapter 9; Volume 34: Chapter 1]

Nabiki has only shown one markedly 'positive' moment during the manga series: An extremely rare nostalgia and depression for her dead mother. When Ranma was under the threat of obligatory suicide if he revealed himself to Nodoka, Nabiki initially tried to expose him out of jealousy. But for once, she relented and vowed to stay out of their way, simply telling him to speak to his mother while she was still around.Initially attempts to expose Ranma to his mother out of jealousy, despite that he'd likely get killed, but then shows 1-time nostalgia for her own dead mother and relents: Volume 22: Chapter 4] Nabiki has consistently been shown as enthusiastic when Nodoka visits the family and calls her 'auntie Saotome',Apparently consistently enthusiastic to see Nodoka/'Auntie Saotome': Volume 23: Chapter 7; Volume 30: Chapter 8] so it's not impossible that she regards the latter as a substitute mother figure. In contrast, she was shown as unconcerned, or at most curious, after sending Kasumi into destitution,Seemingly unconcerned about sending Kasumi into destitution: Volume 29: Chapter 9] and was the most fiercely opposed to allowing the sloppy and ditzy, but well-intended and righteous Hinako to propose to Soun.Initially fiercely opposed to allowing Hinako to marry her father: Volume 27: Chapter 2-3] But when the teacher bribed her with 10,000 Yen, she immediately relented and set them up on a date.Nabiki immediately relents, and sets up a date for Hinako & Soun, after the former bribes her with 10,000 Yen: Volume 27: Chapter 3]

An odd tidbit is that shes shown more upbeat attitude towards Ryoga than any other male, save perhaps her father,There are some hints that Nabiki views her father in nostalgic or positive nuances: Volume 27: Chapter 3; Volume 29: Chapter 10; Volume 33: Chapter 2] as shes been enthusiastically interested in the former's love life with both Akane and Akari.She's shown interest in Ryoga's love-life, though not remotely attraction: Volume 23: Chapter 8; Volume 30: Chapter 2] She's been shown to enjoy eating the delicacies he brings her family from various visited regions,Nabiki enjoys the pastries Ryoga regularly brings her family: Volume 23: Chapter 8] so perhaps the reliable source of free treats is the cause of this?

As a minutiae, Nabiki and Kasumi have not been shown as victims of Happosai's actions, though he enthusiastically attempted to peek on Nabiki early in the manga, when he thought she was naked in the bathhouse.Happosai enthusiastically attempting to peek on Nabiki in the bath: Volume 7: Chapter 7] Given Happosai's vast power, and utter ruthlessness when provoked it's uncertain to base this on fear. It's possible that this 'immunity' is granted because Kasumi is the only household member who regularly treats him with consideration, while Nabiki is simply too hard to tease or outsmart. She also does not appear to be energetic enough to keep his interest and tends to stay out of his way. Though they have not shown antagonism, given that he didn't mind offhandedly granting Nabiki's request to stop/knock out Ranma, when she was chasing the latter to find out why he wouldn't undo his pigtail (The reason being that it was kept in place by the supernatural hair-growth stopping 'Dragon's Whisker').Happosai didn't mind offhandedly knocking out Ranma for her: Volume 15: Chapter 8] In an instance from the separate anime continuity, Kasumi has a battle aura surrounding her because of Happosai's actions, while Nabiki simply punches him away.

In the anime, Nabiki has also generally been considerably less blatantly heartless. She has shown a soft side for her sister in "Tendo Family Goes to the Amusement Park", and was also genuinely distressed at Kasumi's possession and her father's willingness to sacrifice his life during "The Evil Ogre! Hell Hath No Fury Like Kasumi Scorned." She is here occasionally used as ´the voice of reason´, such as sardonically telling Akane that she and Ranma shouldn´t put faith in "love-predicting Sakuramochi" to decide their destiny for them. Additionally, the engagement story was somewhat toned down, and her later ´worst moment´ spotlight episodes never had time to be included before the anime was cancelled.

Love Life

Nabiki has been stated to not possess any 'maidenly feelings', or 'be completely heartless' in the initial author notes of the Kasha-Oh story-arc, depending on the translation.Stated to 'be completely heartless' (Egmont's translation)/'have no maidenly feelings' (Online fan-edition)/'have no maidenly heart' (Independent Japanese publication verification)/'not be naive' (Viz version) in the author notes: Volume 29: Chapter 9] She has used her classy and attractive appearance to fleece and swindle any potential suitors for all they are worth, conning them into giving her expensive food, clothes and jewellery. At the point she's gauged that they've reached their financial limit, she immediately breaks up the relationship and blackmails them to pay her additional money afterwards by threatening to distribute their love-letters.She encourages any romantic intentions to fleece and blackmail the suitors for all they're worth: Volume 29: Chapter 9] Nabiki is very good at faking amorous emotions to fit her needs. She thinks it's amusing to repeatedly manipulate and abuse Ranma's feelings with sadistic play-acting.She expertly faked love/amorous emotions for Ranma to torment him for fun: Volume 17: Chapter 6-10] An (unsuccessful) rival swindler may have been another victim of this deception.Nabiki expertly faked romantic love towards Kinnosuke Kasha-Oh, but it's unclear if he was successfully seduced or not: Volume 29: Chapter 11]

In the anime Nabiki and Tatewaki Kuno have been implied as a potential couple in the episode "Extra, Extra Read All About IT! Kuno and Nabiki!" wherein a famous, but apparently incompetent, fortuneteller named Gindo told Tatewaki the time, place, and a number of correctly predicted happenings to follow to encounter the love of his life, and the samurai ended up finding Nabiki on a bridge, on her way to early tennis practice. Tatewaki attempted to forget about Akane and the pigtailed girl, and Nabiki was shown as curious about his sudden affection, but he ultimately decided to marry Nabiki with the latter two as ongoing mistresses, which enraged all three to attack him. When the fortuneteller, and his childhood friend, the Kuno household ninja Sasuke Sarugakure, later explained that a mistake had been made, due to the wrong quality of wood, Tatewaki gave them both a beating.

Another implication occurred in the second movie, in which Kuno was assigned as the male counterpart attempting to ´resque´ Nabiki from Wonton, the imbecillic dog-man, whose response to her request for expensive presents in order to court her, had just resulted in fetching a bone tied with a ribbon, much to Nabiki´s annoyance. However, when Tatewaki ended up outmatched, Nabiki simply used the bone to encourage the former dog to beg and roll over, then said "fetch", threw it out of a window, situated far above the stony ground, and walked away, while dragging the unconscious Tatewaki behind her. Additionally, in the OAV episode "Oh, Cursed Tunnel of Lost Love! Let My Love Be Forever", Nabiki casually used Kuno as a human shield against an explosion, and seemingly adoringly commented that ´saving her´ was a romantic gesture, much like when in a similar predicament with Ranma during the manga engagement arc. Perhaps more noteworthy the pair managed to get through the cave without being separated.

Given their outright contempt or loathing of one another in the manga,Nabiki's utter contempt for Kuno, and his reciprocal loathing: Volume 1: Chapter 4; Volume 15: Chapter 1; Volume 19: Chapter 2; Volume 20: Chapter 11; Volume 27: Chapter 8] Takahashi may have spoofed this notion in the 'It's Raining Love!' story, when Nabiki demanded 1000 Yen in payment to become his girlfriend, even when they were successfully influenced by a magic love-inducing umbrella, but was immediately outraged that she'd "cut KUNO a deal like that" afterwards.When successfully affected by a love-inducing umbrella, Nabiki still wanted payment to become Kuno's girlfriend: Volume 31: Chapter 6] Although its possible the joke was just made because it was funny without any deep meanings.

Skills and abilities

Extraordinary attributes: Although Nabiki apparently keeps in shape enough to keep a lean figure despite her considerable love of food, at least some of it through light aerobics, she is one of the few prominent cast members without great superhuman physical power.

Nevertheless she occasionally displays her family's trademark giant battle-aura, and has demonstrated mildly superhuman speed and reflexes when barely dodging Ranma's high-speed grabbing while hidden from his sight behind a shrubbery. However, she has been vulnerable to even comparatively minor impacts, and was once knocked out through simply falling and hitting her head to the floor (although she recovered very quickly). She was claimed to have been severely threatened by unexpectedly plummetting from a second floor balcony, although she didn't seem the least bit frightened as she fell. She does possess sufficient striking-power to knock out Kuno through blunt weaponry when taking the latter completely by surprise from behind, so, given all of the above, her father may have provided Nabiki with regular martial arts training earlier in her life, even if she only trains through more regular activities within the span of the manga itself, but she has been stated outright as much less talented than Akane. Like for several other cast members, the mallet qualifies as the frequently demonstrated comedic feature to ´pop forth´ small items seemingly out of thin air, but only Happosai, Mousse, and perhaps Kodachi or Genma, have ever used it to more 'extreme'/noteable extents.

In the manga Nabiki once used ventriloquism to speak through a wooden puppet belonging to a rival swindler, possibly imitating the appropriate voice in the process.

Additionally, in the anime her self-control was shown as sufficient to create severe difficulties in reading her mind, and to overwhelm the telepathic child through intense personally selected imagery when she eventually allowed him access. (Tidal-waves of money, or visions of an implied erotic nature)

Talents: Nabiki's true strength lies in her cool head, iron nerves, high-speed adaptive scheming, efficient practical psychology, utterly convincing master actress skills, seething greed, pride, and spite, leading to a very entrepeneuring spirit, near absolute lack of ethical restraints, and some acquaintance with a multitude of areas such as forgery, worth evaluation, law, investment, and photography. She can efficiently multi-task different actions, steps or minor schemes simultaneously, with several back-ups along the way. However, she also tends to be sloppy, hedonistic, stick to mostly straightforward ideas, and generally plans as she goes along rather than in advance.

Miscellaneous: Near the end of the manga, Nabiki once helped Akane to grow spores from magic mushrooms, which could control age through digestion, but it is unknown if she managed to keep cultivating them for herself afterwards. Given the frequent occurrences of useful magical items, it can be seen as odd that such an ambitious and pragmatic individual would not attempt to hoard a variety for herself, but given the episodic convenience of the series, everything must return mostly to normal by the end of each storyarc.

Popular Culture

* Nabiki Tendo makes a cameo appearance in the anime Maze The Megaburst Space Episode 12


External links

* [ Nabiki at AnimeInfo]
* [ Nabiki at]

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