The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience commonly referred to as IAESTE (pronounced i-ai-es-te or ai-es-te) is an international organization exchanging students for technical work experience abroad. Students gain relevant technical training lasting from 6 weeks to 18 months.

IAESTE includes 85 countries of the world, with a potential of accepting new countries in the organization every year. On the General conference 2005 held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, a statute and by-laws of IAESTE a.s.b.l. has been established, making IAESTE a registered "associacion sans but lucratif" (non-profit organization), with the centre in Luxembourg. Current general secretary is Pauline Ferguson of Northern Ireland.


IAESTEs motto is "Students, technology & cultural understanding". IAESTEs aims are to:
* Connect students with employers in foreign countries.
* Provide university students technical experience.
* Culturally enrich students and their host communities.


IAESTE was founded in 1948 at Imperial College, London. The Imperial College Vacation Work Committee headed by Mr. James Newby initiated a meeting with national organizations from 10 European countries in a post war effort to promote better understanding between countries and cultures.

Since 1948, the association has grown to include more than 80 countries world-wide and has exchanged in excess of 300,000 students. Yearly IAESTE exchanges around 6000 students playing an important role in giving technical undergraduates practical work experience and a global perspective.

Organization structure

International organization structure

The IAESTE Association is a confederation of National Committees representing academic, industrial, and student interests. Coordinating the daily administration of the association is the responsibility of the General Secretary. The General Secretary is elected for two years and is responsible to the General Conference or the GC as it is called in the IAESTE. The GC makes the formal decisions in IAESTE and is composed of one delegate (National Secretary) from each country. The GC meets every year in January and is forum for discussion.

The Board is an elected body which prepares the work of the General Conference and advises the General Secretary. It is composed of four elected members and the General Secretary.

The GC is the most important event of IAESTE each year. Here every country brings job offers they have obtained in their own country. Every job is written on a standardized form stating where and when the job is, who is eligible for the job and which qualifications (language, skills, etc) are required. The jobs are traded during the "Exchange Sessions". During these sessions countries meet and try to get the best possible jobs to bring back home. This is very hectic as countries try to get the best jobs. These jobs either has to fit pre-selected students or are open for applications for students back home.

On other notable event at the GC is the "International Party". At this party every member country brings national dish, drinks and clothes.

The international work is funded by member fees based on GDP per capita and number of students sent abroad and is paid by the National Committees.

National organization structure

The National Committees represent the member countries and are composed of persons representing academic, industrial and student interests. Every full member of the IAESTE has one vote at the GC. The National Secretary is normally the person with the formal vote, even though the decisions are often made by the whole National Committee.

Each National Committee is responsible for the administration of the exchange in its own country. Membership is given after the establishment of a National Committee in accordance with the statutes of IAESTE, together with a responsible permanent secretariat. The type of secretariat which administers the exchange varies according to each country's national structure, educational system, and funding policies. The essential requirement is that the national secretariat, whatever its organization and status, should have competent permanent staff.

Every country has their own way of organizing the work of IAESTE, but the National Committee can mainly be classified in four categories:
* Student driven - The National Secretary is a student, normally serving for one to two years. Often there is one employed administrative staff for paperwork and keeping contact with other national committees, but the students are making decisions, organizing trainees and even raising funds. Examples are Norway, Denmark, Austria, and Croatia (see CEC).
* Academically - The National Secretary is a professor or employed by a university to front IAESTE on the behalf of the university or the country. Usually the have students to welcome trainees, but students are not involved in the decision-making. Examples are Turkey, Portugal.
* Governmental - An employee of a governmental international work exchange organization is the National Secretary. Usually the organization is responsible for several exchange programs and is quite professional. They also often employ students for reception of trainees. Examples are Finland, Switzerland and UK.
* Other - Non-profit organization funded by various sources (students, companies, government) but not affiliated with a single institution. Examples are China, USA.

IAESTE varies a lot from country to country and even within countries there can be big difference from one city to another. The traineeship also varies a lot: some countries have extended programs with students employed to help and organize events ( [http://www.iaeste.no/web/index.php?section=14 Example from Norway of the social part of being a trainee] ), while in other places arriving trainees organize events themselves.

Alumni network

Founded 1996 in Denmark, the Friends of IAESTE Network (FoIN) is the official Alumni branch of IAESTE. It's mission is to help former IAESTE trainees and members keep in touch. The over 13,000 members (as of fall 2008) of the network can send messages and search for fellow trainees without revealing their contact details to the public. Members of the network receive a newsletter which is sent out twice a year.


In 2005, an international IAESTE Day was created, for the purpose of global promotion of the organization as well as celebration of its aims and goals. Starting with 6 countries, IAESTE Day celebrated with 28 of its country members in 2007.In 2008, IAESTE-day will be celebrated on thursday the 16th of October.


*PDF| [http://www.iaeste.org/docs/annual_report/2005annualreport.pdf 2005 Annual Report] |1.54 MiB
* [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2000_Jan_5/ai_58430974 Business Wire Article involving AIPT and IAESTE]

ee also

CEC - Central European Convention

External links


* [http://www.iaeste.org/ IAESTE asbl - international web page]
* [http://www.iaeste.org/friends/ Friends of IAESTE Network - the Alumni organization of IAESTE]



*flagicon|Austria [http://www.iaeste.at/ IAESTE Austria]
*flagicon|Belgium [http://www.iaeste.be/ IAESTE Belgium]
*flagicon|Bosnia and Herzegovina [http://www.iaeste.ba/ IAESTE Bosnia and Herzegovina]
*flagicon|Croatia [http://www.iaeste.hr IAESTE Croatia]
*flagicon|Czech Republic [http://www.iaeste.cz/ IAESTE Czech republic]
*flagicon|Finland [http://iaestelc.tky.fi/ IAESTE Helsinki]
*flagicon|Germany [http://www.iaeste.de/ IAESTE Germany]
*flagicon|Greece [http://www.ntua.gr/iaeste/ IAESTE Greece]
*flagicon|Hungary [http://www.iaeste.hu/ IAESTE Hungary]
*flagicon|Macedonia [http://www.iaeste.org.mk IAESTE Macedonia]
*flagicon|Malta [http://www.iaeste.org.mt IAESTE Malta]
*flagicon|Norway [http://www.iaeste.no/ IAESTE Norway]
*flagicon|Poland [http://www.iaeste.pl/ IAESTE Poland]
*flagicon|Russia [http://www.iaesterussia.ru/ IAESTE Russia]
*flagicon|Serbia [http://www.iaeste.org.yu/ IAESTE Serbia]
*flagicon|Slovakia [http://www.iaeste.sk/ IAESTE Slovakia]
*flagicon|Slovenia [http://www.iaeste.si IAESTE Slovenia]
*flagicon|Spain [http://www.iaeste.es/ IAESTE Spain]
*flagicon|Sweden [http://www.iaeste.se IAESTE Sweden]
*flagicon|Switzerland [http://www.iaeste.ch IAESTE Switzerland]
*flagicon|Ireland [http://www.iaeste.ie IAESTE Ireland]
*flagicon|Turkey [http://www.iaeste.itu.edu.tr IAESTE Turkey]
*flagicon|Montenegro [http://www.iaeste.cg.yu IAESTE Montenegro]
*flagicon|United Kingdom [http://www.iaeste.org.uk IAESTE UK]


*flagicon|Brazil [http://www.ci.com.br/site/produtos/trabalhenoexterior_iaeste.php IAESTE Brazil]
*flagicon|Canada [http://www.queensu.ca/iaeste/ IAESTE Canada]
*flagicon|Colombia [http://www.iaeste.org.co/colombia/ IAESTE Colombia]
*flagicon|Mexico [http://iaeste.amipp.org/ IAESTE Mexico]
*flagicon|Peru [http://www.ing.udep.edu.pe/iaeste/ IAESTE Perú]
*flagicon|USA [http://www.iaesteunitedstates.org IAESTE United States]
*flagicon|Argentina [http://www.iaeste.secyt.gov.ar IAESTE Argentina]


*flagicon|Pakistan [http://www.iaestepakistan.org/ IAESTE Pakistan]
*flagicon|India [http://www.iaeste.in/ IAESTE India]
*flagicon|Israel [http://www.admin.technion.ac.il/IAESTE/ IAESTE Israel]
*flagicon|Iran [http://www.iaeste.ir/ IAESTE Iran]
*flagicon|Thailand [http://www.iaeste-thailand.org IAESTE Thailand]
*flagicon|China [http://www.iaeste-china.org/ IAESTE China]
*flagicon|UAE [http://www.iaesteuae.com// IAESTE United Arab Emirates]


*flagicon|Australia [http://www.swin.edu.au/hosting/iaeste/ IAESTE Australia]

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