- Ralph Yarro III
Ralph J. Yarro III is
chairman of the board and the largest shareholder in The SCO Group, Inc. Previously, he wasCEO of The Canopy Group, Inc.. [http://www.sco.com/company/execs/ryarro.html Official profile] at SCO.com.]Yarro is Founder/CEO and chairman of [http://www.thinkatomic.com/ ThinkAtomic] , Inc. an early stage venture accelerator and incubator of High Tech and Applied Sciences Companies. ThinkAtomic’s portfolio is always evolving and creating innovative companies like [http://www.surfrecon.com/ SurfRecon] , [http://www.voonami.com/ Voonami] , and [http://www.xymbiot.com/ Xymbiot] . He also operates [http://www.venturequest.com/ VenturQuest] , a venture lending and capital oragization. It has funded high tech ventures like: Alta Robbins, Content Watch, ClearPlay, Data Discovery and Gem4x.
From 1995 to 2004 he worked directly with Ray Noorda as part of the Noorda family companies, ultimately serving as president and CEO of The Canopy Group, Inc. He supported and/or served as Chairman, Board member, or Trustee of many of these companies, including: Altiris, Angel Partners, Arcanvs, Center/7, Caldera, Cogito, ClearStone, Cerberian, DeviceLogics, Direct Pointe, Digital Harbor, Data Crystal, Expressware, Embedix, Fat Pipe, Geolux, Helius, iArchive, Janus Logix, Keylabs, Learning Optics, Lineo, Linux Networx, Luxul, Maxstream, MTI, Mediphis, MyFamily.com, Net Schools, Nombas, North Face Learning, Perimeter Labs, Planet Earth Tools, Profit Pro, Power Innovations, Smart Bomb, Surf China, Traxess, Troll Tech, ViaWest, Vintela, Vinca, Vultus, WrenchHead, Willows, and many more.Fact|date=July 2008 His SCO holdings amount to about 5.621 million shares, or about 31.4% of SCO's common stock. [http://edgar.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1102542/000104746905007313/a2154189zsc13d.htm March 21, 2005 schedule 13D SEC filing] ]
SCO/Canopy lawsuit
In 2004-2005, Yarro was involved in a lawsuit. Yarro was fired for cause from his job as Director of the Canopy Group, along with two other Canopy executives, Darcy Mott (who had been the Chief Financial Officer) and Brent Christensen (who had been the corporate counsel), by the founders Raymond and Lewena Noorda. Yarro, Mott, and Christensen sued Canopy for USD$100,000,000, claiming they were "illegally ousted" [http://management.itmanagersjournal.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/30/0834245&tid=107&tid=84] by a group led by Val Noorda Kreidel, Raymond Noorda's daughter.
The Canopy Group (now run by William Mustard) countersued, claiming that Yarro had misappropriated $20,000,000.00 by "a series of self-dealing and wasteful transactions." On
March 8 ,2005 , the day before initial hearings, the suit was settled. [http://news.com.com/Settlement+leaves+SCO+board+intact/2100-1014_3-5611945.html Settlement leaves SCO baord intact] ] The private settlement resulted in Yarro gaining all of The Canopy Group's shares in The SCO Group, that Yarro, Mott, and Christensen would be paid an undisclosed sum of money, and that they had ceased to hold any interest in Canopy and had resigned from all positions there. [http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2005031202422897&query=val+noorda Groklaw - Canopy-Yarro-Noorda Etc. Statement on Settlement ] ]CP80
Yarro now (2006) spends most of his time fighting Internet pornography with
CP80 . He is pushing for [http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=817589 state legislation] to move all mature content to a different port than the standardHTTP port 80. On March 13, 2007, Utah Gov.Jon Huntsman Jr. [http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/213120/ held a ceremonial signing] of House Concurrent Resolution 3, which urged the U.S. Congress to pass stricter anti-Internet pornography legislation.The CP80 foundation, a longtime Internet pornography foe, was [http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/213120/ directly involved with the legislation.] Its Internet pornography solution is part of the resolution.
In April 2004, Yarro has been [http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660212991,00.html pushing for extending the legislation] making ISPs responsible for content on open wireless access ports. The plan is to give tax incentives to ISPs who co-operate and volunteer as "community-protectors". It has not been made clear who exactly sets the standards and who stands to benefit from deployment of approved technical filtering and a rating system. According to the [http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660212991,00.html Deseret News Article] Utah ISP representatives, such as [http://www.xmission.com XMission] owner
Pete Ashdown , are opposed to restricting their operations while their out of state competitors aren't restricted. In the same article, Ashdown also questioned why local ISPs should be singled out when other local businesses, such as local hotels, can freely show porn on adult channels.Yarro's Law
Starting in 2003, Yarro was asked by local groups and professionalsFact|date=July 2008 to help sponsor the development of a bill that would bring IP laws in the state of Utah current with those similar to California's. Attorney's and political experts were hired by Yarro to help develop the bill. A state bill (S.B. 239) [http://www.le.state.ut.us/~2004/bills/sbillenr/sb0239.htm] making intellectual property laws stricter, titled "The Unfair Competition Law", S.B 239 cleared the Utah legislature approval in thespring of 2004.
S.B. 239 has been applied retroactively [http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20070312233803831] by SCO's attorneys to the Santa Cruz - IBM Monterey agreement in the
SCO vs IBM case. The same bill has also been cited as by SCO's attorneys in the SCO vs Novell litigation. [http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2006042600285164]Political contributions
Yarro [http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/bystate_detail.php?st=UT&last=YARRO has contributed money] for the election committee of Senator
Orrin Hatch (R, Utah), and for the election ofChristopher Cannon (R, Utah). On one occasion, six separate contributions from six different people sharing the last name "Yarro" (First names: Ralph, Jackie, Riley, Tanner, Noah, Sydney) to Senator Orrin Hatch were made on August 30, 2006. On March 9, 2007, Yarro contributed toMitt Romney 's presidential campaign. After Romney dropped out Yarro contributed toJohn McCain 's presidential campaign.References
External links
* [http://www.forbes.com/finance/mktguideapps/personinfo/FromPersonIdPersonTearsheet.jhtml?passedPersonId=902028 Forbes profile]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.