Parmeniskos group

Parmeniskos group

Parmeniskos group is a conventional term distinguished by V.Grace (1956) to describe a type of pottery (amphorae) produced in Macedon during the 3rd century BC.The capital of Pella appears to be the epicenter for this group's production.Amphorae of this type were spread over the northern Aegean, Corinth, Troy and the Black Sea.

The group included the following potters:

*Ameinonikos polytonic|Ἀμεινόνικος
*Antidoros polytonic|Ἀντίδωρος
*Apollonios polytonic|Ἀπολλώνιος
*Aristophanes polytonic|Ἀριστοφάνης
*Bion polytonic|Βίων
*Demetrios polytonic|Δημήτριος
*Demotimos polytonic|Δημότιμος
*Dionysodoros polytonic|Διονυσόδωρος
*Euboulos polytonic|Εὔβουλος
*Eugeiton polytonic|Εὐγείτων
*Eukles polytonic|Εὐκλῆς
*Euphron polytonic|Εὔφρων
*Glaukos polytonic|Γλαῦκος
*Hegesinos polytonic|Ἡγησίνος
*Hippostratos polytonic|Ἱππόστρατος
*Kallimachos polytonic|Καλλίμαχος
*Kephisodoros polytonic|Κηφισόδωρος
*Kritolaos polytonic|Κριτόλαος
*Lysiponos polytonic|Λυσίπονος
*Mikion polytonic|Μικίων
*Nikios polytonic|Νίκιος
*Nikostratos polytonic|Νικόστρατος
*Pamphilos polytonic|Πάμφιλος
*Paramonos polytonic|Παράμονος
*Parmeniskos polytonic|Παρμενίσκος
*Phanolaos polytonic|Φανόλαος
*Poseidippos polytonic|Ποσείδιππος
*Rhoimisos polytonic|Ῥοίμισος
*Sopatros polytonic|Σώπατρος
*Sokrates polytonic|Σωκράτης
*Theodotos polytonic|Θεόδοτος
*Timainetos polytonic|Τιμαίνετος


*Pella ~ 300-200 BC Epigraphical Database [ SEG 50:613,1] till 50:614,2
*Google [ Parmeniskos group]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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