- ITU G.992.5
ITU G.992.5 is an ITU (
International Telecommunication Union ) standard, also referred to as ADSL2+ or ADSL2Plus.
Commercially it is notable for its maximum theoretical download speed of 24 Mbit/s.Technical information
ADSL2+ extends the capability of basic ADSL by doubling the number of downstream
bit s. The data rates can be as high as 24Mbit/s downstream and 1.4 Mbit/s upstream depending on the distance from the DSLAM to the customer's home.ADSL2+ is capable of doubling the frequency band of typical ADSL connections from 1.1 MHz to 2.2 MHz. This doubles the downstream data rates of the previous
ADSL2 standard of up to 12 Mbit/s, but like the previous standards will degrade from its peak bitrate after a certain distance.Also ADSL2+ allows port bonding. This is where multiple ports are physically provisioned to the end user and the total bandwidth is equal to the sum of all provisioned ports. So if 2 lines capable of 24 Mbit/s were bonded the end result would be a connection capable of 48 Mbit/s. Not all DSLAM Vendors have implemented this functionality. ADSL2+ port bonding is also known as g.998.x or g.Bond ADSL2 AnnexesADSL2 has multiple modes for DSL providers to offer better services for different needs. Below is a list of available features based on ADSL2 specs from the ITU standards.
ADSL2+ so far is available in the major cities of Belgium and some smaller ones.
[http://www.scarlet.be Scarlet] has ADSL2+ in its portfolio. The package is called Scarlet ADSL20. The download speed is capped at 20 Mbit/s and upload is as high as 1 Mbit/s.
[http://www.edpnet.be EDPNet] also offers ADSL2+. The Max24 Dyn and Max24 Fix subscriptions deliver speeds up to 24 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream.
[http://www.belcenter.com Belcenter] : The Max2+ subscriptions deliver speeds up to 20 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit/s upstream.
For all its ADSL products Belcenter is a wholeseller of Scarlet's ADSL network.
[http://www.e-leven.be E-Leven] offers an ADSL2+ subscription at 20 Mbit/s downstream and 1 Mbit upstream with 30 GB data volume included. For 9,90€ extra per month, the volume limit is lifted and a Fair Use Policy is applied. E-Leven's ADSL2+ offering is available only in areas where they have their own ADSL2+ DSLAMs.
[http://www.dommel.com Dommel] offers 3 new ADSL2+ subscriptions, with speeds up to 24 Mbit/s downstream and 3 Mbit upstream. As of January 21st, these products are available in the city center of Leuven. In the course of 2008 cityconnect products will become available in and around more Belgian large cities (such as Gent, Hasselt, Genk, Oostende, Liege, Charleroi, Antwerp, Mons, Brussels and Kortrijk).
[http://www.yabu.be Yabu ADSL] offers 3 ADSL2+ subscriptions (speeds up to 24 Mbit/s downstream and 3 Mbit upstream). These connections are available in
Leuven ,Kessel-Lo andSint-Truiden . The covering area will be expanded toAntwerp ,Berchem ,Genk ,Gent ,Hasselt ,Lier ,Mechelen andOstend in the summer of 2008. In the course of 2008 these connections will be available in more Belgian cities.Croatia
Croatia , ADSL2+ is offered by all service providers, with major ones beingT-Com ,OT - Optima telekom ,Amis Telekom ,Iskon andMetronet telekomunikacije . Currently all DSLAMs are capable of supporting ADSL2+ technology. The foremost reason for introduction of ADSL2+ was introduction of IPTV service by T-Com, which required major bandwidth increase.Czech Republic
Czech Republic theADSL /ADSL2 coverage is above 90%, however maximum attainable rate very varies. Unfortunately in some locations, and even in huge cities likePrague orBrno , there are some locations which can't handle more than 4Mbit/s because of telephone line's quality . Internet plans are following:Telefónica O2 Czech Republic - 8192/512 kbit/s for 399,- CZK (cca 16 EUR), 16384/768 kbit/s for 832,- CZK (cca 33 EUR).
There is also wholesale offer for alternative ISPs, unfortunately their offer is not very different from O2's so it's not very popular (less than 5% customers [http://www.dsl.cz/clanky-dsl/clanek-1134/600-000-ADSL-pripojek%3A-duvod-k-oslave%2C-nebo-ke-smutku%3F] )
More interesting are alternativeISP s which offers plan on their LLU [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_loop_unbundling] , then the price is sometimes almost half from O2's. However it's only available in very few cities with huge population. We've three LLU ISPs:
GTS Novera [http://www.gtsnovera.cz]
České Radiokomunikace [http://www.radiokomunikace.cz]
Volny/Telekom Austria Czech Republic [http://volny.cz]If you've a LLU available can be verified here [http://www.dsl.cz/adsl-internet?pct=dostupnost] and it also estimates maximum attainable speed.
Denmark , as of 2006, all major DSL providers offer ADSL2+, includingTele2 , TDC,Fullrate ,Cybercity and Perspektiv Broadband. As of 2007, approximately 90% of the country is covered, although maximum bandwidth (24 Mbit/s) is available in and around the cities, that is not classifieds as villages og less.50 Mbit has been introduced as of January 2008Estonia
ADSL2+ together with a triple play solution is deployed on a large scale by
Elion Enterprises Limited .Download speeds are, depending on package, up to 16 Mbit/s (8 Mbit/s when watching DTV) and upload speeds are up to 768 kbit/s.Amap detailing the availability of ADSL2+ has been made available [http://tv.elion.ee/leviala_kaart.html here] .ADSL2+ is also offered by Elisa Eesti AS. Speeds range from 5 Mbit/s to 24 Mbit/s.France
ADSL+2 (Free) : Upload up to 1024 kbit/s and download speed up to 24 Mbit/s. Triple-play offer (Internet, Phone, and Tv (about 300+ channels in SD and 10+ in HD)) thanks to their famous 'Freebox' modem.
ADSL2+ and triple play solutions are offered by the major DSL providers (including
Elisa Oyj andTeliaSonera ) in certain areas. Usually maximum download speed when using ADSL2+ is 24 Mbit/s and upload speed 1 Mbit/s.Germany
ADSL2/VDSL2 (Deutsche Telekom AG): Upload 10 mb/s and download speed up to 50 Mbit/s
ADSL2+ (Alice DSL/HanseNet): Upload up to 1024 kbit/s and download speed up to 24 Mbit/s
ADSL2+ (Arcor AG): Upload up to 800 kbit/s and download speed up to 16 Mbit/s
ADSL2+ (Deutsche Telekom AG): Upload 1,180 kbit/s and download speed up to 16 Mbit/s
ADSL2+ (QSC/Telefónica): Upload up to 1 Mbit/s and download up to 16 Mbit/s
ADSL2+ (1und1): Upload up to 1 Mbit/s and download speed up to 16 Mbit/s
ADSL2+ (Versatel): Upload up to 800 kbit/s and download speed up to 16 Mbit/s
ADSL2+ (Congstar): Upload up to 1,180 kbit/s and download speed up to 16 Mbit/s
ADSL2+ (Netcologne): Upload up to 1024 kbit/s and download speed up to 18 Mbit/sGreece
As of January 2007, most
DSL providers started offeringADSL2+ from their proprietary network.These are:
* Algonet [http://www.algonet.gr/] (Website in Greek only) - Offers Double Play services ("algonet DualPlay" [http://www.algonet.gr/site/main.php?mode=home.page&mid=9&pid=1] ) - Up to 24Mbit/s downstream, 1Mbit/s upstream
*Forthnet [http://www.forthnet.gr/templates/portalHomeEn.aspx?c=10002035] - Offers Double Play services ("Forthnet ADSL Economy" [http://www.forthnet.gr/templates/corporateProductsDetails2.aspx?c=10009640] and "Forthnet 2play" [http://www.forthnet.gr/templates/corporateProductsDetails2.aspx?c=10009586] ) - Up to 24Mbit/s downstream, 1Mbit/s upstream
* Hellas Online [http://www.hol.gr] (Website in Greek only) - Offers Double Play services ("hol double-play" [http://www.hol.gr/default.asp?pID=23&ct=3&itmID=50] ) - Up to 24Mbit/s downstream, 1Mbit/s upstream
*Net One [http://www.netone.gr/] (Website in Greek only) - Offers Double Play services ("Net One Για το Σπίτι" [http://www.netone.gr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26&Itemid=68&lang=iso-8859-7] ) - Up to 24Mbit/s downstream, 1Mbit/s upstream
*On Telecoms [http://www.ontelecoms.com/on/changeLanguageAction.do?tab=null&language=en&lastPath=/main.jsp?null] - Offers Triple Play services ("Όλα σε Ένα - All in One" [http://www.ontelecoms.com/on/residential/index.jsp?category=allinone] ) - Up to 16Mbit/s downstream
*Tellas [http://www.tellas.gr/default.asp?langid=2] (a subsidiaryWind Hellas ) - Offers Double Play services ("Tellas Double Play Best Price" [http://www.tellas.gr/default.asp?siteID=1&pageID=5&langID=2] and "Tellas Double Play Unlimited" [http://www.tellas.gr/default.asp?siteID=1&pageID=4&langID=2] ) - Up to 24Mbit/s downstream, 1Mbit/s upstream
*Vivodi [http://www.vivodi.gr/] (Website in Greek only) - Offers Triple Play services ("cableTV" [http://www.cabletv.gr/] ) - Up to 24Mbit/s downstream, 1Mbit/s upstream
* Vodafone [http://www.vodafone.gr/portal/client/cms/viewCmsPage.action?pageId=1032&request_locale=en] - Offers Double play services ("Vodafone Double Play Plus" [http://www.vodafone.gr/portal/client/cms/viewCmsPage.action?pageId=2453&request_locale=en] ) - Up to 24Mbit/s downstream, 1Mbit/s upstream
* ΟΤΕ [http://www.ote.gr/index_en.asp] - Offers Double play ("conn-x TALK" [http://english.oteshop.gr/page_content.asp?wid=456&hop=h] ) - Up to 24Mbit/s downstream, 1Mbit/s upstreamHungary
In Hungary, since mid-2006, multiple telecom companies have started offering ADSL2+ services. As of July 2007, T-Com, the biggest Hungarian ISP, is silently upgrading its customers' ADSL connections to ADSL2+, although with no speed changes.
Magnet Business [http://www.magnetbusiness.ie] has led the way with its ADSL2+ roll out over the incumbents (eircom) copper local loop. 10Mb Download and 1 Mb uploads is a typical offering for their Business Broadband. Major cities initially (Limerick, Dublin, Waterford, Portlaoise, Cork, and Galway) as Magnet rolls out its unbundled exchange project.Smart Telecom offer ADSL2+ products to residential customers who are connected to any of their growing network of unbundled exchanges. Currently the company have service in 37 Irish exchanges covering large areas of most of the major cities in Ireland. They have an entirely IP-based NGN (Next Generation Network ) built around Multiple Service Access NodesMSAN s and carrier grade VoIP, multimedia and other services are provided usingThomson SA Cirpack Softswitch technology. This equipment provides the end user with both high speed broadband internet access and normalPOTS service (i.e. a dial tone) all over the same entirely IP-based infrastructure.BT Ireland On 30th July 2008 BT Ireland launched 24Mb service on itsLLU exchanges.Italy
Tiscali [http://www.tiscali.it] is the only one offering theoretical 24 Mbit/s ADSL2+, althoughTelecom Italia ,Wind Telecomunicazioni and expeciallyFastweb [http://www.fastweb.it] are offering "real" 20 Mbit/s.Malta
GO [http://www.go.com.mt] As of July 2008, started to offer ADSL2+ speeds between 8 Mbit/s and 20 Mbit/s download speeds in direct competition with local cable internet supplier OnVol [http://www.onvol.net] . A number of lines are still using ITU G.992.1 Annex B but the company will upgrade the line on demand.The Netherlands
As of October 2005 several wholesale DSL providers ( [http://www.bbned.nl bbned] ,
Tiscali , [http://www.kpn-wholesale.com/ KPN Bitstream] ) have ADSL2+ coverage on more than 50% of fixed phone lines in the Netherlands. As of September 2007 coverage is optional for 75% of all landlines, with about 1% of all connections having the option for Annex M (newest DSLAMs).Norway
As of 2006, all major DSL providers in Norway offer ADSL2+, notable are [http://www.dataguard.no DataGuard] ,
Telenor ,Tele2 ,NextGenTel , Mimer and Ventelo.Portugal
Clix was the first operator providing ADSL2+ technology in 2005 , latter followed by Portugal Telecom brands and Vodafone.These operators offer Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s with 1 Mbit/s up.Clix and Portugal Telecom also offer a triple play solution (Telephone+Internet+TV) with TV over IP.
The biggest ADSL provider, Romtelecom (group of OTE) is deploying ADSL2+ mainly in larger cities. Their current broadband offer tops at 20 Mbit/s download 1 Mbit/s upload. The new ADSL2+ infrastructure is available since Q2 2008.
Jazztel : Was the first operator to provide the ADSL2+ technology.
Orange (former Wanadoo)
Tele2 España (bought by Vodafone in September 2007)Telefónica
Ya.com (bought by Orange on 2007)Turkey
ADSL2+ (Türk Telekom): Download speed up to 4 Mbit/s and Upload 1 Mbit/s for unlimited connection
ADSL2+ (TurboNet Broadband Co.) : Download speed up to 24 Mbit/s and Upload 2 Mbit/s for unlimited connection [http://www.turbo.net.tr]United Kingdom
In the UK, various companies are deploying ADSL2+.
BT Group , who own nearly all thePOTS infrastructure across the country plan to launch ADSL2+ based services from early 2008 as part of its21CN program to upgrade its core network. The first to market with an ADSL2+ product based on21CN areEntanet [http://www.enta.net/] .Alternative operators currently use
local loop unbundling to provide ADSL2+ lines. Therefore the availability is limited by the number of exchanges unbundled by each telecom operator in a certain area.Such operators include:
* AAISP [http://www.aaisp.net.uk/] have been trialling ADSL2+ since June and aim to launch services in September 2008.
* ADSL 24 [http://www.adsl24.co.uk] have launched their range of [products | http://adsl24.co.uk/broadband_24mb.php] based on theBT Group /Entanet network.
*Be Unlimited [http://www.bethere.co.uk] is rapidly expanding their service of up to 24 Mbit/s downstream and 2.5 Mbit/s upstream across the UK, and have recently overtaken Bulldog in number of unbundled exchanges. O2 [http://broadband.o2.co.uk] own Be Unlimited and also provide broadband using their network.
*Bulldog Broadband [http://www.bulldogbroadband.com] Provided an ADSL2+ service using the Cable and Wireless Network, however since Tiscali's takeover, no new customers can sign up for this service.
*Easynet now owned and sold by Sky [http://broadband.sky.com] is the largest ADSL2+ provider in the country with 1,154 exchanges unbundled as of October 2007.UK Online also use Easynet's backbone
* [http://www.cerberusnetworks.co.uk/int_internet.html Cerberus Networks] are providers of business-class ADSL2+ services in the UK. Services have up to 24 Mbit/s downstream line rates and 2.5 Mbit/s upstream.
*Virgin Media [http://www.virginmedia.co.uk] Now supports ADSL2+
*TalkTalk (Carphone Warehouse) uses ADSL2+ on their LLU enabled exchanges. However the service is currently capped at 8 Mbit/s downstream. As with all ISPs, the actual throughput speed obtained in practice is usually somewhat lower still.
*Eclipse Internet [http://www.eclipse.net.uk/] is currently trialling an ADSL2+ service to select customers. It is unknown at this time what the specifics of the trial involve, or how many exchanges are currently unbundled for the service, only that the full 24Mbit/s downstream will be available.
*Orange customers have reported the un-advertised introduction of ADSL2+ (and ADSL2) on LLU lines in some areas during April 2008, although speeds are currently capped at ADSLmax levels.*
O2 [http://www.o2.co.uk/] Provide an ADSL2+ service.*Zen Internet Ltd Provide a ADSL2+ service on their Rochdale LLU exchange.
North America
U.S and Canada
[http://www.cavtel.com Cavalier Telephone] is a CLEC operating in the Midwest, Mid Atlantic, and South East markets.
[http://www.g4communications.com G4 Communications] is the largest CLEC in New Hampshire has deployed ADSL2+ service throughout the State of New Hampshire at speeds up to 24 Mbit/s down with 1 Mbit/s up.
[http://www.cornerstonetelephone.com CornerStone Telephone] is one of the largest CLECs in New York and has deployed and operates a broadband network supporting ADSL2+ Annex L&M. CornerStone supports on-net customers in Eastern New York.
[http://www.launchnet.com LaunchNet] has deployed the service in 11 markets throughout the US with download speeds of 15.0 Mbit/s and upload speeds of 1.0 Mbit/s.
Covad has deployed services across several cities in theUnited States and now operates the largest ADSL2+ network in the country.BellSouth has deployed the service in limited areas of its 9 state region.BCE inc. - [http://www.bell.ca Bell Sympatico] Service is available in parts of Ontario and Quebec (primarily in the main cities), expanding to most of the DSL service area during 2008.
Bell Aliant - [http://www.aliant.ca] Service is available in selected areas of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador and Prince Edward Island, subject to market requirements and technical feasibility. [cite web | title = BELL ALIANT INDUSTRY ADVISORY| publisher = Bell Aliant | date =2007-03-16 | url =http://www.aliant.cdn-telco.com/atia-4m.htm | format = HTML | accessdate = 2008-03-22 ]VIC Communications - [http://www.vicip.ca] Service is available in selected areas of Ontario, subject to the market requirements and technical feasibility. ADSL2 is currently being deployed in select areas to offer IPTV delivery, and higher access speeds.TELUS in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada; have began the process of activating their networks (03/2007).[http://www.gwi.net GWI] has deployed the service in areas of Maine and New Hampshire.
[http://www.colbanet.com ColbaNet] has deployed the service in specific COs in Ontario and Quebec.
ADSL2+ DSLAM provided by [http://www.versatek.com Versa Technology][http://www.embarq.com Embarq] has deployed the first ADSL2+ speed of 10Mbit/s down with 1 Mbit/s up in the Las Vegas area starting on 17 September 2007, with other areas to follow as ADSL2+ capable equipment is available in nearly all Embarq service areas.
The independent telephone companies and rural carriers of North America probably have the highest total number of ADSL2+ subscribers collectively as they are currently using such technology to deliver the "triple play" voice, video and data services in order to compete with the
RBOC s and cable companies with theirILEC andCLEC footprint.Sogetel is one of the independent phone compagnie in Québec to use this to deliver Triple Play.Guatemala
Telgua in Guatemala has deployed services across Guatemala City and nearby zones, its deploying ADSL2+ in other cities and now operates the largest ADSL2+ network in the country. Deliver speeds capacity up to 1 Mbit/s downstream and 256 kbit/s upstream, with commercial at 512 kbit/s downstream and 128 kbit/s upstream.
Most of Australia's cities now have ADSL2+ enabled on their exchanges. ADSL2+ services are provided outside the regulated broadband requirement of the national provider
Telstra , so are enabled in areas primarily where there is high interest. Current service providers of ADSL2+ in Australia are:*
*Adam Internet
* [http://www.hotkey.net.au Hotkey Internet ]
*Primus Telecom
*Soul Pattinson Telecommunications
*Total Peripherals Group (TPG)
*TPG Internet
*TSN Communications
*Westnet In 2006,
Optus announced that it would sell its ADSL2+ network wholesale to other ISP providers. This is currently the most promising option for widespread coverage of ADSL2+ in Australia as the cost to service providers may be prohibitive with many ADSL2+DSLAM s in each exchange. This move may provide a much wider coverage with cooperation from participating providers.In 2007,
OPEL Networks was awarded government funding (which has since been withdrawn) to assist with a rollout of broadband in regional areas. Along with wireless broadband, the project will see the rollout of further ADSL2+DSLAM s to be made available on a wholesale basis. [cite web | title = Broadband Access and Choice for rural and regional Australia | publisher = OPEL / Elders | date =2007-06-18 | url = http://www.futuris.com.au/images/presentations/presentation_38.pdf | format = PDF | accessdate = 2007-07-14 ] The program was cancelled in April, 2008.In some areas where Telstra has rolled out ADSL 2 capabilities. They have created sub exchanges, such as the Kellyville exchange, which third party ISP have minimal ports to allow their customers ADSL 2 capabilities.
New Zealand
Telecom New Zealand deployed its first ADSL2+ exchange in March 2007, and started deploying more after consultation of locations. With the onset oflocal loop unbundling , competing Internet service providers such asihug and Orcon have also trialled ADSL2+DSLAM s in Telecom's exchanges.On 13 March 2008, Orcon [http://www.orcon.net.nz/informme/service,blog/category,19/item,547/ announced] that it was offering ADSL2+ services to the general public. A [http://www.orcon.net.nz/coverage/ coverage map] is also available for
Auckland suburbs.As of 24th April 2008 ADSL2+ is available to customers in certain areas of Greater Auckland, however, very few ISP's are currently offering ADSL2+ plans.
As of 2 August 2008 ADSL2+ in Christchurch, Halswell, connection off the Hillmorton Exchange. No announcement by Telecom.
You can check to see if ADSL2+ has been deployed at your exchange by visting this link [http://www.telecom.co.nz/adsltwoplus]
TE Data has announced the launch of ADSL2+ service with speeds up to 24Mbit/s and they have used their wide coverage all over Egypt in order to avail this service in 99% of the land lines, building on its unique relationship with Telecom Egypt and being the largest ISP in Egypt regarding the international bandwidth available, which was clear when it was the only operating ISP during the famous marine cable cut during February 2008. while LINKdotNET had deployed ADSL2+ on a normal copper line at 5 Mbit/s, 8 Mbit/s, 12 Mbit/s & 24 Mbyte/s being the first to offer beyond the 2 Mbit/s & also providing the highest in the country. LINKdotNET claims that it has "the fastest Internet access package in the Middle East". Currently, TE Data and LINKdotNET are the only providers who provide ADSL2+ in Egypt because of their use of Alcatel Dslams.
[http://www.ltt.ly LTT Company] has begun providing this service in September 2007, it works fine, but the speed has not been increased yet, it is still 256 kbit/s download, and about 128 kbit/s upload.
outh America
ADSL2+ (GVT - [http://www.gvt.com.br] ): Download speed up to 20 Mbit/s and Upload 1 Mbit/s - www.gvt.com.br
ADSL2+ (CTBC) : Download speed up to 20 Mbit/s and Upload 1 Mbit/s - www.ctbc.com.br
ADSL2+ (Sercomtel) : Download speed up to 20 Mbit/s and Upload 500 kbit/s - http://www.sercomtel.com.br
ADSL2+ (Brasil Telecom): Download speed up to 8Mbit/s and Upload 400kbit/s - www.brasiltelecom.com.br/turbo
ADSL2+ (Telefônica): Download speed up to 8Mbit/s and Upload up to 600kbit/s - www.speedy.com.br
[http://www.telsur.cl Telefonica del sur] Offers up to 20 Mbit/s, Video on demand, Digital Television and other products using ADSL2+ (G.992.5 Annex A).
[http://www.gtdmanquehue.cl GTD Manquehue] Offers up to 20 Mbit/s, Video on demand, Digital Television and other products using ADSL2+ (G.992.5 Annex A and M).
[http://www.une.com.co] UNE EPM telecomuniaciones Offers up to 4Mbit/s, IPTV using ADSL+2 (G.992.5 Annex A)
(By Mr Usman (NOC)/Asif Iqbal Ch)
[http://hri.net.pk] Habib Rafiq International stands proud as a pioneer in DSL data connectivity across Pakistan. Since January 2003, Habib Rafiq International has built an enviable national network by installing its equipment at different exchanges in six cities. Our major POP’s are present in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Karachi and Sialkot.
[http://dsl.net.pk] Micronet provides DSL services in Pakistan. Islamabad and Rawalpindi are the major cities covered by MBL.Micronet Broadband (Pvt) Ltd. (MBL) launched country's first Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) broadband Internet services in July, 2002.
[http://link.net.pk] LinkDotNet a project by Orascom also started its services in Pakistan in end of 2007.LINKdotNET introduces amazing DSL packages that couple quality service with greater speed at economical prices. This step was taken to promote broadband in Pakistan in order to provide affordable high speed DSL connectivity to everyone. The new packages offer data transfer speeds that range from 512 kbit/s to 2 Mbit/s.
[http://www.ptcl.com.pk] PTCL Pakistan's largest IP provider. PTCL is having the largest no. of Landline users and also 2 main optical fibers of Pakistan are owned be PTCL.
[http://www.Rahsa.ir Rahsa] , [http://www.shatel.ir/ Shatel] , [http://www.hamarasystem.net Hamara] and [http://www.datak-telecom.com Datak ] all provide ADSL2+ in Iran.
Ogero has started to deploy ADSL2+ in Lebanon in June 2007. Months after, it is still facing technical problems, and more than 3/4 of Lebanon is still not covered. The local incumbent telecom "Ogero" does not allow "fair competition" between providers because the state monopoly has the prices fixed. The cost of installation is around 55,000 L.L ($36.66) and the standard internet fee is 35,000 L.L ($23.33) at 128 kbit/s. Maximum speed obtainable with the ADSL 2+ in Lebanon is 1 Mbit/s download but that is divided between several users. Also download data is limited to around 5 GB per user on a 1 Mbit connection.Fact|date=December 2007
[BSNL] [http://www.bsnl.co.in] offers ADSL2+ Broadband under brand name DataOne with speeds up to 8 Mbit/s Download. MTNL offers ADSL2+ Broadband under the Triband brand name. Airtel has around 750K subscribers on a mix of ATM and ADSL2+.TTML and VSNL also provide ADSL2+ and speed is up to 2Mbit/s although telecoms and Internet service provider speed claims have regularly proved false. India has over 2.5 million DSL subscribers, 80% of which are on the ADSL2+ standard. In India, ADSL2+ will need to compete with the home grown and government supported
HDVSL standard which supports 36 Mbit/s download speeds.Hong Kong
Hong Kong's largest
internet service provider "Netvigator " provides 18 Mbit/s downstream (1 Mbit/s upstream) of ADSL2+ broadband Internet connection.Nepal
NEPAL TELECOM is constructing ADSL Network to provide broadband services to its Land Line customers. The network will be constructed in different phases, with 22000 ADSL 2+ Ports in the Kathmandu valley in the first phase. Initially, services like High Speed Internet and Virtual Private Network (VPN) shall be available at affordable costs to its valued customers through this network. In due time new services like IPTV and Video on Demand (VOD) services can also be made available through this network.
Nepal Telecom started ADSL service on May 1, 2008.
[http://www.ntc.net.np/adsl/adsl_intro.php Nepal Telecom ADSL Link]Oman
[http://omantel.net.om/services/residential/internet/adsl.asp Omantel] company provides ADSL2+ in Oman. Starting on April 27, 2008 to be the first telecommunication company that provides ADSL+ in the Gulf region.
ee also
*List of device bandwidths References
External links
* [http://www.tracespan.com TraceSpan Communications - ADSL Xpert]
* [http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-G.992.5/en ITU-T Recommendation G.992.5: Asymmetric Digital SubscriberLine (ADSL) transceivers - Extended bandwidth ADSL2 (ADSL2+)]
* [http://www.dslprime.com/a/adsl21.pdf ADSL2 & ADSL2+ White Paper] (PDF) (Aware)
* [http://www.bethere.co.uk/showRollOutExchange.do Be There Current Coverage]
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