Purbaya Polytechnic Institute

Purbaya Polytechnic Institute

Infobox University
name = Purbaya Polytechnic Insitute
native_name = Politeknik Purbaya Kabupaten Tegal

image_size = 200 x 200
caption =
latin_name =
motto =
mottoeng =
established = September 232002
closed =
type = Private
affiliation =
endowment =
officer_in_charge =
chairman =
chancellor =
president =
vice-president =
superintendent =
provost =
vice_chancellor =
rector =
principal =
dean =
director = Ir. Hadi Sasmito
head_label =
head =
faculty = 25
staff = 7
students = 49
undergrad =
postgrad =
doctoral =
other = 49 vocational education
city = Tegal Regency
state =
province = Central Java
country = Indonesia
coor = coord|12.345|-98.765|display=inline,title|type:edu
campus =
former_names =
free_label =
free =
sports = badminton
colors =
colours =
nickname = Purbayatech
mascot =
athletics =
affiliations = APTISI
website = http://www.purbaya.ac.id

footnotes =

Purbaya Polytechnic Institute (Purbayatech), officially named as Politeknik Purbaya Kabupaten Tegal, is a private polytechnic located in Tegal Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The polytechnic offers three-year vocational education in mechanical engineering, and information system. As a non-degree educational institution, Purbayatech is authorized to award its graduate an "Ahli Madya" (A.Md) vocational title, phrase in Indonesian which has mean "middle-level expert".

Named after Raden Purbayasa, the first Head of Tegal Regency, the polytechnic established in 2002 under patronage of Yayasan Pertiwi Kabupaten Tegal (Pertiwi Foundation). At the same year, Minister of National Education, by Decision Letter No. 208/D/O/2002, granted the polytechnic operating permit. At April 30, 2008, Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education extended the operating permit by publishing Decision Letter No. 1433/D/T/2008 and 1434/D/T/2008, which are addressed to Mechanical Engineering Study Program and Information System Study Program, respectively. Both of those letters are applying until April 30, 2011.

Programs of Study

The Purbayatech offers non-degree studies in :
*Mechanical engineering with a focus in mechanical systems design
*Information systems with a focus in free / open-source software based Information systems


Tegal has a long time reputation as center of plate metalworking home industries. However, the industries were run traditionally.

Free / Open-Source Software Based Education Policy

Since January 2007, Purbayatech started to implement free / open-source (FOSS) technology into its whole academic and administrative activities.

List of FOSS that being used are:
*Algorithm and Data Structure Laboratory : Java
* C compiler : GCC
* Technical / Engineering Drawing : qCAD community edition
*Numerical computations : Scilab
*Office suite : OpenOffice.org
*Operating system : GNU/Linux
*Solid modeling : Blender
*Web browser : Mozilla Firefox
*Web programming : PHP
*Web Server Configuration Training : Apache

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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